
Traducciones detalladas de notice de inglés a español


to notice verbo (notices, noticed, noticing)

  1. to notice (behold; see; perceive; become aware of; see in)
  2. to notice (signal; observe)
  3. to notice (sense; see; feel; perceive; observe)
  4. to notice (confirm; certify; authenticate; )
  5. to notice
  6. to notice (become aware of; perceive; see; sense; find)
  7. to notice (keep apart; perceive; become aware of; )

Conjugaciones de notice:

  1. notice
  2. notice
  3. notices
  4. notice
  5. notice
  6. notice
simple past
  1. noticed
  2. noticed
  3. noticed
  4. noticed
  5. noticed
  6. noticed
present perfect
  1. have noticed
  2. have noticed
  3. has noticed
  4. have noticed
  5. have noticed
  6. have noticed
past continuous
  1. was noticing
  2. were noticing
  3. was noticing
  4. were noticing
  5. were noticing
  6. were noticing
  1. shall notice
  2. will notice
  3. will notice
  4. shall notice
  5. will notice
  6. will notice
continuous present
  1. am noticing
  2. are noticing
  3. is noticing
  4. are noticing
  5. are noticing
  6. are noticing
  1. be noticed
  2. be noticed
  3. be noticed
  4. be noticed
  5. be noticed
  6. be noticed
  1. notice!
  2. let's notice!
  3. noticed
  4. noticing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

notice [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the notice (clarification; explanation; elucidation; )
    la explicación; la aclaración; el aviso; el esclarecimiento; la exposición; la certificación; la articulación; la interpretación; la motivación; la pronunciación; la notificación; la dilucidación; el comentario; la enunciación
  2. the notice (announcement; proclamation)
    el informe; el anuncio; el aviso; la noticia; el comunicado; la revelación; la publicación; la proclamación
  3. the notice (information; notification; announcement)
    la información; el aviso; la comunicación; la notificación
  4. the notice (attraction)
    la atracción
  5. the notice (notice to end the lease agreement)
    la anulación de arriendo; el desahucio
  6. the notice (dismissal)
    el despedido
  7. the notice
    – A privacy principle that requires reasonable disclosure to a consumer of an entity's personally identifiable information (PII) collection and use practices. This disclosure information is typically conveyed in a privacy notice or privacy policy. Notice is addressed in Fair Information Practices. 1
    el aviso
    • aviso [el ~] sustantivo

