
Traducciones detalladas de engaged de inglés a español


Translation Matrix for engaged:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
activo active; active voice; asset
vivo fastie; smart boy
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
ocuparse care; look after; nurse; nurture; see to; take care; take care of
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
activo busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up active; actively; agile; agitated; aroused; at work; busily; busy; dynamic; effective; energetic; excited; fluttered; hard-working; heated; humming; industrious; industriously; laborious; lively; operative; potent; working
ocupado busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up busy; occupied
- booked; busy; in use; intermeshed; meshed; occupied; set-aside
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- not at home; not in; unavailable; untraceable
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
agitado busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up agile; agitated; aloud; annoyed; aroused; bothered; excited; fidgety; fluttered; hastily; hasty; heated; hectic; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; impatient; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; irritated; loud; nervous; noisy; out loud; restless; screaming; shouting; tumultuous; turbulent; uncontrolled; unquiet; uproarious
alegre busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up agile; agitated; amusing; animated; aroused; as pleased as punch; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; casual; cheerful; clear; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; contented; delighted; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; excited; felicitous; festive; flighty; flippant; florid; fluttered; fond of laughing; frivolous; full of joy; fullfilled; funny; gay; given to laughter; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; gratifying; happy; heated; high-coloured; high-spirited; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; light-hearted; lively; memorable; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; playful; pleasant; pleased; reliable; safe; satiated; satisfied; shallow; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant
animado busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up active; actively; agile; agitated; animated; aroused; bucked up; busily; bustling; busy; cheered up; cheerful; comforted; dynamic; energetic; excited; fluttered; full of joy; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; hard-working; heated; humming; in high spirits; industrious; industriously; jolly; lively; merry; operative; pleased; satisfied; spirited; up; vibrant; vigorous; working
ardiente busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up agile; agitated; ardent; aroused; broiling; burning; excited; fervent; fiery; fluttered; heated; horny; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; impassioned; keen; lascivious; passionate; red-hot; salacious; scalding
atareado busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up
de buen humor busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; feeling fortunate; felicitous; full of joy; gay; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; high-spirited; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; kindly disposed; lively; merry; sprightly; upbeat; well-meaning
despierto busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up able; adroit; agile; agitated; alert; aroused; astute; bright; canny; capable; clever; cunning; dexterous; excited; expert; fluttered; handy; heated; ingenious; keen; lost; neat; nimble; perky; proficient; resourceful; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily
festivo busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up celebratory; festal; festive
frecuente busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up frequent; frequently; many a time; many times; often; recurrent; regularly; repeated; systematically
intenso busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up boisterousness; decided; decisive; deep; determined; dire; embittered; exasperated; fierce; furious; grim; grinding; heartfelt; heavy; intense; massive; penetrating; piercing; profound; rasping; resolute; shrill; sullen; suppressed; tempestuous; vehement; violent
ocuparse engaged
prolífero busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up
recargado busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up
vigoroso busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up big; decisive; drastic; effective; energetic; fierce; firm; forceful; great; heavily built; heavy; heavyset; intense; large; lively; massive; morally strong; potent; powerful; robust; standing-on; staunch; stiff; strapping; strong; tall; vast; vehement; vigorous; violent
vivo busily engaged; busy; engaged; occupied; tied up active; agile; agitated; alive; aroused; astute; bright; calculating; canny; cheerful; clever; colorful; colourful; contented; cunning; dodgy; dynamic; embittered; energetic; exasperated; excited; false; fierce; florid; flowered; fluttered; fullfilled; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; heated; keen; lively; living; low; mean; merry; nasty; perky; pleased; resourceful; satiated; satisfied; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; smart; spruce; underhand; unquenched; unslaked; vicious; vile; wily; wise

Palabras relacionadas con "engaged":

Sinónimos de "engaged":

Definiciones relacionadas de "engaged":

  1. having ones attention or mind or energy engaged1
    • deeply engaged in conversation1
  2. built against or attached to a wall1
    • engaged columns1
  3. having services contracted for1
    • the carpenter engaged (or employed) for the job is sick1
  4. (used of toothed parts or gears) interlocked and interacting1
    • the gears are engaged1
  5. involved in military hostilities1
    • the desperately engaged ships continued the fight1
  6. (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line)1
    • receptionists' telephones are always engaged1
  7. reserved in advance1

Wiktionary: engaged

  1. already involved in a telephone call
  2. agreed to be married

Cross Translation:
engaged comprometido; comprometida engagiertvehement für eine Sache eintretend, ein starkes Interesse an einer Sache habend

engaged forma de engage:

