
Traducciones detalladas de advancing de inglés a español


advancing [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the advancing (postulating)
    el proponer; el postular
  2. the advancing (making progress; progressing)
    el progresar; el avanzar

advancing adj.

  1. advancing

Translation Matrix for advancing:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avanzar advancing; making progress; progressing
postular advancing; postulating
progresar advancing; making progress; progressing
proponer advancing; postulating
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avanzar advance; ascend; assault; bring forward; call for; climb; elapse; expire; force; go by; go onward; hasten; hurry; hurry up; make head-way; make progress; march on; order; pass; progress; rise; rush; stride along; to get promoted; use force; walk on before
postular collect money; collection; introduce; make a collection; postulate; presume; presuppose; put forward; raise; suppose; surmise
progresar call for; forge ahead; make head-way; make progress; order; progress; walk on before
proponer advise; appoint; blame; bring forward; bring in; consider; declaim; elect; initiate; intimate; introduce; make a proposal; nominate; orate; postulate; present; propose; put forward; raise; rebuke; recite; recommend; reprimand; suggest
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- forward; forward-moving
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- advance; approach; approaching; statement
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
progresivo advancing advanced; forward; progressive; sophisticated

Palabras relacionadas con "advancing":

Sinónimos de "advancing":

Antónimos de "advancing":

  • retreating

Definiciones relacionadas de "advancing":

  1. moving forward1

advancing forma de advance:

to advance verbo (advances, advanced, advancing)

  1. to advance (forward)
  2. to advance
  3. to advance (promote; go ahead)
  4. to advance (approach)
  5. to advance (promote; help; push)
  6. to advance (push forward; move up; slide in front)
  7. to advance (march on; go onward)
  8. to advance (go forward)
  9. to advance (to get promoted; ascend; rise; climb)
    avanzar; subir; ascender

Conjugaciones de advance:

  1. advance
  2. advance
  3. advances
  4. advance
  5. advance
  6. advance
simple past
  1. advanced
  2. advanced
  3. advanced
  4. advanced
  5. advanced
  6. advanced
present perfect
  1. have advanced
  2. have advanced
  3. has advanced
  4. have advanced
  5. have advanced
  6. have advanced
past continuous
  1. was advancing
  2. were advancing
  3. was advancing
  4. were advancing
  5. were advancing
  6. were advancing
  1. shall advance
  2. will advance
  3. will advance
  4. shall advance
  5. will advance
  6. will advance
continuous present
  1. am advancing
  2. are advancing
  3. is advancing
  4. are advancing
  5. are advancing
  6. are advancing
  1. be advanced
  2. be advanced
  3. be advanced
  4. be advanced
  5. be advanced
  6. be advanced
  1. advance!
  2. let's advance!
  3. advanced
  4. advancing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

advance [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the advance (advanced money)
    el anticipo; el adelanto
  2. the advance (march; military walking)
    el avance; la marcha; la marcha hacia adelante; la aproximación; el camino a pie; el acercamiento
  3. the advance (approach)
    el acercamiento
  4. the advance (approach)
    el acercamiento; la aproximación; el avance; la marcha hacia adelante
  5. the advance (rising; boom)
    la subida
  6. the advance

Translation Matrix for advance:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
acercamiento advance; approach; march; military walking approach; at hand; coming; on the way
adelanto advance; advanced money ascent; attendance; increase; price list; progress; progression; table of charges; turnout
anticipo advance; advanced money foretaste; taste
aproximación advance; approach; march; military walking approach; at hand; coming; on the way
avance advance; approach; march; military walking ascent; attendance; break-through; craving; desire; dike burst; face pack; increase; longing; mask; progress; progression; turnout; wanting; wish; yearning
avanzar advancing; making progress; progressing
avanzar sobre coming up; pulling up; push forward
camino a pie advance; march; military walking
marcha advance; march; military walking aisle; alley; campaign; ceremony; course; demonstration; depart; dope; driving speed; drugs; flight; gangway; gymnastics; haste; hastiness; hiking; hurry; leave; narcotics; overhaste; passage; physical exercise; procession; protest; public protest; quickness; rally; rambling; rapidity; rite; rush; speed; tempo; tour; velocity
marcha hacia adelante advance; approach; march; military walking tour
subida advance; boom; rising access route; ascension; ascent; boom; climb; drive; entranceway; expansion; growth; increase; progression; rise; surcharge; take-off; uplift; upturn
subir ascent; climb; climbing; driving up; riding up
- advancement; approach; betterment; cash advance; feeler; forward motion; improvement; onward motion; overture; procession; progress; progression; rise
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
adelantar advance call for; hasten; hurry; hurry up; make head-way; make progress; move past; order; overtake; pass; progress; ride past; rush; sail past; walk on before
adelantar el trabajo advance; forward
anticipar advance; forward anticipate; foresee
aproximarse advance; approach approach; arrive; come closer; come near
aproximarse a advance; approach approach
ascender advance; ascend; climb; rise; to get promoted arise; ascend; be off; be on the upgrade; become higher; become larger; bristle; climb; climb up; come up; flare up; fly up; get away; go up; go upward; go upwards; grow; increase; mount; rise; rise to the surface; start; take off
avanzar advance; ascend; climb; go onward; march on; rise; to get promoted assault; bring forward; call for; elapse; expire; force; go by; hasten; hurry; hurry up; make head-way; make progress; order; pass; progress; rush; stride along; use force; walk on before
avanzar sobre advance; go onward; march on call for; order
avecinarse advance; approach
ayudar advance; help; promote; push aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; give a hand; help; help along; help on; help out; help through; lend a hand; make oneself useful; prop up; replace someone; second; support
desplazar hacia delante advance; move up; push forward; slide in front favor; favour; slide in front
ir adelante advance; go forward go in front; walk in front
promocionar advance; help; promote; push boost; encourage; kick forward; motivate; push on; stimulate
promover advance; go ahead; promote hand in; hand over; offer; present; promote
subir advance; ascend; climb; rise; to get promoted add to; arise; ascend; ascent; be off; be on the upgrade; become higher; become larger; bristle; climb; come up; cruise in; draw in; drive along; drive in; drive up; drive upwards; elevate; enhance; expand; extend; flare up; fly up; get away; get better; go up; go upstairs; go upward; grow; haul in; heave; heighten; hoist; improve; increase; lead up; lead upwards; lift; lift up; mount; occur; pull in; pull up; put up; raise; ride in; ride up; rise; rise to the surface; start; step up; take off; turn up; walk up
- boost; bring forward; come along; come on; elevate; encourage; further; gain; gain ground; get ahead; get along; get on; go on; kick upstairs; make headway; march on; move on; pass on; progress; promote; pull ahead; raise; set ahead; shape up; supercharge; throw out; upgrade; win
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- advanced; beforehand; in advance
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
promover promote
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
anticipo de tesorería advance
- advancing; approach; approaching; elder hand; mention; progress; put forward; set forth; state; strain

