Noun | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
brightfulness; cheerfulness; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry; shallowness; superficiality; volatility
amusement; banter; carousing; cheerfulness; delight in life; diversion; entertainment; folly; fun; gladness; glee; happiness; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joy of life; joyfulness; lunacy; lust; lust for life; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; passion; pleasure; revelry; roistering; silliness; waggery
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
aliveness; amusement; animation; carousing; cheer; cheerfulness; cheers; consolation; decency; diversion; encouragement; encouraging; enlivening; entertainment; flow; fun; help; influx; inspiration; joy; life; liveliness; living; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; pleasure; putting on; revelry; roistering; rush; squash; stampede; stay; stimulation; support; switching on; tidiness; turning on; turning up; urging; urging on
buen humor
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
candor; candour; carousing; civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; detachment; etiquette; frankness; fun; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; high spirits; joy; manners; merriment; mirth; open-heartedness; pleasure; propriety; revelry; roistering
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
appeasement; gratification; satisfaction; sufficiency
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
absentmindedness; amusement; attraction; banter; cheerfulness; distractedness; distraction; diversion; draw; entertainment; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; lust; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; passion; pleasure; relaxation; revelry; silliness; waggery
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
carousing; complacency; delight; ecstasy; effusiveness; enthusiasm; exuberance; fun; high spirits; joy; merriment; mirth; pleasure; rapture; ravishment; revelry; roistering; satisfaction
cheerfulness; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; lightheartedness; shallowness; superficiality; volatility
daredevilry; flightiness; foolhardiness; frivolity; frivolousness; light heartedness; recklessness; vanity
genio festivo
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
candor; candour; carousing; civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; detachment; etiquette; frankness; fun; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; joy; manners; merriment; mirth; open-heartedness; pleasure; propriety; revelry; roistering
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
amusement; benevolence; charity; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; lust; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; passion; philanthropy; pleasure; pun; silliness; well-doing
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
amusement; ardor; ardour; banter; be satisfied with; cheerfulness; choice; complacency; contentment; craze; decency; delight; desire; fancy; folly; frenzy; fun; high jinks; hilarity; hobby; joking; joy; joyfulness; liking; little gift; little present; lunacy; lust; madness; merriment; mirth; neatness; nonsense; orderliness; passion; pastime; pet subject; pleasure; preference; pun; rankness; revelry; satisfaction; sexual desire; silliness; taste; tidiness; urge; waggery
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
amusement; carousing; fun; hilarity; joy; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry; roistering
cheerfulness; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; lightheartedness; shallowness; superficiality; volatility
daredevilry; foolhardiness; inconsiderateness; rashness; recklessness; thougtlessness; unchastity
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
celebrations; festivities; revelry
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
amiability; candor; candour; carousing; civility; cordiality; courtesy; courtliness; decency; detachment; etiquette; faultlessness; frankness; friendliness; fun; gallantry; geniality; good breeding; good manners; goodwill; heartiness; impeccability; irreprochability; joy; kindness; light-heartedness; manners; merriment; mirth; neatness; open-heartedness; orderliness; perfection; pleasure; propriety; purity; respectability; revelry; roistering; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; tidiness; warm-heartedness
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
carousing; cheering; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; revelry; roistering; silliness
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
carousing; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; optimism; pleasure; revelry; roistering; silliness
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
amusement; be satisfied with; complacency; contentment; delight; enjoyment; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; lust; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; passion; pleasure; pun; satisfaction; silliness
cheerfulness; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; lightheartedness; shallowness; superficiality; volatility
brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry
adeptness; briskness; carousing; cunning; fun; intelligence; joy; keenness; liveliness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; quick-wittedness; revelry; roistering; sharpness
carefreeness; insouciance; lightsomeness
Other | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
Modifier | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
beneficial; cheerful; contented; delighted; exultant; feeling fortunate; fortunate; fullfilled; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; jubilant; lucky; merry; pleased; satiated; satisfied