
Sinónimos detallados de obliterate en inglés


obliterate adj.

  1. obliterate
    – reduced to nothingness 1
    obliterate; blotted out; obliterated
    – reduced to nothingness 1

obliterate verbo

  1. obliterate
    – remove completely from recognition or memory 1
    obliterate; efface
    – remove completely from recognition or memory 1
  2. obliterate
    – make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing 1
    to obscure; to hide; to veil; to blot out; obliterate
    – make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing 1
    • obscure verbo (obscures, obscured, obscuring)
    • hide verbo (hides, hid, hiding)
      • a hidden message1
    • veil verbo (veils, veiled, veiling)
      • a veiled threat1
    • blot out verbo (blots out, blotted out, blotting out)
    • obliterate verbo
  3. obliterate
    – do away with completely, without leaving a trace 1
    – do away with completely, without leaving a trace 1
  4. obliterate
    – mark for deletion, rub off, or erase 1
    to kill; to wipe out; obliterate
    – mark for deletion, rub off, or erase 1
    • kill verbo (kills, killed, killing)
      • kill these lines in the President's speech1
    • wipe out verbo (wipes out, wiped out, wiping out)
    • obliterate verbo

Palabras relacionadas con "obliterate":

Sinónimos alternativos de "obliterate":

Definiciones relacionadas de "obliterate":

  1. reduced to nothingness1
  2. remove completely from recognition or memory1
  3. make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing1
  4. do away with completely, without leaving a trace1
  5. mark for deletion, rub off, or erase1