
Traducciones detalladas de rottenness de inglés a español


rottenness [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the rottenness (illness; nausea; sickness)
    el mareo; la náuseas
  2. the rottenness (hollowness; sponginess; rancidness)
    la putrefacción

Translation Matrix for rottenness:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
mareo illness; nausea; rottenness; sickness airsickness; carsickness; dizziness; hollowness; leanness; seasickness; thinness; travel sickness
náuseas illness; nausea; rottenness; sickness abomination; atrocity
putrefacción hollowness; rancidness; rottenness; sponginess decay; deterioration; hollowness; leanness; putrefaction; rotting; thinness
- corruption; putrescence; putridness

Palabras relacionadas con "rottenness":

Sinónimos de "rottenness":

Definiciones relacionadas de "rottenness":

  1. the quality of rotting and becoming putrid1
  2. in a state of progressive putrefaction1

rottenness forma de rotten:

rotten adj.

  1. rotten (putrefied; depraved; degenerate; perverted; corrupt)
  2. rotten (miserable; wretched; naseaus)
  3. rotten (nasty; banal; coarse; )
  4. rotten (messy; smudged; gross; )
  5. rotten (woolly; spongy; wooly)
  6. rotten (awful; lousy)
  7. rotten (miserable; awful)

Translation Matrix for rotten:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bajo bass; contrabass; sandbank
bruto asshole; barbarian; bastard; blackguard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; cruel person; dolt; duffer; fiend; hulk; ill-mannered brute; jerk; lout; lubber; madman; oaf; prole; rennet; ruffian; shithead; slob; swine; thug; tough; unlicked cub; yokel
criminal bastard; cad; criminal; delinquent; evil-doer; malefactor; offender; perpetrator; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; villain
guarro dirty fellow; dirty-fellow; dirtyness; obscenity; pervert; piglet; pigling; prole; skunk; slob; smut; smutty talk; swine; wretch
malo nasty character
menos minus; minus sign
miserable asshole; bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; louse; lout; nasty piece of work; pain in the neck; prole; rotter; scoundrel; slob; swine; villain; wretch; wretched fellow
rancio rancidity
sucio dirty fellow
vicioso monstrosity; ogre; ugly fellow
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- crappy; decayed; icky; lousy; rotted; shitty; stinking; stinky
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
maligno evil
- dirty; lousy
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
a sotavento banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar base; bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; mean; nasty; pedestrian; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vile; villainous; vulgar
abatido awful; miserable; rotten bankrupt; beaten; clowdy; dawdling; dejected; depressed; despondent; disconsolate; discouraged; disheartened; dispirited; distressful; dragging; drained; drooping; gloomy; hit; inactive; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; low spirited; miserable; passive; pathetic; pessimistic; pitiful; ruptured; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; tardy; to pieces; torn; washed out; wretched
abominable awful; miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched abominable; atheistic; detestable; disgraceful; disgusting; distressed; distressful; dreadful; frightful; godless; horrible; irreligious; meager; meagre; miserable; nefarious; outrageous; paltry; pathetic; pitiful; poor; scandalous; terrible; terrifying; unholy; wretched
afligido miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched a pity; appalling; crying shame; crying to heaven; dejected; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disgraceful; disheartened; dispirited; gloomy; low spirited; outrageous; pessimistic; pitiful; plaintive; rank; sad; shocking; sorrowful; sorry; too bad; woeful
apenado miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched a pity; dejected; depressed; despondent; gloomy; low spirited; pessimistic; plaintive; sad; sorrowful; sorry; too bad; woeful
añejo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar matured; more than one year old; ripe; seasoned; stale
bajamente banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar base; mean; nasty; pedestrian; vile; villainous
bajo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar bad; base; behind one's back; blackguardly; crude; cunning; diminutive; false; falsely; foul; inadequate; indecent; indigent; inferior; jarring; little; low; low-grade; low-hanging; mean; middling; minuscule; nasty; needy; not high; offensive; pedestrian; pennyless; poor; ribald; roguish; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; sharp; short; shortish; shrewd; slippery; sly; small; tiny; under; underhand; undersized; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar
banal banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar futile; insignificant; mean; meaningless; sheet; sordid; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unremarkable
basto banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abusive; big-boned; coarse; crass; heavily-built; hefty; stocky
bruto banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abominable; agressive; arrogant; barbaric; beastly; bestial; blunt; boorish; brutal; coarse; commonplace; cruel; gross; gruesome; heinous; ill-bred; impudent; indecent; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; pityless; presumptuous; rude; rustic; ruthless; seedy; shameless; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unprocessed; unsavory; unsavoury; violent; vulgar
burdo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abusive; big-boned; chubby; coarse; crass; heavily-built; heavy; hefty; plump; squat; stocky
calamitoso miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched pitiful; woeful
chapuzo grimy; gross; grubby; messy; muck; rotten; seedy; shabby; smudged
