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por qué
Modifier | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
a lo que
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
at what; at whatever; of what; of whatever; to what; to whatever; what at; what of; what to; whatever at; whatever of; whatever to; which at; which of; which to
a que
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
at what; at whatever; for which; of what; of whatever; to what; to whatever; what at; what for; what of; what to; whatever at; whatever for; whatever of; whatever to; which at; which of; which to; why
al que
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
at what; at whatever; of what; of whatever; to what; to whatever; what at; what of; what to; whatever at; whatever of; whatever to; which at; which of; which to
con qué fin
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
de qué
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
for which; from what; from whatever; from where; from wherever; from which; of what; of which; of whom; what of; whatever from; where from; wherever from; which from
para el que
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
against which
para lo cual
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
para lo que
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
against which
para que
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
para qué
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
against which; for which
por qué
for whatever purpose; for whatever reason; what for; whatever for; wherefore; why
for which; what for; whatever for; why