
Traducciones detalladas de steadiest de inglés a alemán


Translation Matrix for steady:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- sweetheart; sweetie; truelove
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- becalm; brace; calm; stabilise; stabilize
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- firm; regular; stationary; steadfast; stiff; unbendable; unfaltering; unfluctuating; unshakable; unwavering
AdverbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- steadily
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- braced; staid; stayed; trussed
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
allmählich easy; steady bit-by-bit; by degrees; consecutive; gradually; little by little; step by step; successive; successively
ausgeglichen in control; stable; steady equally; evenly; harmonious; leveled; levelled; squared
beständig constant; continual; stable; steady constant; continual; continuous; firm; lasting; persistent; standing-on; staunch; stiff
dauerhaft stable; steady consistent; constant; continual; continuous; durable; everlasting; firm; lasting; reliable; solid; sound; stable; standing-on; staunch; stiff; stout; substantial
fortwährend steady all along; all the time; always; connected; constant; constantly; continual; continuous; continuously; ever; everlasting; indefatigable; laced; lasting; non stop; permanent; perpetual; persevering; persistent; repeated; restless; running; trough; unbroken; unceasing; undisturbed; unending; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying; without interruption
gelassen in control; stable; steady calm; carefree; careless; collected; composed; cool; dry-eyed; easy; equally; equanimous; evenly; fresh; impassive; light-spirited; lighthearted; long-enduring; meek; patient; placid; stoic; stoical; submissive; unaffected; unbroached; unconcerned; unimpaired; unmoved; unopened; unspoiled; untouched; unused; unweakened; virgin; waiting patiently
gleichmäßig constant; continual; stable; steady arranged; classified; filed; frequently; many times; often; orderly; regularly; regulated; resembling; systematically
harmonisch in control; stable; steady equally; evenly; harmonious; melodious; sonorous
langsam easy; steady dawdling; dilatory; dragging; drooping; hesitating; inactive; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; passive; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; tardy; wavering
regelmäßig constant; continual; stable; steady arranged; at set times; frequent; frequently; many times; normal; often; orderly; regular; regularly; systematically; with regularity
robust stable; steady big; burly; durable; firm; heavily built; hefty; massive; muscular; powerfully built; reliable; robust; solid; sound; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; well built
solide stable; steady durable; exhaustive; familiar; firm; known; muscular; reliable; solid; sound; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; thorough; trusted; underpinned; well built
stabil stable; steady burly; durable; firm; heavily built; massive; muscular; reliable; robust; solid; sound; stable; stationary; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; well built
stark stable; steady agressive; big; bold; brave; broad; bulky; burly; cool; courageous; detailed; elaborate; enormous; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; fantastic; fierce; frequently; gigantic; grand; grandiose; heavily built; hefty; heroic; heroical; huge; immense; in detail; inflexible; intense; many times; massive; offensive; often; out of proportion; outrageous; powerful; powerfully built; robust; severe; sizeable; stern; stout; strapping; strict; strong; sturdy; super; swell; terrible; tremendous; valiant; vast; very large; vigorous; violent; wide; widespread
stetig steady
ständig steady all along; all the time; always; at set times; connected; constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; frequent; frequently; indefatigable; invariable; laced; lasting; non stop; normal; permanent; persistent; regular; regularly; repeated; restless; running; trough; unbroken; unceasing; undisturbed; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying
turnusmäßig constant; continual; stable; steady frequently; many times; often; on schedule; rotary
unabänderlich fixed; permanent; stable; steady anyway
ununterbrochen steady all along; all the time; connected; constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; indefatigable; laced; lasting; non stop; permanent; perpetual; persistent; repeated; restless; unbroken; unceasing; undisturbed; unending; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying; without interruption
unveränderlich fixed; permanent; stable; steady anyway
wiederholt constant; continual; stable; steady frequent; frequently; many a time; many times; often; recurrent; repeated; repeatedly; time and time again

Palabras relacionadas con "steady":

Sinónimos de "steady":

Antónimos de "steady":

Definiciones relacionadas de "steady":

  1. not easily excited or upset1
    • steady nerves1
  2. relating to a person who does something regularly1
    • a steady drinker1
  3. marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable1
  4. securely in position; not shaky1
    • held the ladder steady1
  5. not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall1
  6. not subject to change or variation especially in behavior1
    • a steady beat1
    • a steady job1
    • a steady breeze1
    • a steady increase1
    • a good steady ballplayer1
  7. in a steady manner1
  8. a person loved by another person1
  9. make steady1
    • steady yourself1
  10. support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace1

Wiktionary: steady

  1. smooth and not bumpy or with obstructions
  2. regular and even
  1. to stabilize

Cross Translation:
steady beständig; stetig gestaag — geleidelijk maar persistent
steady zuverlässig; solide; robust degelijk — goed tegen een stootje kunnend
steady dauerhaft bestendig — duurzaam
steady akkurat; genau; sorgfältig; ordentlich; pünktlich; richtig; exakt; präzis régulier — Qui a de la régularité, qui est conforme à des règles, soit naturelles, soit de convention ; qui est constant, uniforme.

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