
Traducciones detalladas de fuss de inglés a alemán


fuss [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the fuss (noise; sound)
  2. the fuss
    der Schnickschnack; der Unsin; die Fussel; der Mischmasch
  3. the fuss
    der Betrieb; Getreibe; der Trubel; Gewirr; der Tumult
  4. the fuss (commotion; ado; song and dance; to-do)
    die Aufregung; aufheben
  5. the fuss (commotion; bustle; hubbub; din)
    der Krakeel
  6. the fuss (argy-bargy; stir; commotion; squabbling; hubble-bubble)
    Gezänk; Durcheinander; die Scherrerei
  7. the fuss (ballyhoo)
    die Betriebsamkeit; Treiben; der Trubel; die Hektik; Gedränge; Gewirr; Gewühl; die Geschäftigkeit; Gewimmel; die Emsigkeit
  8. the fuss (bother; hassle; mess)
    die Mühe; der Umstände; der Kram; Getue; die viel Mühe
  9. the fuss (chicane)
    die Schikane; Schinanieren
  10. the fuss (trouble making; hassle; chicanery)
    die Unannehmlichkeit; der Kummer; die Schwierigkeit; der Ärger; der Schlamassel; Ungemach; die Unbequemlichkeit; die Last; die Scherereien; Ärgernis; die Schererei; die Lästigkeit
  11. the fuss (cumbrousness; prolixity)
    die Weitschweifigkeit; die Umständlichkeit

Translation Matrix for fuss:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Aufregung ado; commotion; fuss; song and dance; to-do agitation; commotion; disorder; disturbance; highly strung; interference; jittery; nervousness; sensation; shake up; trouble; turbulence; turmoil; unrest; upheaval
Betrieb fuss business; clamor; clamour; company; concern; cooperation; corporation; enterprise; factory; firm; flow; house; hubbub; hullabaloo; industry; influx; noise; partnership; plant; racket; rush; shop; squash; stampede; trading company; trading partnership; tumult; tumultuousness; venture
Betriebsamkeit ballyhoo; fuss activity; agitation; bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; noise; pandemonium; racket; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; unrest; uproar
Durcheinander argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir absence of order; blend; blending; bungle; bungling; caboodle; chaos; confused heap; confusion; crisscross; debris; disarray; disorder; hash; heap; jumble; mayhem; maze; mess; messy performance; mingling; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter
Emsigkeit ballyhoo; fuss activity; assiduity; bedlam; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; diligence; diligentness; din; fervor; fervour; haste; hastiness; hubbub; hullabaloo; hurry; industriousness; industry; noise; overhaste; pandemonium; racket; rush; tirelessness; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar; zeal
Fussel fuss
Gedränge ballyhoo; fuss agitation; bedlam; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; flow; gathering; group; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; influx; noise; pandemonium; pushing; racket; rush; squash; stampede; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; unrest; uproar
Geräusch fuss; noise; sound buzzing; humming; rustle; rustling; tingling
Geschäftigkeit ballyhoo; fuss activity; agitation; assiduity; bedlam; bustle; capacity for work; clamor; clamour; commotion; diligence; diligentness; din; energy; fervor; fervour; hubbub; hullabaloo; industriousness; industry; noise; pandemonium; productivity; racket; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; unrest; uproar; work force; zeal
Getreibe fuss bedlam; burrowing; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; drudgery; flow; group; grubbing; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; influx; noise; pandemonium; racket; rooting; rush; squash; stampede; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Getue bother; fuss; hassle; mess ado; artificiality; bedlam; bother; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; fuzz; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; huzza; mannerism; mess; noise; pandemonium; racket; rumpus; to-do; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Gewimmel ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; noise; pandemonium; racket; swarming; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Gewirr ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; bustle; chaos; clamor; clamour; commotion; confusion; crisscross; crowd; din; disorder; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; noise; pandemonium; racket; tangle; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar; welter
Gewühl ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; burrowing; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; drudgery; gathering; group; grubbing; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; noise; pandemonium; racket; rooting; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Gezänk argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; romp; romping; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
Hektik ballyhoo; fuss agitation; arousal; drive; energy; gin; hectics; impetus; jenever; momentum; soul; spirit; spunk; strength; stress; thoroughness; turbulence; unrest
Krakeel bustle; commotion; din; fuss; hubbub arguing; quibbling
Kram bother; fuss; hassle; mess bag and baggage; caboodle; chaos; fake art; frills; fuss and bother; hash; hotchpotch; jumble; junk; kitsch; knickknacks; mayhem; medley; mess; mishmash; muddle; rubbish; to-do; trash
Kummer chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making afflictions; dejection; depression; distress; grief; melancholy; misery; mournfulness; pain; regret; sadness; sorrow; sorrows; wistfulness
Last chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making burden; burdens; cargo; circulation; cross; difficulty; impression; print; shape of a cross; weight
Lästigkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making difficulty; inconvenience; nuisance; trouble
Mischmasch fuss bag and baggage; caboodle; chaos; crisscross; hotchpotch; jumble; lumber; medley; mishmash; muddle; omnium gatherum; tangle
Mühe bother; fuss; hassle; mess distress; grief; misery; pain; pains; sadness; sorrow; strain; worry
Schererei chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; chagrin; difficulty; discomfort; hitch; mess; messing about; miseries; problem; problems; trouble; troubles; vexation
Scherereien chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making ado; annoyance; bother; chagrin; difficulty; fuzz; huzza; mess; miseries; problem; problematical case; problems; rumpus; to-do; troubles; vexation
Scherrerei argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir
Schikane chicane; fuss pettifoggery; quibble
Schinanieren chicane; fuss
Schlamassel chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making beastliness; discomforts; distress; misery; misfortune; problems; sorrow; squalor; trouble; troubles
Schnickschnack fuss baubles; fake art; frills; gewgaws; junk; kitsch; knickknacks; trash; trinkets
Schwierigkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making a tricky question; austerity; complication; difficulty; discomforts; inconvenience; laboriousness; misery; nuisance; problem; problematical case; problems; rigidity; severity; starkness; sternness; stiffness; strictness; task; troubles
Treiben ballyhoo; fuss activity; bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; drifting; floating; hubbub; hullabaloo; messy performance; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; raid; round-up; sea; swell; swinging; swoop; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Trubel ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; pandemonium; racket; roar; rumor; rumour; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Tumult fuss clamor; clamour; commotion; din; disturbance; fisticuffs; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; roar; rumor; rumour; sea; swell; swinging; tumult; tumultuousness
Umstände bother; fuss; hassle; mess situation; states
Umständlichkeit cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity cumbrousness; lengthiness; long-windedness
Unannehmlichkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; beastliness; chagrin; difficulty; distress; inconvenience; nuisance; trouble; vexation
Unbequemlichkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making difficulty; inconvenience; nuisance
Ungemach chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making inconvenience; nuisance
Unsin fuss
Weitschweifigkeit cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity cumbrousness; lengthiness; long-windedness
aufheben ado; commotion; fuss; song and dance; to-do
viel Mühe bother; fuss; hassle; mess
Ärger chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; annoyances; chagrin; drag; grumpiness; inconvenience; indignation; irritability; irritation; irritations; nuisance; peevishness; pique; spite; surliness; testiness; tetchiness; vexation
Ärgernis chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; chagrin; complaint; drag; inconvenience; irritability; irritation; nuisance; pique; vexation
- ado; bicker; bickering; bother; bustle; dither; flap; flurry; hassle; hustle; pettifoggery; pother; spat; squabble; stir; tiff; tizzy; trouble
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aufheben abolish; annul; archivate; break up; build; cancel; clean; clear away; collect; conserve; disband; dissolve; document; erect; establish; file; gather; glean; guard from; heave; keep; lay; lift; lift up; melt away; neutralise; neutralize; nullify; organise; organize; pay for; pay off; pick up; place; preserve; put; put away; put down; raise; rescind; save; set up; shield; shut down; store; tidy up; undo; unhitch; unpick
- fret; mother; niggle; overprotect

