
Traducciones detalladas de certificate de inglés a español


certificate [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the certificate
  2. the certificate (diploma; certificate of qualification; license; )
    el diploma; el certificado; el documento
  3. the certificate (reference)
    la referencia; la recomendación
  4. the certificate (note)
    el certificado
  5. the certificate (brevet; license; licence)
    la licencia; el certificado; el diploma
  6. the certificate (certificate of proof; deed; charter; document)
    el documento de prueba; la prueba; el comprobante
  7. the certificate (diploma; certificate of qualification)
    la bula; el diploma universitario; la carta
  8. the certificate (security certificate; digital certificate)
    – A digital document that is commonly used for authentication and to help secure information on a network. A certificate binds a public key to an entity that holds the corresponding private key. Certificates are digitally signed by the certification authority that issues them, and they can be issued for a user, a computer, or a service. 1

Translation Matrix for certificate:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bula certificate; certificate of qualification; diploma
carta certificate; certificate of qualification; diploma card; carte; charter; letter; menu; menu card; missive; playing card
certificado brevet; certificate; certificate of qualification; charter; declaration; digital certificate; diploma; licence; license; note; security certificate decisive answer; definite answer; enunciation; pronunciation
comprobante certificate; certificate of proof; charter; deed; document body of evidence; coupon; deposit voucher; evidence; piece of evidence; proof; receipt; token; voucher
diploma brevet; certificate; certificate of qualification; charter; declaration; diploma; licence; license award certificate
diploma universitario certificate; certificate of qualification; diploma
documento brevet; certificate; certificate of qualification; charter; declaration; diploma; licence; license document; documented; essay; handout; lecture; little bit; little lump; lump; manuscript; message; paper; piece; script; scripture; text; wording; writing
documento de prueba certificate; certificate of proof; charter; deed; document body of evidence; evidence; piece of evidence; proof; token
licencia brevet; certificate; licence; license agreement; allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; consent; fiat; licence; license; mandate; permission; permit; power; power of attorney; safe-conduct; safeguard
prueba certificate; certificate of proof; charter; deed; document A levels; O levels; argumentation; audition; body of evidence; computer-test; evidence; exam; experiment; final exam; finals; leaving exam; line of thought; piece of evidence; proof; reasoning; test; token; train of thought; try
recomendación certificate; reference advice; good reference; recommendation
referencia certificate; reference advice; allusion; announcement; arbiter; arbitrator; enunciation; expression; good reference; hint; innuendo; pronunciation; recommendation; ref; referee; reference; referral; referral letter; referral note; trade reference; umpire; utterance
titulado para la dirección de escuela certificate headmaster's certificate
- certification; credential; credentials; security
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
certificado de seguridad certificate; digital certificate; security certificate
certificado digital certificate; digital certificate; security certificate
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
certificado by recorded delivery; registered

Palabras relacionadas con "certificate":

Sinónimos de "certificate":

Definiciones relacionadas de "certificate":

  1. a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts2
  2. a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends2
  3. authorize by certificate2
  4. present someone with a certificate2
  5. A digital document that is commonly used for authentication and to help secure information on a network. A certificate binds a public key to an entity that holds the corresponding private key. Certificates are digitally signed by the certification authority that issues them, and they can be issued for a user, a computer, or a service.1

Wiktionary: certificate

  1. a document containing a certified statement

Cross Translation:
certificate diploma Diplomallgemein: Urkunde
certificate billete; recibo; certificado Schein — Bescheinigung, Quittung, schriftlicher Nachweis, Geldnote
certificate documento; carta; acta Urkunde — Schriftstück, das etwas beglaubigt oder bestätigt;
certificate notas; certificado Zeugnisschriftliches Dokument, das eine Leistungsbewertung beurkunden, Nachweis
certificate acción Aktie — Anteilsschein am Grundkapital einer Aktiengesellschaft
certificate certificación certificaat — een schriftelijk bewijs
certificate certificación attest — schriftelijk bewijs
certificate atestación attestationaction d’attester.
certificate diploma diplômecharte, titre, acte émaner de princes ou de seigneurs, et relatif à des privilèges, à des fondations, etc.
certificate acta; certificado; acto; documento documentécrit qui sert de preuve ou de renseignement.
certificate testimonio témoignageaction de témoigner ; rapport d’un ou de plusieurs témoins sur un fait, soit de vive voix, soit par écrit.
certificate valor valeurqualité ou justesse d’une chose, d’une idée, d’un ouvrage.

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