
Traducciones detalladas de excusable de inglés a español


excusable adj.

  1. excusable (forgivable; pardonable)

Translation Matrix for excusable:

AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- forgivable; venial
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- pardonable
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
excusable excusable; forgivable; pardonable
perdonable excusable; forgivable; pardonable

Palabras relacionadas con "excusable":

Sinónimos de "excusable":

Antónimos de "excusable":

Definiciones relacionadas de "excusable":

  1. easily excused or forgiven1
  2. capable of being overlooked1


excuse [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the excuse (sham; story)
    el pretexto; el subterfugio
  2. the excuse (apology; justification; vindication; thinking up a story; weathering)
    la excusa; la disculpa; la justificaciones; la justificación
  3. the excuse (apology)
    la excusa; la disculpa; el perdón
  4. the excuse (forgiveness; mercy; grace; )
    el perdón; la merced; la dispensa; la clemencia; la dispensación
  5. the excuse (poor excuse)
    el pretexto; la excusa
  6. the excuse (smooth over)
    la excusa

to excuse verbo (excuses, excused, excusing)

  1. to excuse (apologize; pardon; apologise)
  2. to excuse (forgive)
  3. to excuse (forgive; pardon; give away; misdeal)
  4. to excuse (smooth over; extenuate; palliate)

Conjugaciones de excuse:

  1. excuse
  2. excuse
  3. excuses
  4. excuse
  5. excuse
  6. excuse
simple past
  1. excused
  2. excused
  3. excused
  4. excused
  5. excused
  6. excused
present perfect
  1. have excused
  2. have excused
  3. has excused
  4. have excused
  5. have excused
  6. have excused
past continuous
  1. was excusing
  2. were excusing
  3. was excusing
  4. were excusing
  5. were excusing
  6. were excusing
  1. shall excuse
  2. will excuse
  3. will excuse
  4. shall excuse
  5. will excuse
  6. will excuse
continuous present
  1. am excusing
  2. are excusing
  3. is excusing
  4. are excusing
  5. are excusing
  6. are excusing
  1. be excused
  2. be excused
  3. be excused
  4. be excused
  5. be excused
  6. be excused
  1. excuse!
  2. let's excuse!
  3. excused
  4. excusing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for excuse:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
clemencia excuse; forgiveness; forgivingness; grace; mercy; pardon; remission absolution; amiability; benevolence; clemency; compassion; consideration; forbearance; forgiving; good-nature; goodness; indulgence; kindness; leniency; mercy; pardon; remission
disculpa apology; excuse; justification; thinking up a story; vindication; weathering
dispensa excuse; forgiveness; forgivingness; grace; mercy; pardon; remission absolution; compassion; pardon; remission
dispensación excuse; forgiveness; forgivingness; grace; mercy; pardon; remission compassion
excusa apology; excuse; justification; poor excuse; smooth over; thinking up a story; vindication; weathering burst; explaining-away; extenuation; gleam; smoothing-over; waft; whiff
justificaciones apology; excuse; justification; thinking up a story; vindication; weathering
justificación apology; excuse; justification; thinking up a story; vindication; weathering account; accounting; defensibility; justification; justness; lawfulness; legality; legitimacy; responsibility; rightfulness; rightness; settlement of an account; soundness; tenability; vindication
merced excuse; forgiveness; forgivingness; grace; mercy; pardon; remission absolution; compassion; pardon; remission
perdón apology; excuse; forgiveness; forgivingness; grace; mercy; pardon; remission absolution; amnesty; liberation; manumission; pardon; release; remission
pretexto excuse; poor excuse; sham; story cloak; cover; disguise; driving speed; façade; front; pretence; pretense; sham; speed
subterfugio excuse; sham; story changing; clean diaper; clean napkin; clean nappy; pretence; pretense; sham
- alibi; apology; exculpation; self-justification
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
dar sus excusas excuse; forgive
disculpar apologise; apologize; excuse; extenuate; forgive; give away; misdeal; palliate; pardon; smooth over
excusar apologise; apologize; excuse; extenuate; forgive; palliate; pardon; smooth over
perdonar apologise; apologize; excuse; forgive; give away; misdeal; pardon allow; bestow; consider; donate; forgive; give; give a present; grant; let off; offer; save; spare
presentar sus excusas excuse; forgive
- apologise; apologize; beg off; condone; exempt; explain; justify; let off; pardon; rationalise; rationalize; relieve
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- cancellation
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
perdón sorry

Palabras relacionadas con "excuse":

Sinónimos de "excuse":

Definiciones relacionadas de "excuse":

  1. a poor example1
    • a poor excuse for an automobile1
  2. a note explaining an absence1
    • he had to get his mother to write an excuse for him1
  3. a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.1
    • he kept finding excuses to stay1
  4. excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with1
    • excuse someone's behavior1
  5. serve as a reason or cause or justification of1
    • Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work1
  6. grant exemption or release to1
    • Please excuse me from this class1
  7. ask for permission to be released from an engagement1
  8. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning1
  9. accept an excuse for1
    • Please excuse my dirty hands1

Wiktionary: excuse

  1. explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement
  1. forgive, pardon

Cross Translation:
excuse excusa Ausredeunwahres Argument; Lüge, die in einer Situation der Rechtfertigung oder der Kritik als scheinbare Begründung benutzen wird
excuse disculpa; excusa; pretexto; justificante Entschuldigung — (geäußerte) Ursache für einen Fehler, den man begehen hat
excuse pretexto; excusa Vorwand — vorgeschobene, erfundene Begründung für eine Handlung
excuse dispensar entheben — (transitiv) jemanden von einer Belastung, Verpflichtung oder Mühe entbinden
excuse disculpar; perdonar; justificar entschuldigentransitiv: freisprechen von einer Schuld
excuse deprecación; excusas Abbitte — die Bitte um Nachsicht, Verzeihung
excuse perdonar verzeihen — jemandem etwas nachsehen
excuse exceptuar; distribuir; repartir dispenserexempter de la règle ordinaire, par faveur spéciale, ou simplement exempter de quelque chose.
excuse excusa; disculpa; achaque excuseraison que l’on alléguer pour expliquer ou atténuer une faute.
excuse excusar; disculpar; perdonar excuserdisculper dans une certaine mesure, présenter une personne ou une action comme moins coupable qu’elle ne sembler.
excuse perdonar; excusar; disculpar pardonneraccorder le pardon d’une faute commettre, ne garder aucun ressentiment d’une injure recevoir. — usage En ce sens il a toujours le nom de la chose pour complément direct et le nom de la personne pour complément indirect avec la préposition.
excuse pretexto prétexte — Cause simulée, supposée.

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