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Traducciones detalladas de statement de inglés a alemán


statement [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the statement (announcement; message; report; piece of news)
    die Mitteilung; die Meldung; die Erwähnung; Bericht; die Botschaft; die Verzeichnung; die Ansprache; die Verlautbarung; die Bekanntgabe; die Bekanntmachung
  2. the statement (announcement; notification)
    die Erklärung; die Anzeige; die Mitteilung; die Meldung; die Aussage; die Darlegung; der Bericht; die Bekanntgabe; Anzeigen; die Information; der Ausspruch; die Aussprache
  3. the statement (assertion)
    die Aufstellung; die These; die Behauptung; die Feststellung
  4. the statement
    die Anordnung; die Verordnung; die Setzung; die Bestimmung; die Satzung; die Regel
  5. the statement (charge; report)
    die Anzeige; Strafmandat
  6. the statement (expression; phrase; saying; )
    der Ausdruck; Sprichwort; die Formulierung; die Bezeichnung; die Redensart; die Redewendung
  7. the statement (summary; list)
    die Aufzählung
  8. the statement (task; assignment; problematical case; )
    die Aufgabe
  9. the statement (assertion; claim; assert)
    Angeben; die behauptung
  10. the statement (note; annotation; scribble; )
    die Notiz; die Aufzeichnung; der Vermerk; die Annotation; die Eintragung
  11. the statement (expression of opinion; declaration; utterance; )
    die Meinungsäußerung; die Äußerung
  12. the statement (action statement)
    – The smallest executable entity within a programming language. 1
    die Anweisung
  13. the statement (account statement)
    – A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities. 1
  14. the statement (financial statement)
    – A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities. 1
  15. the statement
    – A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities. 1
    der Auszug
  16. the statement
    – A compiled T-SQL query. 1
    die Anweisung

