
Traducciones detalladas de louts de inglés a español


louts [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the louts (nasty characters; bastards)
    el canallas
  2. the louts (bastards)
    la bestias; el canallas; el bribónes
  3. the louts (yokels; bastards; boors)
    la bestias; el canallas

Translation Matrix for louts:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bestias bastards; boors; louts; yokels animals; beasts
bribónes bastards; louts
canallas bastards; boors; louts; nasty characters; yokels pack of knaves; rats; scamps; scoundrels

Palabras relacionadas con "louts":


lout [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the lout (duffer; dolt)
    el palurdo; el pedazo de animal; el gamberro; el patán; el tonto; el paleto; el grosero; el granuja; el mal educado; el mentecato; la persona torpe; el bruto; el cateto; la ala; el torpe
  2. the lout (boor; prole; hulk; )
    el gamberro; el patán; el granjero; el paleto; el palurdo; el mastuerzo; el proleta; el trozón; el campesino; el torpe; el grosero; el bruto; el desgraciado; el maleducado; el granuja; el miserable; el aldeano; el mal educado; la persona torpe; el pedazón
  3. the lout (clodhopper; boor; bumpkin; yokel)
    el paleto; el cateto
  4. the lout (yokel; clodhopper; boor)
    el mentecato; el capullo; el bruto; el paleto; el tonto; el campesino; el torpe; el grosero; el agricultor; el granjero; el granuja; el patán; el palurdo; el cateto; el eructo; el mal educado; el pedazo de animal; la persona torpe

