
Traducciones detalladas de tiles de inglés a alemán


tiles [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the tiles (tile work; tiling)
    die Fliesenverlegung; die Fliesenarbeit

Translation Matrix for tiles:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Fliesenarbeit tile work; tiles; tiling
Fliesenverlegung tile work; tiles; tiling

Palabras relacionadas con "tiles":

tiles forma de tile:

tile [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the tile (paving stone; flagstone; carpet square)
    die Fliese; die Kachel; die kleine Fliese
  2. the tile
    – One of a number of separately printed parts of an oversized publication, such as a banner or poster, that cannot be printed as a single sheet. Separate tiles can be assembled to recreate the whole publication. 1
    die Kachel
  3. the tile
    – A moveable object on the Start screen that links to applications, hubs, or other content or pages. 1
    die Kachel

tile verbo

  1. tile
    – To print a document in overlapping pieces. 1
  2. tile
    – In computer-graphics programming, to fill adjacent blocks of pixels on the screen with a design or pattern without allowing any blocks to overlap. 1

Translation Matrix for tile:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Fliese carpet square; flagstone; paving stone; tile flagstone; paving tile
Kachel carpet square; flagstone; paving stone; tile
kleine Fliese carpet square; flagstone; paving stone; tile
- roofing tile
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
neben- bzw. untereinander anordnen tile
überlappend drucken tile
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- pantile; roofing tile

Palabras relacionadas con "tile":

Sinónimos de "tile":

Definiciones relacionadas de "tile":

  1. a flat thin rectangular slab (as of fired clay or rubber or linoleum) used to cover surfaces2
  2. game equipment consisting of a flat thin piece marked with characters and used in board games like Mah-Jong, Scrabble, etc.2
  3. a thin flat slab of fired clay used for roofing2
  4. cover with tiles2
    • tile the wall and the floor of the bathroom2
  5. One of a number of separately printed parts of an oversized publication, such as a banner or poster, that cannot be printed as a single sheet. Separate tiles can be assembled to recreate the whole publication.1
  6. To print a document in overlapping pieces.1
  7. In computer-graphics programming, to fill adjacent blocks of pixels on the screen with a design or pattern without allowing any blocks to overlap.1
  8. A moveable object on the Start screen that links to applications, hubs, or other content or pages.1
  9. An image that uses approved product signature lockups, key brand and product identity elements and colors, and the Microsoft logo.1

Wiktionary: tile

  1. mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces
  1. Fliesen verlegen
  1. (Dach) mit der wasserabweisenden Außenschicht versehen
  1. Dünne Platte aus Keramik oder Glas, die als Belag für Böden oder Verkleidungen für Wände dient

Cross Translation:
tile Fliese tegel — een rechthoekig stenen voorwerp dat meestal wordt gebruikt voor het bedekken van oppervlakten
tile fliesen betegelen — een vloer of wand van tegels voorzien
tile Fliese; Kachel carreau — Dalle de matériau dur utilisée comme revêtement de sol ou de mur
tile Dachziegel; Pfanne; Ziegel tuilecarreau de peu d’épaisseur, fait de terre grasse pétrir, sécher et cuite au four, tantôt plat, tantôt courber en demi-cylindre, et dont on se sert pour couvrir les maisons, les bâtiments.

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