Translation Matrix for statement:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Angeben assert; assertion; claim; statement splitting; tattle taling; telling of tales
Annotation annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement annotation; foot-note
Anordnung statement adjustment; arrangement; availability; building; by-law; classification; construction; decision; decision of the town council; decree; defining; determination; discipline; disposition; docility; establishment; fixing; instructions; issuing of rules; marshalling; obedience; ordinance; position; prescription; ranging; recommendation; regulation; regulations; rules; settlement; submission; tuning
Ansprache announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement address; speech
Anweisung action statement; statement assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth
Anzeige announcement; charge; notification; report; statement ad; advert; advertisement; advertising; advertizement; advertizing; announcing; annunciator; declaration; display; display device; symptom
Anzeigen announcement; notification; statement applying; applying for something; asking for; indicating; pointing out; requesting; showing
Aufgabe assignment; problem; problematical case; problems; question; statement; summary; task To Do; action; capitulation; chore; delivery; feat of strength; hobby; job; labour of Hercules; pastime; principal theme; resignation; supplies; supply; task; to-do; to-do item; topic
Aufstellung assertion; statement arrangement; building; classification; construction; denomination; disposition; frame work; list; marshalling; name; position; printing of a story; ranging; record; report; schedule; specification; table; term; title
Aufzeichnung annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement chit; notation; note; record; recording; report; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; transcript
Aufzählung list; statement; summary addition; bulleted list; count; list; record; report; schedule; sum; table; total amount
Ausdruck expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase designation; expression; expressions; facial expression; foreword; hard copy; idiom; introduction; introductory remarks; look; name; preamble; preface; print; print-out; prologue; term; vocabulary
Aussage announcement; notification; statement clarification; clearing; communication; decisive answer; definite answer; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice
Aussprache announcement; notification; statement articulation; cathedral; chat; clarification; clearing; communication; conversation; debate; discussion; elucidation; enlightenment; enunciation; explaining; explanation; information; judgement; notice; pronunciation; sustenance; talk; verdict
Ausspruch announcement; notification; statement judgement; quote; sentence; verdict
Auszug statement abstract; city plan; exodus; floor-plan; groundplan; map; plan; recapitulation; sketch of the situation; street map; summary; synopses; town-map
Behauptung assertion; statement posing; postulate; premise; presupposition; thesis
Bekanntgabe announcement; message; notification; piece of news; report; statement announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; declaration; disclosure; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; expression; information; notice; notification; proclamation; promulgation; publication; publicity; utterance
Bekanntmachung announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement acquaintance; announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; declaration; decree; disclosure; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; getting acquainted with; information; notice; notification; proclamation; promulgation; publication; publicity; subpoena; summons
Bericht announcement; message; notification; piece of news; report; statement account; announcement; composition; concert; intelligence; message; news; paper; piece of news; recital; report; tidings
Bestimmung statement agreement; approval; by-law; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; decision; decision of the town council; decree; defining; destination; determination; discipline; establishment; fixing; make a compromise; objective; ordinance; permission; prescription; recommendation; regulation; regulations; rules; settlement; submission; terminal; terminus; ultimate destination
Bezeichnung expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase better picture; closer description; depiction; designation; formulation; label; name; picture; portrayal; predicate; term; title; wording
Botschaft announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement embassy
Darlegung announcement; notification; statement clarification; clearing; communication; concert; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; interpretation; notice; recital
Eintragung annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement applying; enlistment; enrollment; enrolment; entry; note; recording; registration; reservation; scrawl; scribble; scribbling
Erklärung announcement; notification; statement clarification; clearing; communication; decisive answer; definite answer; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; expression; information; interpretation; notice; reading; utterance; version
Erwähnung announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement
Feststellung assertion; statement concluding observations; concluding remarks; conclusion; in conclusion; termination
Finanzaufstellung financial statement; statement
Formulierung expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase articulation; formulation; judgement; verdict; wording
Information announcement; notification; statement Informational; announcement; announcements; clarification; clearing; communication; data; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; expression; information; informing; notice; notification; report; utterance
Kontoauszug account statement; statement
Meinungsäußerung comment; declaration; expression of opinion; letting out; remark; statement; utterance idea; judgement; opinion; view
Meldung announcement; message; notification; piece of news; report; statement announcement; declaration; disclosure; intelligence; journal; magazine; message; monthly; monthly magazine; news; periodical; piece of news; proclamation; publication; publicity; report; tidings; weekly
Mitteilung announcement; message; notification; piece of news; report; statement announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; declaration; disclosure; elucidation; enlightenment; enunciation; explaining; explanation; expression; information; notice; proclamation; pronunciation; publication; publicity; utterance
Notiz annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement business note; certificate; chit; note; price; quotation; rate; report; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; stock price; value
Redensart expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase expression; expressions; facial expression; idiom; look; vocabulary
Redewendung expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase expression; facial expression; formulation; look; rhetorical expression; saying; wording
Regel statement basic rule; by-law; decision; defining; determination; discipline; filter; fixing; illness; maxim; nausea; ordinance; principle; regulation; regulations; rottenness; rule; rule of life; rules; sickness; submission
Satzung statement prescription; recommendation; regulation
Setzung statement composing works; printing works
Sprichwort expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase expression; expressions; facial expression; idiom; look; proverb; vocabulary
Strafmandat charge; report; statement fine; monetary penalty; penal mandate
These assertion; statement posing; postulate; premise; presupposition; thesis
Verlautbarung announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement announcement; declaration; disclosure; proclamation; publication; publicity
Vermerk annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement certificate; characterizing someone; chit; identification mark; licence number; licence plate; mark; note; number plate; registration number; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
Verordnung statement availability; by-law; decision; decision of the town council; decree; defining; determination; discipline; docility; establishment; fixing; obedience; ordinance; prescription; recommendation; regulation; regulations; rules; submission
Verzeichnung announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement
behauptung assert; assertion; claim; statement
Äußerung comment; declaration; expression of opinion; letting out; remark; statement; utterance enunciation; expression; facial expression; look; pronunciation; utterance
- affirmation; argument; assertion; bank statement; command; financial statement; instruction; program line
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Bericht report
Erklärung Explain text
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- advancing; declaration

Palabras relacionadas con "statement":

Sinónimos de "statement":

Definiciones relacionadas de "statement":

  1. a document showing credits and debits2
  2. (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program2
  3. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true2
  4. a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc2
    • according to his statement he was in London on that day2
  5. a nonverbal message2
    • a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are2
    • his tantrums are a statement of his need for attention2
  6. (music) the presentation of a musical theme2
    • the initial statement of the sonata2
  7. the act of affirming or asserting or stating something2
  8. The smallest executable entity within a programming language.1
  9. A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities.1
  10. A compiled T-SQL query.1

Wiktionary: statement

  1. computing: instruction in a computer program
  2. -
  1. Veröffentlichung einer Information
  2. Urteil von einem Fachmann oder Sachverständigen, zu einer bestimmten Frage oder einem Sachverhalt auf seinem Fachgebiet
  3. Recht: Erklärung vor Gericht
  4. allgemein: Aussage, Behauptung