Translation Matrix for lout:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
agricultor boor; clodhopper; lout; yokel agrarian; agricultral worker; agriculturist; boor; clodhopper; cultivator; farmer; rancher; rude person; yokel
ala dolt; duffer; lout cotton; cottonwick; flange; wick; wing
aldeano bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine boor; clodhopper; villager; yokel
bruto bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel asshole; barbarian; bastard; blackguard; booby; boor; brute; clodhopper; cruel person; dolt; duffer; fiend; hulk; ill-mannered brute; jerk; lubber; madman; oaf; rennet; ruffian; shithead; thug; tough; unlicked cub; yokel
campesino bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel agrarian; agricultral worker; agricultural laborer; agricultural labourer; agriculturist; boor; clodhopper; country lad; countryman; cultivator; farmer; peasant boy; rancher; yokel
capullo boor; clodhopper; lout; yokel asshole; boor; clodhopper; cocoon; dirty bastard; door handle; greenhorn; handle; novice; son-of-a-bitch; yokel
cateto boor; bumpkin; clodhopper; dolt; duffer; lout; yokel boor; clodhopper; yokel
desgraciado bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine asshole; bastard; bungler; child born out of wedlock; creep; dolt; drip; duffer; illegitimate child; louse; monstrosity; nasty piece of work; ogre; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; poor devil; poor sod; poor soul; poor thing; rotter; schlemiel; scoundrel; ugly fellow; unfortunate; villain; wet; wretch; wretched fellow
eructo boor; clodhopper; lout; yokel belch; boor; burp; clodhopper; yokel
gamberro bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine Hell's Angel; Teddy boy; agitator; brat; bruiser; brute; disturber of the peace; hooligan; hulk; ill-mannered brute; instigator; jackanapes; little pest; naughty boy; naughty child; noisy fellow; peace-breaker; rascal; rioter; rogue; roisterer; rowdy; street rough; troublemaker; villain
granjero bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel agrarian; agriculturist; boor; clodhopper; yokel
granuja bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel asshole; baddie; bastard; blackguard; boor; cad; clodhopper; cur; dickhead; good for nothing; jackanapes; jerk; knave; naughty boy; naughty child; pariah; piece of shit; prick; rascal; rascals; rogue; scoundrel; shit; shithead; villain; yokel
grosero bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel booby; boor; boorishness; brute; clodhopper; discourtesy; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lubber; oaf; rude fellow; rudeness; yokel
mal educado bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel booby; boor; brute; clodhopper; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lubber; oaf; yokel
maleducado bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine brute; hulk; ill-mannered brute
mastuerzo bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine clot; dab; dollop; lump
mentecato boor; clodhopper; dolt; duffer; lout; yokel Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; boor; clodhopper; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; little dreamer; moron; nerd; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; simpleton; stupid; yokel
miserable bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine asshole; bastard; louse; nasty piece of work; pain in the neck; rotter; scoundrel; villain; wretch; wretched fellow
paleto bastard; boor; bumpkin; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel asshole; beard; boor; clodhopper; dirty bastard; son-of-a-bitch; yokel
palurdo bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel asshole; booby; boor; clodhopper; dirty bastard; dolt; duffer; lubber; oaf; son-of-a-bitch; yokel
patán bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel asshole; bastard; blighter; booby; boor; brute; clodhopper; dirty bastard; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; jerk; louse; lubber; oaf; pain in the neck; rotter; scoundrel; shithead; son-of-a-bitch; yokel
pedazo de animal boor; clodhopper; dolt; duffer; lout; yokel
pedazón bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine brute; clot; dab; dollop; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lump
persona torpe bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel booby; boor; brute; bungler; clodhopper; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lubber; muddler; oaf; sad sack; yokel
proleta bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine
tonto boor; clodhopper; dolt; duffer; lout; yokel Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; blockhead; booby; boor; buffoon; clodhopper; clown; daft; dimwit; dolt; duffer; duffers; dumbo; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; kind soul; lamb; lambkin; loony; lubber; lunatic; mad; madman; meathead; mentally disabled; mopers; moron; nerd; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; nutcase; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly man; silly thing; simple mind; simpleton; softy; stupid; yokel
torpe bastard; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine; yokel booby; boor; brute; clodhopper; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lubber; oaf; unlicked cub; yokel
trozón bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine clot; dab; dollop; lump
- clod; gawk; goon; lubber; lummox; lump; oaf; stumblebum
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
torpe clumsy; loutish
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aldeano arrogant; impudent; insolent; overbearing; presumptuous; rural; rustic; shameless
bruto abominable; agressive; arrogant; banal; barbaric; beastly; below the belt; bestial; blunt; boorish; brutal; coarse; commonplace; cruel; gross; gruesome; heinous; ill-bred; impudent; indecent; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; nasty; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; pityless; presumptuous; rotten; rude; rustic; ruthless; seedy; shabby; shameless; trite; trivial; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unprocessed; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; violent; vulgar
campesino arrogant; impudent; insolent; overbearing; presumptuous; rural; rustic; shameless
desgraciado appalling; crying shame; crying to heaven; disabled; disastrous; disgraceful; disgusting; dismal; fatal; frugal; handicapped; inadequate; insufficient; outrageous; pitiful; pityful; plaintive; rank; regretful; sad; scandalous; shocking; sorrowful; sorry; unfortunate; unsatisfactory; woeful; wretched
grosero abominable; abusive; arrogant; barbaric; base; big-boned; bold; boorish; brutal; coarse; commonplace; crass; crude; cruel; cunning; discourteous; doggish; false; gross; gruesome; heavily-built; hefty; heinous; ill-bred; ill-mannered; impertinent; impolite; impudent; indecent; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; loutish; low; mean; nasty; oafish; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; pedestrian; presumptuous; rude; rustic; seedy; shameless; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stocky; uncivilised; uncivilized; underhand; uneducated; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar
mal educado arrogant; audacious; bald; bold; boorish; cunning; icy; ill-bred; ill-mannered; immoral; impertinent; impudent; insolent; lack of moral; obscene; overbearing; presumptuous; rude; rustic; sanguine; shameless; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly
maleducado arrogant; boorish; discourteous; ill-bred; ill-mannered; impertinent; impolite; impudent; indecent; insolent; loutish; oafish; offensive; overbearing; presumptuous; rude; rustic; shameless; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly
mastuerzo abstemious; arrogant; awkward; boorish; clumsy; doltish; fumbling; gawky; ill-bred; impudent; insolent; not very good; overbearing; owlish; poor; presumptuous; rude; rustic; shameless; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; unmannerly; wooden
mentecato crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; mad; odd; potty; ridiculous; senseless; silly; stupid; unwise
miserable abominable; awful; distressed; distressful; dreadful; frightful; horrible; lousy; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; pathetic; pitiful; plaintive; poor; poverty stricken; ragged; rotten; sad; shabby; shady; sorrowful; sorry; terrible; terrifying; unsightly; woeful; wretched
palurdo arrogant; boorish; ill-bred; impudent; indecent; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; presumptuous; rude; rustic; shameless; unmannerly
tonto boring; crazy; daft; deadening; dense; dull; empty-headed; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; irrational; lunatic; mad; mentally ill; mixed up; mutton-head; muzzy; naive; obtuse; odd; owlish; ridiculous; senseless; sheepish; silly; simple; simpleton; stupid; unwise; weird; wide-eyed
torpe abstemious; ailing; angular; arrogant; awkward; boorish; bungling; chubby; clumsy; dense; doltish; dull; fumbling; gawky; heavy; ill-bred; impudent; inept; insolent; jittery; jumpy; lanky; loutish; maladroit

Palabras relacionadas con "lout":

Sinónimos de "lout":

Definiciones relacionadas de "lout":

  1. an awkward stupid person1

Wiktionary: lout

  1. bumpkin
  2. troublemaker

Cross Translation:
lout palurdo; mastuerzo; grosero lomperd — een onhandig persoon

Traducciones automáticas externas: