
Traducciones detalladas de touchiness de inglés a alemán


touchiness [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the touchiness (vulnerability; susceptibility; sensitiveness)
    die Verletzbarkeit; die Empfindlichkeit; die Empfindsamkeit; die Erregbarkeit
  2. the touchiness (over-sensitiveness; irritability)
    die Überempfindlichkeit; die Zimperlichkeit; die Empfindlichkeit; die Erregbarkeit
  3. the touchiness (susceptibility; irritability; pique)
    die Erregbarkeit; die Empfindlichkeit; die Reizbarkeit; die Stachlichkeit
  4. the touchiness (irritability; testiness)
    die Empfindlichkeit; die Reizbarkeit; die Erregbarkeit; die Zimperlichkeit

Translation Matrix for touchiness:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Empfindlichkeit irritability; over-sensitiveness; pique; sensitiveness; susceptibility; testiness; touchiness; vulnerability delicacy; feebleness; frailty; impressionability; over-sensitiveness; sensibility; sensitiveness; sensitivity; slackness; trivial; weak point; weakness
Empfindsamkeit sensitiveness; susceptibility; touchiness; vulnerability delicacy; sensibility; sensitiveness; sensitivity
Erregbarkeit irritability; over-sensitiveness; pique; sensitiveness; susceptibility; testiness; touchiness; vulnerability irritability; irritation; pique
Reizbarkeit irritability; pique; susceptibility; testiness; touchiness irritability; irritation; pique
Stachlichkeit irritability; pique; susceptibility; touchiness acidity; bittyness; cattishness; curtness; fervor; fervour; fierceness; intensity; snappiness; vehemence; violence
Verletzbarkeit sensitiveness; susceptibility; touchiness; vulnerability impressionability
Zimperlichkeit irritability; over-sensitiveness; testiness; touchiness over-sensitiveness; primness
Überempfindlichkeit irritability; over-sensitiveness; touchiness
- testiness; tetchiness
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- annoyance; pettiness

Palabras relacionadas con "touchiness":

Sinónimos de "touchiness":

Definiciones relacionadas de "touchiness":

  1. feeling easily irritated1

touchiness forma de touchy:

Translation Matrix for touchy:

AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
schwer at large extent; big; enormous; great; tall; vast
- delicate; feisty; huffy; thin-skinned; ticklish
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- fastidious; irritable; quick to take offence; susceptible
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aufdringlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy insistent; intrusive; obtrusive; penetrating; pushy
bedrohlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy alarming; antagonistic; creepy; enemy; frightening; frightful; grisly; hateful; hostile; imminent; impending; invidious; malicious; scary; snide; spiteful; spooky; terrifying; threatening
beschwerlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy aggravating; annoying; boring; dreadful; dull; exasperating; incriminating; irritating; tiresome; tough; tricky
brenzlig critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy alarming; creepy; dangerous; deceptive; frightening; frightful; grisly; hazardous; imminent; impending; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening; unsafe
delikat critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy delicate; fragile; frail; precarious; tender
drohend critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy alarming; antagonistic; creepy; enemy; frightening; frightful; grisly; hateful; hostile; imminent; impending; invidious; malicious; scary; snide; spiteful; spooky; terrifying; threatening
empfindlich cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; sensitive; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy delicate; diplomatic; dire; discreet; easily hurt; flimsy; fragile; frail; frightened of pain; grinding; lean; miserable; piercing; poor; ragged; ramshackle; rickety; shabby; squeamish about pain; susceptible; tactful; tender; tender hearted; thin; vulnerable; weak; wobbly; wonky
feindlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy alarming; antagonistic; creepy; enemy; frightening; frightful; grisly; hateful; hostile; imminent; impending; invidious; malicious; scary; snide; spiteful; spooky; terrifying; threatening
furchtbar critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy abhorrent; abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; blast; brutal; creepy; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; damn it; darned; dash it; disgraceful; disgusting; dreadful; enormously; exceedingly; exceptionally; extraordinarily; extremely; frightening; frightful; grisly; gruesome; hateful; heinous; horrible; horribly; immensely; imminent; impending; inhuman; inhumane; invidious; malicious; obnoxious; outrageous; rank; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; scandalous; scary; shocking; snide; spiteful; spooky; terrible; terribly; terrifying; threatening
gefährlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy alarming; antagonistic; creepy; dangerous; deceptive; enemy; frightening; frightful; grisly; hateful; hazardous; hostile; imminent; impending; invidious; malicious; perilous; risky; scary; snide; spiteful; spooky; terrifying; threatening; unsafe
heikel critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy dangerous; deceptive; delicate; fragile; frail; hazardous; perilous; risky; tender; unsafe
hinderlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy aggravating; annoying; boring; bothersome; dreadful; dull; hindrance-causing; inconvenient; troublesome
leichterregbar cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy
leichtpikiert cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy
lästig critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy abstemious; aggravating; annoying; awkward; boring; bothersome; clumsy; delicate; disagreeable; doltish; dreadful; dull; embarrassed; gawky; hindrance-causing; ill-at-ease; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; incriminating; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; tough; tricky; troublesome; uncomfortable; uneasy; unfit; unhandy; unpleasant; unsuitable; unwelcome; wooden
mißlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy abstemious; awkward; clumsy; dangerous; deceptive; doltish; gawky; hazardous; ill-at-ease; not very good; owlish; perilous; poor; risky; stiff; uncomfortable; uneasy; unhandy; unsafe; wooden
mäkelig critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy carping; fault-finding; nitpicking
peinlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy awkward; embarrassing; painful
prekär critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy dangerous; hazardous; risky
reizbar irritable; sensitive; touchy abrupt; bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; snappy; snarling; sore
schlimm critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy appalling; awful; bad; badly; base; bold; critical; dreadful; earnest; evil-minded; false; fierce; frightful; grave; horribly; intense; low; malicious; mean; nasty; serious; severe; shady; sincere; strong; terrible; terribly; vicious; villainous; violent; wicked; with evil intention; worrying
schwer critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy aggravating; agressive; annoying; awkward; big; big-boned; boring; bothersome; burdensome; burly; considerable; conspicuous; disagreeable; dreadful; dull; enormous; filling; frequently; galling; great; heavily built; heavily-built; heavy; hefty; huge; inconvenient; irksome; large; many times; massive; notable; offensive; often; oppressing; oppressive; remarkable; respectable; rich; robust; stocky; striking; sturdy; substantial; tall; terrible; tremendous; troublesome; unpleasant; unwelcome; vast; violent
schwierig critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy aggravating; aloud; annoying; boring; bothersome; complex; complicated; critical; damaging; dangerous; deafening; deceptive; difficult; dreadful; dull; hard; hard-going; hazardous; headstrong; inconvenient; incriminating; intricate; involved; loud; obstinate; out loud; perilous; pig-headed; problematic; problematical; risky; stubborn; troublesome; trying; unsafe
unangenehm critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy abominable; aggravating; annoying; appalling; awkward; bold; boring; bothersome; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; delicate; detestable; disagreeable; distasteful; dreadful; dull; embarrassed; exacting; exasperating; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill at ease; ill-at-ease; ill-fated; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; irritating; obnoxious; odious; ominous; plain; shocking; sinister; terrible; tiresome; troublesome; ugly; uncomfortable; uneasy; unfit; unholy; unpalatable; unpleasant; unsavory; unsavoury; unsuitable; unwelcome
unbequem critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy aggravating; annoying; awkward; boring; bothersome; delicate; disagreeable; dreadful; dull; embarrassed; exacting; ill at ease; ill-at-ease; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; troublesome; uncomfortable; uneasy; unfit; unpleasant; unsuitable; unwelcome
unbestimmt critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy blurred; dangerous; dim; faint; filmy; hazardous; hazy; inconvenient; indeterminate; indistinct; misty; muzzy; nontransparent; obscure; opaque; risky; subdued; uncertain; unclear; undefinable; vague; vaguely
verfänglich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy
zudringlich critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy bold; insistent; intrusive; meddlesome; obtrusive; pushy
ärgerlich irritable; sensitive; touchy a pity; aggravating; angry; annoyed; annoying; bitter; blazing; catty; cross; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; displeased with; dissatisfied; down in the dumps; enraged; exasperating; fiery; furious; glaring; incensed; indignant; irate; irritating; livid; peevish; petulant; put out; querulous; seething; sharp; testy; tiresome; too bad; upset; venomous; vexed; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful
übelnehmend thin-skinned; touchy

Palabras relacionadas con "touchy":

Sinónimos de "touchy":

Definiciones relacionadas de "touchy":

  1. difficult to handle; requiring great tact1
    • a touchy subject1
  2. quick to take offense1

Wiktionary: touchy

  1. sensitive or volatile
  2. easily offended; oversensitive