Palabras relacionadas con "advance":

Sinónimos de "advance":

Antónimos de "advance":

Definiciones relacionadas de "advance":

  1. situated ahead or going before1
    • an advance party1
  2. being ahead of time or need1
    • gave advance warning1
  3. the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)1
  4. increase in price or value1
    • the news caused a general advance on the stock market1
  5. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others1
    • she rejected his advances1
  6. a change for the better; progress in development1
  7. a movement forward1
  8. an amount paid before it is earned1
  9. rise in rate or price1
  10. develop in a positive way1
  11. increase or raise1
  12. develop further1
    • We are advancing technology every day1
  13. bring forward for consideration or acceptance1
    • advance an argument1
  14. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.1
  15. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense1
  16. cause to move forward1
  17. move forward1
    • we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward1
  18. pay in advance1
    • Can you advance me some money?1
  19. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position1
    • Women tend not to advance in the major law firms1
  20. contribute to the progress or growth of1

Wiktionary: advance

  1. amount of money

Cross Translation:
advance progreso vordering — vooruitgang, progressie
advance adelantar vooruitzetten — naar voren zetten
advance prosperar vooruitkomen — een betere positie krijgen
advance avanzar vooruitkomen — vorderingen maken op weg naar iets
advance avanzar voortschrijden — geleidelijk verder verlopen
advance anticipo; adelanto Vorschuss — ein im Voraus gegebener Geldbetrag (gegen zukünftige Leistung)
advance promover fördern — jemanden beim Vorankommen unterstützen; zum Erfolg verhelfen
advance avanzar; sacar adelante voranbringen — (transitiv) etwas einem Ziel näher bringen, etwas vorwärts bringen
advance existir vorkommen — sich nach vorn bewegen
advance correr rápidamente hacia delante; anticipar vorschießen — einen Geldbetrag im Voraus geben
advance ayudar; auxiliar; asistir aiderfaciliter l’accomplissement d’une action.
advance avance; adelanto avance — Fait d’avancer.
advance avance avancementprogrès en quelque matière que ce soit.
advance avanzar; adelantarse; adelantar; precedir avancerpousser en avant, porter en avant.
advance alzar hausserrendre plus haut, mettre dans une situation plus haute, élever.
advance inspirar; sugerir; persuadir inspirerfaire pénétrer artificiellement de l’air dans les poumons.
advance oferta; ofrecimiento; proposición; presentación offreaction d’offrir.
advance urgir; apremiar; apretar; presionar; insistir; acelerar; activar; adelantar; apresurar presserexercer une pression, serrer plus ou moins fort.
advance acrecentar; activar progresser — Faire des progrès.
advance promover; promocionar; desenvolver; desplegar promouvoirélever à quelque grade, à quelque dignité d’un rang supérieur.
advance acelerar; activar; adelantar; apresurar précipiterjeter, faire tomber d’un lieu élevé.
advance pasado; anterior précédent — Qui précéder, qui est immédiatement avant, en parlant ordinairement par rapport au temps.
advance prestar; dejar prêter — Fournir une chose sous condition que celui qui la reçoit la rendra. (Sens général).
advance petición; solicitud; requerimiento; gestión diplomática requête — Demande écrite ou verbale (sens générale)
advance adelanto souscriptionsignature qu’on mettre au-dessous d’un acte pour l’approuver.