Translation Matrix for notice:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aclaración clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice argument; clarification; clearing; commentary; delegation of knowledge; elucidation; enlightenment; explanation; interpretation; line of thought; reading; reasoning; version
anulación de arriendo notice; notice to end the lease agreement
anuncio announcement; notice; proclamation ad; advert; advertisement; advertising; advertizement; advertizing; announcement; announcing; commercial; declaration; decree; enunciation; memorandum; notification; proclamation; pronunciation; publication; reminder; statement
articulación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice articulation; ball-and-socket joint; branch; brigade; cock; department; detachment; dick; division; elucidation; enunciation; expression; hinge; hinge joint; joint; judgement; ligature; member; member of the congregation; penis; prick; pronunciation; rod; section; sod; utterance; verdict; ward; willie
atracción attraction; notice allurement; appeal; attraction; attractiveness; charm; delightfulness; draw; enchantment; enticement; fascination; loveliness; lure; magnetism; power of attraction; seductiveness; splendidness; temptation
aviso announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice; notification; proclamation admonition; announcement; decree; making known; memorandum; message; notification; piece of news; prompt; reminder; report; statement; subpoena; summons; warning
cantar melody; singing; song; tune
certificación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice authentication; decisive answer; definite answer; enunciation; licence; license; permit; pronunciation; safe-conduct; safeguard
comentario clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice annotation; comment; commentary; criticism; explanation; observation; record; remark; report; survey
comunicación announcement; information; notice; notification announcement; approachableness; association; attainableness; bond; combination; communication; connection; contact; declaration; disclosure; enunciation; expression; junction; junctions; liaison; line; link; linkage; linking; linking together; message; notification; piece of news; proclamation; pronunciation; publication; publicity; reachableness; relation; relationship; report; statement; telephone connection; union; utterance
comunicado announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; communiqué; declaration; proclamation; publication
contemplar looking in the eyes; viewing; watching
cumplir accepting; carrying out; obeying
defender defending
desahucio notice; notice to end the lease agreement expulsion; expulsion from housing
despedido dismissal; notice disabled person; the one incapable for work
dilucidación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice delegation of knowledge
enunciación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice elucidation
esclarecimiento clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice awareness; clarification; clearing; delegation of knowledge; enlightenment; mind; reason
explicación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice argument; basic assumption; basic principle; basis; cause; commentary; delegation of knowledge; elucidation; enunciation; explanation; expression; interpretation; licence; license; line of thought; motivation; motive; permit; point of departure; principle; pronunciation; reading; reasoning; safe-conduct; safeguard; starting point; utterance; version
exposición clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice chronometry; display; enunciation; exhibition; exposition; expression; happening; open door day; private viewing; pronunciation; show; timekeeping; timing; utterance; view day
información announcement; information; notice; notification announcement; announcements; announcing; clarification; clearing; clue; cue; delegation of knowledge; enlightenment; enunciation; explanation; giving notice of; hint; info; information; informing; lead; message; notification; objective reporting; piece of news; pointer; proclaiming; pronunciation; report; reportage; statement; tip; tip-off
informe announcement; notice; proclamation account; announcement; commentary; composition; declaration; delegation of knowledge; enquiry; enunciation; inquiry; journal; magazine; message; monthly; monthly magazine; news; notification; paper; periodical; piece of news; proclamation; pronunciation; publication; reference; report; statement; weekly
interpretación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice angle; aspect; attitude; conception; elucidation; explanation; idea; imitation; impersonation; interpretation; interpreting; notion; opinion; outlook; perception; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking
mirar having a look; looking in the eyes; viewing; watching
motivación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice basic assumption; basic principle; basis; cause; motivation; motive; point of departure; principle; starting point
noticia announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; declaration; enunciation; intelligence; message; news; notification; piece of news; proclamation; pronunciation; publication; report; statement; tidings
notificación announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice; notification announcement; claim; declaration; decree; disclosure; making known; message; notification; piece of news; proclamation; promulgation; publication; report; statement; subpoena; summons
percibir collecting
proclamación announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; declaration; disclosure; proclamation; promulgation; publication
pronunciación clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice elucidation; enunciation; expression; pronunciation; utterance
publicación announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; article; declaration; disclosure; expenditure; message; piece of news; proclamation; promulgation; publication; publicity; publishing; report; spending; statement
revelación announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; declaration; disclosure; proclamation; promulgation; publication; revelation; unveiling
ver looking in the eyes; viewing; watching
- bill; card; notification; observance; observation; placard; poster; posting
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
abarcar con la vista become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in inspect; look over; survey
acreditar assent; authenticate; certify; confirm; notice; ratify; signal; uphold credit; guarantee; ratify; sanction; validate; vouch; warrant
advertir feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense; signal brief; call attention to; draw attention to; indicate; inform; instil; instill; make known; notify; point; point out; send word; show; signal; tell; tip off
atisbar become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in peep at; spy upon
cantar notice blab; blurt out; chirp; crow; let slip out; sing; tip the scales; warble
condecorar become aware of; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; sense decorate; discern; distinguish from each other
constatar notice; observe; signal ascertain; determine; establish; identify
contemplar become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in attend; cast an eye on; consider; contemplate; glance; keep an eye on; look; look at; look on; meditate on; muse on; observe; peer; perceive; ponder on; reflect on; regard; see; spectate; think it over; think out; view; watch; witness
cumplir become aware of; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; sense acquit o.s.; comply; discharge; follow; heed; imitate; listen; obey; realise; realize; substantiate
darse cuenta de become aware of; behold; feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; see in; sense; signal cast a glance; cast a look; comprehend; contain; get; get to know; glance over; grasp; hold; realise; realize; skim; understand
defender notice advocate; be of the opinion; defend; fight back; guard; herd; hold off; keep away; keep off; keep out; keep watch over; plead; protect; resist; safeguard; shield; struggle; support; take the view; watch over
descubrir notice admit; bare; develop; disclose; discover; expose; filet; fillet; find out; invent; investigate; make public; publish; reclaim; release; research; reveal; search for; sniff around; strip; uncover; unmask
desempeñar become aware of; behold; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense accomplish; fulfil; fulfill; honor; honour; occupy a position; practice; practise; reconcile; settle
destacarse become aware of; behold; find; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense attract attention; be conspicuous; decorate; defect; desert; discern; distinguish from each other; jut out; knight; leap out; prance; protrude; show off; stand out; stick out
diferenciar become aware of; behold; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense decorate; differ; differentiate; discern; distinguish; distinguish from each other; keep apart; knight; make a difference
diferenciarse become aware of; behold; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense decorate; deviate; differ from; differentiate; discern; distinguish from each other
discernir become aware of; behold; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense decorate; distinguish; keep apart; knight
distinguir become aware of; behold; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; observe; perceive; see; see in; sense; signal attend; characterise; characterize; contain; decorate; differentiate; discern; distinguish; distinguish from each other; get to know; grasp; hold; keep apart; look at; mark; observe; perceive; realise; realize; see; spectate; typify; view; watch; witness
distinguirse become aware of; behold; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense decorate; discern; distinguish from each other; outshine
divisar become aware of; behold; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense investigate; research; search for; sniff around
entrever feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense
experimentar become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in be in sympathy with; bear; conceive; encounter; endure; experience; experiment; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; live through; stand; sustain; sympathise; sympathize; think; witness
hojear become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in cast an eye on; flip through the pages; glance; glance through; leaf through the pages; look; look on; observe; turn over the leaves; turn over the pages; watch
llamar la atención notice attract attention; be conspicuous; jut out; leap out; prance; protrude; show off; stand out; stick out
luquear become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in
mirar become aware of; behold; find; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense cast an eye on; check; control; examine; glance; inspect; keep an eye on; look; look at; look on; monitor; observe; peer; see; spectate; stare; test; try

