
Traducciones detalladas de disabled de inglés a español


Translation Matrix for disabled:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
desdichado bungler; duffer; poor devil; poor sod; poor soul; poor thing; wretch
desgraciado asshole; bastard; boor; bungler; child born out of wedlock; churl; clumsy fellow; creep; dolt; drip; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; illegitimate child; louse; lout; monstrosity; nasty piece of work; ogre; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; poor devil; poor sod; poor soul; poor thing; prole; rotter; schlemiel; scoundrel; slob; swine; ugly fellow; unfortunate; villain; wet; wretch; wretched fellow
incapacitado disabled person; handicapped person; the one incapable for work
inválido helplessness; impotence; powerlessness
minusválido disabled person; handicapped person
simplón Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dumbo; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly man; silly thing; simple mind; simpleton; stupid
- handicapped
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
atenuado dimmed; disabled; unavailable
deshabilitado dimmed; disabled; unavailable
no disponible dimmed; disabled; unavailable not available
- handicapped
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
no disponible N/A; busy; n/a; not applicable
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- cripled; crippled; keen; lame; sharp
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
deficiente disabled; frugal; handicapped barren; defective; deficient; incomplete; inferior; lacking; poor; unfinished; unfruitful; unsound; useless; valueless; worthless
desdichado disabled; frugal; handicapped disastrous; fatal; unfortunate; wretched
desgraciado disabled; frugal; handicapped appalling; crying shame; crying to heaven; disastrous; disgraceful; disgusting; dismal; fatal; inadequate; insufficient; outrageous; pitiful; pityful; plaintive; rank; regretful; sad; scandalous; shocking; sorrowful; sorry; unfortunate; unsatisfactory; woeful; wretched
desheredado disabled; frugal; handicapped distressful; miserable; pathetic; pitiful; wretched
desprovisto disabled; frugal; handicapped deprived; destitute; distressful; miserable; pathetic; pitiful; poor; underprivileged; wretched
incapacitado disabled; frugal; handicapped; unfit for work
incompleto disabled; frugal; handicapped deficient; imperfect; incomplete; unfinished
insignificante disabled; frugal; handicapped infinitesimal; insignificant; little; marginal; meager; meagre; minimal; minor; modest; negligible; poor; puny; scant; skinny; slight; small; thin; unassuming; unpretentious
insuficiente disabled; frugal; handicapped inadequate; incomplete; inferior; insufficient; pityful; poor; regretful; unfinished; unsatisfactory
inválido disabled; frugal; handicapped in need of help; needy; requiring help
minusvalido disabled; frugal; handicapped
minusválido disabled; frugal; handicapped crippled; lame
no finalizado disabled; frugal; handicapped
persona incapacitada disabled; frugal; handicapped
pueril disabled; frugal; handicapped as a child; child-like; childish; infantile
sencillo disabled; frugal; handicapped believing; credulous; easily; easy; effortless; gullible; humble; mean; modest; natural; naïve; not difficult; not hard; of simple origin; pedestrian; quite common; simple; trustful; trusting; unadorned; unaffected; uncomplicated; unmade-up; vile; without make-up
simplote disabled; frugal; handicapped dense; dull; goody-goody; naive; obtuse; simple; soft; stupid; wide-eyed
simplón disabled; frugal; handicapped as a child; dense; dull; naive; obtuse; simple; stupid; wide-eyed

Palabras relacionadas con "disabled":

Sinónimos de "disabled":

Definiciones relacionadas de "disabled":

  1. incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness2
  2. people collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped2
    • technology to help the elderly and the disabled2
  3. Pertaining to the state of a control in which normal functionality is not available to a user.1

Wiktionary: disabled

  1. -

Cross Translation:
disabled inválido invalide — (medisch, nld) door een gebrek beperkt in zijn mogelijkheden
disabled inválido; imperfecto; deficiente; defectuoso; defectivo gebrekkig — één of meerdere gebreken hebbend


disable verbo

  1. disable (turn off)
    – To make a device, component, or feature nonfunctional. For example, if you disable a device in a hardware configuration, you cannot use the device when your computer uses that hardware configuration. Disabling a device frees the resources that were allocated to the device. 1

Translation Matrix for disable:

VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
deshabilitar disable; turn off
- disenable; handicap; incapacitate; invalid

Palabras relacionadas con "disable":

Sinónimos de "disable":

Antónimos de "disable":

Definiciones relacionadas de "disable":

  1. injure permanently2
    • He was disabled in a car accident2
  2. make unable to perform a certain action2
    • disable this command on your computer2
  3. To make a device, component, or feature nonfunctional. For example, if you disable a device in a hardware configuration, you cannot use the device when your computer uses that hardware configuration. Disabling a device frees the resources that were allocated to the device.1

Wiktionary: disable

  1. to deactivate a function of an electronical or mechanical device
  2. to impair the physical or mental abilities of
  3. to render unable; to take away the ability

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de disabled