Cross Translation:
statement Erklärung verklaring — plechtige bekendmaking

statement forma de state:

state [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the state (condition; position; situation)
    der Zustand; die Kondition; die Beschaffenheit; der Gemütszustand
  2. the state (situation)
    der Zustand; die Kondition; die Verfassung; die Beschaffenheit
  3. the state (nation; country; empire; kingdom)
    Land; der Staat; Reich; die Nation
    • Land [das ~] sustantivo
    • Staat [der ~] sustantivo
    • Reich [das ~] sustantivo
    • Nation [die ~] sustantivo
  4. the state (status)
    – The condition at a particular time of any of numerous elements of computing--a device, a communications channel, a network station, a program, a bit, or other element--used to report on or to control computer operations. 1
    der Zustand; der Status
  5. the state
    – The activity level of an account or a business contact; possible values are 'active' or 'inactive'. 1
    der Status
  6. the state
    – The overall nature and appearance of an object captured within a moment in time. 1
    der Zustand
  7. the state
    – The period of time during which an actor exhibits a particular behavior. 1
    der Zustand
  8. the state
    – In a statechart or activity diagram, a condition during which an object satisfies a condition, performs an action, or waits for an event. 1
    der Zustand

to state verbo (states, stated, stating)

  1. to state (report; inform; announce)
    melden; berichten; mitteilen; erläutern; meldungmachen; wiedergeben; sagen
    • melden verbo (melde, meldst, meldt, meldte, meldtet, gemeldet)
    • berichten verbo (berichte, berichtest, berichtet, berichtete, berichtetet, berichtet)
    • mitteilen verbo (teile mit, teilst mit, teilt mit, teilte mit, teiltet mit, mitgeteilt)
    • erläutern verbo (erläutere, erläuterst, erläutert, erläuterte, erläutertet, erläutert)
    • wiedergeben verbo (gebe wieder, gibst wieder, gibt wieder, gab wieder, gabt wieder, wiedergegeben)
    • sagen verbo (sage, sagst, sagt, sagte, sagtet, gesagt)
  2. to state (proclaim; announce; declare; expound)
    verkündigen; proklamieren; verkünden
    • verkündigen verbo (verkündige, verkündigst, verkündigt, verkündigte, verkündigtet, verkündigt)
    • proklamieren verbo (proklamiere, proklamierst, proklamiert, proklamierte, proklamiertet, proklamiert)
    • verkünden verbo (verkünde, verkündest, verkündet, verkündete, verkündetet, verkündet)
  3. to state (make one's opinion known; announce; impart; )
    erklären; sein Meinung geben

Conjugaciones de state:

  1. state
  2. state
  3. states
  4. state
  5. state
  6. state
simple past
  1. stated
  2. stated
  3. stated
  4. stated
  5. stated
  6. stated
present perfect
  1. have stated
  2. have stated
  3. has stated
  4. have stated
  5. have stated
  6. have stated
past continuous
  1. was stating
  2. were stating
  3. was stating
  4. were stating
  5. were stating
  6. were stating
  1. shall state
  2. will state
  3. will state
  4. shall state
  5. will state
  6. will state
continuous present
  1. am stating
  2. are stating
  3. is stating
  4. are stating
  5. are stating
  6. are stating
  1. be stated
  2. be stated
  3. be stated
  4. be stated
  5. be stated
  6. be stated
  1. state!
  2. let's state!
  3. stated
  4. stating
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for state:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Beschaffenheit condition; position; situation; state condition; form; quality; shape
Gemütszustand condition; position; situation; state frame of mind; mental condition; mental state; mood; state of mind
Kondition condition; position; situation; state condition; criterion; form; shape
Land country; empire; kingdom; nation; state countryside; land; landscape; native country; scenery
Nation country; empire; kingdom; nation; state nation; native country; people
Reich country; empire; kingdom; nation; state kingdom; realm
Staat country; empire; kingdom; nation; state State; authorities; government; public authorities
Status state; status approval status; availability; online status; payment status; social standing; social status; status
Verfassung situation; state aspect; basic rule; build; condition; constitution; figure; form; frame; fundamental law; lay-out; location; physique; position; shape; situation; stature; system
Zustand condition; position; situation; state; status aspect; lay-out; location; position; situation
- body politic; commonwealth; country; land; nation; province; res publica; state of matter
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
berichten announce; inform; report; state blab; chat; chatter; have a conversation; narrate; rattle; relate; report; speak; talk; tell
erklären announce; communicate; impart; inform; intimate; make one's opinion known; state clarify; describe; elucidate; exemplify; explain; expound; illustrate; list; make clear; make explicit; make something accessible; make something clear; mention; reproduce; throw light on
erläutern announce; inform; report; state clarify; explain; make clear; make explicit; make something accessible; make something clear
melden announce; inform; report; state announce; apply; declare; enrol for; give; inform; list; mention; narrate; register; report; report oneself; tell
meldungmachen announce; inform; report; state
mitteilen announce; inform; report; state blab; cover; define; denounce; depict; describe; disclose; explain; expound; express; express oneself; give away; give expression to; impersonate; inform; inform against; list; make known; mention; narrate; notify; peach; recount; report; reveal; reveal oneself; say; send word; speak; squeal; talk; tell; tell tales; utter; ventilate
proklamieren announce; declare; expound; proclaim; state
sagen announce; inform; report; state blab; bring something up; chat; chatter; communicate; converse; discuss; have a conversation; narrate; rattle; relate; report; speak; talk; tell; ventilate
sein Meinung geben announce; communicate; impart; inform; intimate; make one's opinion known; state
verkünden announce; declare; expound; proclaim; state announce; inform; make known; notify; proclaim; send word
verkündigen announce; declare; expound; proclaim; state broadcast; broadcast news report; broadcast the news; declare names; divulge something; make something public; proclaim
wiedergeben announce; inform; report; state describe; impersonate; interpret; pay back; personify; play; portray; recite; refund; repeat; represent; reproduce
- express; posit; put forward; say; submit; tell
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- advance; constitution; mention; put forward; set forth; stipulate