Palabras relacionadas con "notice":

Sinónimos de "notice":

Antónimos de "notice":

Definiciones relacionadas de "notice":

  1. the act of noticing or paying attention2
    • he escaped the notice of the police2
  2. polite or favorable attention2
    • his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice2
  3. a short critical review2
    • the play received good notices2
  4. an announcement containing information about an event2
    • you didn't give me enough notice2
    • an obituary notice2
  5. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement2
  6. a request for payment2
  7. advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract2
    • we received a notice to vacate the premises2
    • he gave notice two months before he moved2
  8. make or write a comment on2
  9. express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with2
  10. notice or perceive2
  11. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of2
  12. A privacy principle that requires reasonable disclosure to a consumer of an entity's personally identifiable information (PII) collection and use practices. This disclosure information is typically conveyed in a privacy notice or privacy policy. Notice is addressed in Fair Information Practices.1

Wiktionary: notice

  1. to observe
  1. formal notification or warning

Cross Translation:
notice comentario BemerkungÄußerung zu einem Thema
notice cancelación; rescisión KündigungRecht: einseitige, in die Zukunft wirkende Beendigung eines Vertragsverhältnisses
notice fijarse; tener en cuenta beachten — jemandem oder etwas Aufmerksamkeit schenken
notice darse cuenta bemerken — Etwas wahrnehmen und dabei als wichtig einstufen
notice mencionar erwähnentransitiv: etwas nebenbei und beiläufig aussprechen, zur Sprache bringen
notice constatar feststellen — etwas behaupten, mitteilen
notice notar bemerken — zich ergens bewust van worden
notice advertir; notar; observar; distinguir apercevoir — Remarquer une chose qui avait échappé d’abord.
notice aviso avis — Communication publique, avertissement, annonce.
notice reflexionar; pensar aviser — Faire réflexion sur quelque chose
notice constatar; comprobar constater — vx|fr Rendre évident.
notice percibir; cobrar percevoir — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
notice notar remarquer — Observer quelque chose... (Sens général)
notice aviso; informe renseignementindice qui nous aider à connaître certaines choses ou qui nous éclairer sur une personne.
notice reflexión; advertencia; nota; reflejo réflexionTraductions à trier suivant le sens.

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