Conjugaciones de engage:

  1. engage
  2. engage
  3. engages
  4. engage
  5. engage
  6. engage
simple past
  1. engaged
  2. engaged
  3. engaged
  4. engaged
  5. engaged
  6. engaged
present perfect
  1. have engaged
  2. have engaged
  3. has engaged
  4. have engaged
  5. have engaged
  6. have engaged
past continuous
  1. was engaging
  2. were engaging
  3. was engaging
  4. were engaging
  5. were engaging
  6. were engaging
  1. shall engage
  2. will engage
  3. will engage
  4. shall engage
  5. will engage
  6. will engage
continuous present
  1. am engaging
  2. are engaging
  3. is engaging
  4. are engaging
  5. are engaging
  6. are engaging
  1. be engaged
  2. be engaged
  3. be engaged
  4. be engaged
  5. be engaged
  6. be engaged
  1. engage!
  2. let's engage!
  3. engaged
  4. engaging
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for engage:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aplicar administring
apostar betting; breaking into a song; bursting into a song; gambling; striking up of a song
emplear employing; engaging; hiring
enrolarse assessing; employing; engaging; examining; hiring; reviewing
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
administrar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize administer; manage; pour in; run
aplicar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize apply; employ; make use of; place; position; put; rub in; situate; spread; take; use; utilise; utilize
apostar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize add; apply; bet; bet on; compose; employ; gamble; make use of; speculate; stake; take a chance; take a risk; use; utilise; utilize; wager
contraer un compromiso engage
convidar begin; call in; engage; enlist; initiate; invite; invoke; operationalize do someone well; invite; regale; stand treat; treat
emplear employ; engage; hire; recruit; sign on apply; employ; exploit; handle; hire; make use of; practice; practise; set to work; take; use; utilise; utilize
enrolarse engage; register; sign on
envolver a u.p. en begin; engage; initiate; operationalize
hacer participar a u.p. en begin; engage; initiate; operationalize
hacer uso de administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize apply; employ; handle; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize
implicar a u.p. en begin; engage; initiate; operationalize
insertar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize add; apply yourself; embed; fit in; insert; intercalate; interpolate; introduce; place in between; push; put in; put in between; show enthusiasm; show willingness
invertir administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize bring down; invert; invest; take down; turn
invitar begin; call in; engage; enlist; initiate; invite; invoke; operationalize introduce; introduce somebody to; invite; regale; stand treat; treat
jugarse administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize bet; bet away; bet on; forfeit; gamble; gamble away; lose; take a chance; take a risk; throw away; wager
poner administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize add; allocate; apply; arrange; bring down; deposit; display; employ; exhibit; insert; lay; lay something down; laydown; locate; make use of; place; play off; position; put; put down; put in; put something down; set; set down; show; situate; station; switch on; take down; turn on; use; utilise; utilize
reclutar employ; engage; hire; recruit; sign on appeal to; call in; draw new members; enlist; invoke; recruit; remind; send for; subpoena; summon
tomar en uso administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize
utilizar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize apply; employ; exploit; handle; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize
- absorb; affiance; betroth; charter; employ; engross; enlist; hire; lease; lock; mesh; occupy; operate; plight; prosecute; pursue; rent; take; wage
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- hire; keep busy; occupy

Palabras relacionadas con "engage":

Sinónimos de "engage":

Antónimos de "engage":

Definiciones relacionadas de "engage":

  1. get caught1
    • make sure the gear is engaged1
  2. consume all of one's attention or time1
  3. give to in marriage1
  4. keep engaged1
    • engaged the gears1
  5. engage for service under a term of contract1
  6. hire for work or assistance1
    • engage aid, help, services, or support1
  7. carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in1
    • They engaged in a discussion1
  8. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)1
  9. ask to represent; of legal counsel1
  10. engage or hire for work1

Wiktionary: engage

  1. to mesh or interlock

Cross Translation:
engage encargarse; ocuparse beschäftigenreflexiv, sich beschäftigen: einer Sache oder Person konzentriert seine Aufmerksamkeit widmen
engage tomar a sueldo; contratar; reclutar embaucherengager un salarié, passer avec lui un contrat de travail.
engage embragar embrayermettre les parties d’un mécanisme qui devoir mouvoir en communication avec le moteur.
engage amonestar; reprender engagermettre en gage, donner en gage.
engage desempeñar; ocupar; habitar; atender occuper — Traductions à trier suivant le sens

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Traducciones relacionadas de engaged