Palabras relacionadas con "state":

Sinónimos de "state":

Definiciones relacionadas de "state":

  1. the way something is with respect to its main attributes2
    • the current state of knowledge2
    • his state of health2
    • in a weak financial state2
  2. a politically organized body of people under a single government2
    • the state has elected a new president2
  3. the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state2
    • the state has lowered its income tax2
  4. the territory occupied by a nation2
  5. the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation2
    • his state is in the deep south2
  6. a state of depression or agitation2
    • he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him2
  7. (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container)2
    • the solid state of water is called ice2
  8. put before2
  9. express in words2
    • state your opinion2
    • state your name2
  10. indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.2
  11. The condition at a particular time of any of numerous elements of computing--a device, a communications channel, a network station, a program, a bit, or other element--used to report on or to control computer operations.1
  12. The activity level of an account or a business contact; possible values are 'active' or 'inactive'.1
  13. The overall nature and appearance of an object captured within a moment in time.1
  14. The period of time during which an actor exhibits a particular behavior.1
  15. In a statechart or activity diagram, a condition during which an object satisfies a condition, performs an action, or waits for an event.1

Wiktionary: state

  1. any sovereign polity
  2. a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy
  3. a condition
  4. computing: the stable condition of a processor during a particular clock cycle
  5. math: an element of the range of random variables
  1. declare to be a fact
  2. make known
  1. eine Tatsache feststellen, bemerken
  2. (transitiv) etwas (offiziell) verkünden
  1. Art und Weise, wie etwas zu einem bestimmen Zeitpunkt ist
  2. qualitativer Zustand, in dem sich jemand oder etwas körperlich oder geistig befindet
  3. Informatik, Verwaltung: Bearbeitungszustand eines Vorgangs
  4. technischer Status: der Zustand eines Gerätes oder einer Einrichtung.
  5. bestimmte Eigenschaft, Beschaffenheit, Verfassung von etwas
  6. Gesamtheit der Einrichtungen, die dazu dienen, das Zusammenleben der auf einem abgegrenzten Territorium lebenden Menschen mithilfe von Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und vollziehender Gewalt dauerhaft sicherzustellen
  7. Prunk, Prachtentfaltung
  8. die Bezeichnung für die Gliedstaaten, territoriale Verwaltungseinheiten Deutschlands und Österreichs
  9. geistig und emotional empfundener Körperzustand
  10. Chemie: Bezeichnung der gasförmigen (g), flüssigen (l) oder festen (s) Zustandsform eines Stoffes.
  1. den Staat betreffend, auf den Staat beziehen

Cross Translation:
state verkünden; melden; deklarieren; erklären verklaren — een officieel standpunt uitspreken
state Beschaffenheit; Zustand toestand — geheel van omstandigheden
state anführen; behaupten stellen — beweren, verklaren
state Staat staat — een land
state sagen; äußern dire — Exprimer par la parole
state deklarieren; erklären; melden; anzeigen; verkünden; verzollen; ansagen déclarer — Faire connaître d’une façon manifeste.
state Gepränge; Pomp; Gala; Parade; Staat pompecortège solennel, déploiement de fastes, appareil magnifique, somptueux.
state Königswürde; Reich; Staat; Regieren; Regierung règneexercice du pouvoir souverain dans un état monarchique.
state Gepränge; Pomp; Wunder splendeur — Maginificence
state Staat État — Forme du gouvernement d’un peuple, d’une nation.
state Zustand; Stand état — Disposition de quelqu’un, de quelque chose
state Zustand; Stand; Status état — Profession, condition

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Traducciones detalladas de statement de alemán a inglés


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