

Traducciones detalladas de burble de inglés a alemán


burble [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the burble (empty talk; balderdash; twaddle; )
    Geschwätz; Geplapper; die Schwatzerei; Gerede; Klatschen; der Schwatz; Geklatsch; Gefasel; Getratsch; Geleier

Translation Matrix for burble:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Gefasel balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle babble; baloney; beefing; bleating; cackling; chatter; claptrap; folly; gabble; humbug; jabber; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle; yacking
Geklatsch balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle babble; backbiting; blasphemy; cackling; chat; chatter; claptrap; defamation; gabble; gossip; jabber; mudslinging; nonsense; profanity; rubbish; rumor; rumour; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; small talk; talk; talking; tattle; tittle-tattle; vilification; yacking
Geleier balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle babble; beefing; bleating; cackling; chatter; claptrap; fight; flutter; gabble; game of rough-and-tumble; harping on; jabber; moaning; nagging; romp; romping; yacking
Geplapper balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle babble; baloney; blah; bunkum; cackling; chat; chatter; claptrap; folly; gabble; gabbling; gaggle; gaggling; gibberish; humbug; jabber; jaw; nonsense; piffle; slander; slipslop; talkee-talkee; tattle; tittle-tattle; twaddle; wishwash; yacking
Gerede balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle babble; backbiting; baloney; blah; blasphemy; bunkum; cackling; chat; chatter; claptrap; defamation; folly; gabble; gossip; humbug; jabber; jaw; mudslinging; nonsense; piffle; profanity; rumor; rumour; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; slipslop; small talk; talk; talkee-talkee; talking; tattle; tittle-tattle; twaddle; vilification; wishwash; yacking
Geschwätz balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle babble; backbiting; baloney; blah; blasphemy; bunkum; cackling; chat; chatter; claptrap; defamation; dragging about; fight; folly; gabble; gabbling; gaggle; gaggling; game of rough-and-tumble; gibberish; gossip; humbug; jabber; jaw; mudslinging; nonsense; piffle; profanity; romp; romping; rubbish; rumor; rumour; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; slipslop; small talk; talk; talkee-talkee; talking; tattle; tittle-tattle; twaddle; vilification; wishwash; yacking
Getratsch balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle babble; backbiting; blah; blasphemy; braggart; bunkum; chat; chats; claptrap; defamation; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; gossip; jaw; mudslinging; profanity; romp; romping; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; slipslop; small talk; swaggerer; talkee-talkee; talking; tittle-tattle; vilification; wishwash
Klatschen balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle backbiting; chat; defamation; gossip; mudslinging; profanity; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; sloshing; splashing; splitting; tattle taling; telling of tales; vilification
Schwatz balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle backbiting; chat; defamation; gossip; mudslinging; profanity; rumor; rumour; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; talk; vilification
Schwatzerei balderdash; baloney; bull; burble; drivel; empty talk; gibberish; hot air; jabber; jaw; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; twaddle; waffle
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- babble; bubble; guggle; gurgle; ripple

Palabras relacionadas con "burble":

  • burbles

Sinónimos de "burble":

Definiciones relacionadas de "burble":

  1. flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise1

Wiktionary: burble

Cross Translation:
burble rauschen; plätschern gazouiller — Bruit que font les petits ruisseaux en coulant sur les cailloux.

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