
Traducciones detalladas de anxiousness de inglés a alemán


Translation Matrix for anxiousness:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- anxiety; disquiet

Sinónimos de "anxiousness":

Definiciones relacionadas de "anxiousness":

  1. a feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments1
  2. (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic1


Translation Matrix for anxious:

VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Angst haben be afraid of; dread; fear
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- dying; nervous; queasy; uneasy; unquiet
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- distressing; full of care; troubled
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Angst haben afraid; afraid for; afraid of; anxious; fear; fearing; frightened; scared
besorgt afraid; afraid for; afraid of; anxious; concerned; concerned at; fear; fearing; frightened; stressed; uneasy; worried anxious for; apprehensive; fearful of
beunruhigt afraid; afraid for; afraid of; anxious; concerned; fear; fearing; frightened; stressed; uneasy; worried
beängstigt afraid; afraid for; afraid of; anxious; concerned; fear; fearing; frightened; stressed; uneasy; worried anxious for; apprehensive; fearful of
eingeschüchtert afraid; afraid for; afraid of; anxious; fear; fearing; frightened; scared bewildered; dazed; dismayed; intimidated; perplexed; shocked; upset
scheu afraid; afraid for; afraid of; anxious; fear; fearing; frightened; scared bashful; diffident; shy; timid; withdrawn
sorgenvoll anxious; concerned at; worried
ängstlich afraid; afraid for; afraid of; anxious; fear; fearing; frightened; scared afraid; alarmed; bewildered; conscientious; dazed; dismayed; jittery; jumpy; meticulous; nervous; nervy; perplexed; scrupulous; shocked; skittish; timid; upset

Palabras relacionadas con "anxious":

  • anxiousness, anxiously

Sinónimos de "anxious":

Definiciones relacionadas de "anxious":

  1. eagerly desirous1
    • anxious to see the new show at the museum1
  2. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety1
    • spent an anxious night waiting for the test results1
    • cast anxious glances behind her1

Wiktionary: anxious

  1. full of anxiety
  1. um Hilfe und Unterstützung bemüht, voller Sorge
  2. von Angst erfüllt, niedergeschlagen

Cross Translation:
anxious besorgt; unruhig; heftig inquiet — Qui est dans quelques troubles, dans quelques agitations d’esprit, soit par craintes, soit par irrésolutions et incertitudes.
anxious ängstlich; bang; zaghaft peureux — Qui est sujet à la peur.
anxious bang; zaghaft; schüchtern timide — Qui est craintif, qui manquer de hardiesse, d’assurance.

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