Palabras relacionadas con "fuss":

  • fusses

Sinónimos de "fuss":

Definiciones relacionadas de "fuss":

  1. a rapid active commotion1
  2. a quarrel about petty points1
  3. an angry disturbance1
    • he didn't want to make a fuss1
  4. an excited state of agitation1
  5. worry unnecessarily or excessively1
    • don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now1
  6. care for like a mother1
    • She fusses over her husband1

Wiktionary: fuss

  1. excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something
  1. (intransitiv) laute, störende Geräusche verursachen
  1. (umgangssprachlich) oftmals abwertend: Aufhebens, Gebaren
  2. umgangssprachlich, pejorativ: unnötiger Aufwand
  3. umgangssprachlich, abwertend: für Nebenumstände, Überflüssiges, unnützer Aufwand, Getue
  4. -

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de fuss


Traducciones detalladas de fuss de alemán a inglés


Fuß [der ~] sustantivo

  1. der Fuß
    the foot; the human foot; the pes
    – the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint 1
    • foot [the ~] sustantivo
      • his bare feet projected from his trousers1
      • armored from head to foot1
    • human foot [the ~] sustantivo
    • pes [the ~] sustantivo

Translation Matrix for Fuß:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
foot Fuß Fußende; Füßchen; Pfote
human foot Fuß
pes Fuß
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
foot vertikal addieren

Sinónimos de "Fuß":

  • Käsemauke; Mauke; Quadratlatsche; Standvorrichtung

Wiktionary: Fuß

  1. kurz für: Versfuß
  2. unterer tragender Teil von aufragenden, aufrecht stehenden Dingen, Gegenständen
  3. nur Singular: veraltete Maßeinheit
  4. ein paariger Körperteil beim Menschen und höher entwickelten Spezies, unterer Teil des Beines
  1. unit of measure (jump)
  2. bottom of anything (jump)
  3. part of human body (jump)

Cross Translation:
Fuß foot voet — oude lengtemaat
Fuß foot voet — voortzetting van het been beneden de enkel
Fuß foot; paw patte — anatomie|fr membre d’un animal quadrupède, d’un oiseau (à l’exception des oiseaux de proie), de certains animaux aquatiques, comme l’écrevisse, le homard, etc., et des insectes, comme l’araignée, la mouche, etc.
Fuß foot; feet; paw pied — anatomie|fr partie du corps humain située à l’extrémité des jambes.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de fuss