corrompido corrupt; degenerate; depraved; perverted; putrefied; rotten abandoned; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; noxious; ownerless; perverted; pestiferous; reprobated; unattended; wicked
criminal banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar blackguardly; criminal; illegal; mean; of criminal law; pedestrian; roguish; scoundrelly; vile; villainous
deplorable awful; miserable; rotten abominable; appalling; cheerless; critical; crying shame; crying to heaven; dejected; deplorable; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disgraceful; disheartened; dispirited; distressed; distressful; dizy; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grave; grey; inadequate; insufficient; joyless; low spirited; meager; meagre; miserable; outrageous; paltry; pathetic; pessimistic; pitiable; pitiful; pityful; plaintive; poor; rank; regretful; sad; serious; shocking; sorrowful; sorry; terrible; unfortunate; unsatisfactory; weak; woeful; worrying; wretched
deprimente miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched cheerless; dismal; uninviting
desagradable miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched a pity; aggravating; annoying; awkward; bad; bashful; behind one's back; bold; bothersome; cheerless; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; critical; cunning; diffident; disagreeable; dismal; embarrassed; exacting; false; falsely; foul; grave; ill at ease; impolite; inadequate; inconvenient; indecent; insufficient; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pitiful; pityful; regretful; repulsive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; serious; sharp; shrewd; shy; slippery; sly; sourly; timid; too bad; troublesome; unappetising; unappetizing; uncivil; uncongenial; underhand; uneasy; unengaging; unfriendly; ungrateful; uninviting; unkind; unpleasant; unsatisfactory; unsavory; unsavoury; unthankful; untrue; unwelcome; vicious; vile; woeful; worrying
desaliñado grimy; gross; grubby; messy; muck; rotten; seedy; shabby; smudged ash grey; ashen; careless; confused; disorderly; grubby; inattentive; mixed up; negligent; nonchalant; pell mell
desanimado awful; miserable; rotten annoyed; clowdy; dawdling; dejected; depressed; despondent; disconsolate; discontented; discouraged; disgruntled; disheartened; dispirited; displeased; displeased with; dissatisfied; distressful; down in the dumps; dragging; drained; drooping; gloomy; inactive; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; low spirited; miserable; passive; pathetic; pessimistic; pitiful; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; tardy; washed out; wretched
desaseado banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar dirty; grubby; messy; not tidy; repulsive; shoddy; sloppy; slovenly; unappetising; unappetizing; unclean; unhygienic; unsavory; unsavoury
deshonroso banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar disgraceful; disgusting; dishonorable; dishonourable; humiliating; immoral; improper; indecent; inglorious; mean; outrageous; pedestrian; scandalous; vile
desolado miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched a pity; brokenhearted; cheerless; dejected; depressed; deserted; desolate; despondent; disconsolate; discouraged; disheartened; dismal; dispirited; drab; dreary; dull; forlorn; gloomy; grey; inconsolable; isolated; joyless; lonely; lonesome; low spirited; pessimistic; sad; secluded; sequestered; solitary; too bad
desolador miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched cheerless; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grey; joyless; sad
disgustoso miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched dismal
fatal awful; lousy; rotten calamitous; catastrophic; disastrous; fatal; fatally; fateful; pernicious
flojo awful; miserable; rotten abstemious; bad; bland; clumsy; dawdling; delicate; dim; distressful; dizy; doltish; dragging; drained; drooping; dully; faded; faint; feeble; flat; fragile; frail; gawky; inactive; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; lifeless; limp; lingering; listless; lurid; meager; meagre; miserable; no energy; not solid; not substantial; not very good; owlish; pale; passive; pathetic; pitiful; poor; puny; ragged; ramshackle; rickety; sallow; shuffling; sick; skinny; slackly; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; stiff; succulent; tardy; tender; thin; uneasy; unhandy; vulnerable; wan; washed out; washed-out; weak; wobbly; wonky; wooden; wretched
guarro grimy; gross; grubby; messy; muck; rotten; seedy; shabby; smudged cunning; false; greasy; low; mean; nasty; pedestrian; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile
horrible awful; miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; disgraceful; disgusting; dismal; distressful; dizy; dreadful; frightening; frightful; grisly; gruesome; heinous; hideous; horrible; horribly; horrific; imminent; impending; inhuman; inhumane; miserable; monstrous; outrageous; pathetic; pitiful; rank; repellant

Palabras relacionadas con "rotten":

Sinónimos de "rotten":

Antónimos de "rotten":

Definiciones relacionadas de "rotten":

  1. having decayed or disintegrated; usually implies foulness1
    • dead and rotten in his grave1
  2. very bad1
  3. damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless1
    • rotten floor boards1

Wiktionary: rotten

  1. mean

Cross Translation:
rotten podrido faul — nicht mehr frisch; verrottet, verfault
rotten podrido; picado fauligbezogen auf Lebensmittel: verdorben, schlecht
rotten malo; fatal; miserable miesabwertend:
rotten podrido morschvon Holz: durch Fäulnis hohl und brüchig und dem Zerfall nahe
rotten raído; raída schofelumgangssprachlich abwertend: in empörender, verachtenswürdiger oder ähnlicher Art und Weise böse, minderwertig, niederträchtig, schäbig
rotten podrido vergammelt — (umgangssprachlich) von Lebensmitteln: verdorben und somit nicht genießbar
rotten podrido pourri — Qui est en état de pourriture, de corruption.

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