
Traducciones detalladas de sorting de inglés a español


sorting [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the sorting (shifting)
    la selección
  2. the sorting (accumulation; collection; gathering; )
    la colección; el montón; la compilación; la selección; el amontonamiento; la acumulación; el grupo
  3. the sorting (selecting; sifting)
    el seleccionar
  4. the sorting
    – A method of arranging data based on the order of specified information. For example, records sorted by class would list all records within a class before moving to records in the next class. 1
    la ordenación

Translation Matrix for sorting:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
acumulación accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; assembling; blockage; bunch; clutter; collection; congestion; constipation; crowd; cumulation; gang; gathering; heap; heaping up; jam; load; mess; mountain; muddle; party; pile; piling up; set; stacking; stoppage
amontonamiento accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; congestion; heaping up; jam; mess; mountain; muddle; piling up; stagnation
colección accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; assortment; collection; collection of poems; compilation; heap; hotchpotch; jumble; load; match pair; medley; mishmash; pile; piling up; selection; set; team; volume of poems
compilación accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting arrangement; assembly; binder; building; compilation; composite volume; composition; construction; hotchpotch; jumble; medley; mishmash; montage; omnibus volume
grupo accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; assembling; association; bunch; chaos; circle; club; cluster; clutter; collection; common herd; corporation; craft; craft guild; craft union; crowd; debris; distribution group; distribution list; drove; faction; flock; fraternity; gang; gathering; group; guild; heap; herd; horde; hotchpotch; jumble; match pair; medley; mess; mishmash; mob; multitude; party; pillar; pool; professional organisation; professional organization; set; society; society grouping; sorority; team; union
montón accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting a whole lot; bag and baggage; bunch; caboodle; crowd; gathering; group; heap; hotchpotch; jumble; load; lot; mass; medley; mishmash; multitude; pile; quite a lot; scoop; spoon; stacking
ordenación sorting building; construction
seleccionar selecting; sifting; sorting
selección accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; shifting; sifting; sorting alternative; anthology; assortment; choice; choice selection of texts; option; pick; possibility of making choices; selection
- categorisation; categorization; classification; sort
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
seleccionar arrange; assort; choose; classify; eliminate by lottery; group; pick; pick out; prefer; select; shunt; sift; single out; sort out; subselect
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
compilación build

Palabras relacionadas con "sorting":

Sinónimos de "sorting":

Definiciones relacionadas de "sorting":

  1. grouping by class or kind or size2
  2. the basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories2
  3. an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion2
    • the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting2
  4. A method of arranging data based on the order of specified information. For example, records sorted by class would list all records within a class before moving to records in the next class.1

sorting forma de sort:

sort [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the sort (genre; type; category; )
    el tipo; la categoría; el género; la clase

to sort verbo (sorts, sorted, sorting)

  1. to sort
  2. to sort
    – To organize information, such as a list of files, in a particular order. For example, a list of files can be sorted alphabetically by name in ascending or descending order. 1

Conjugaciones de sort:

  1. sort
  2. sort
  3. sorts
  4. sort
  5. sort
  6. sort
simple past
  1. sorted
  2. sorted
  3. sorted
  4. sorted
  5. sorted
  6. sorted
present perfect
  1. have sorted
  2. have sorted
  3. has sorted
  4. have sorted
  5. have sorted
  6. have sorted
past continuous
  1. was sorting
  2. were sorting
  3. was sorting
  4. were sorting
  5. were sorting
  6. were sorting
  1. shall sort
  2. will sort
  3. will sort
  4. shall sort
  5. will sort
  6. will sort
continuous present
  1. am sorting
  2. are sorting
  3. is sorting
  4. are sorting
  5. are sorting
  6. are sorting
  1. be sorted
  2. be sorted
  3. be sorted
  4. be sorted
  5. be sorted
  6. be sorted
  1. sort!
  2. let's sort!
  3. sorted
  4. sorting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for sort:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
categoría category; class; genre; kind; sort; style; type branch; brigade; category; class; classification; color category; department; detachment; division; genre; group; level; order of rank; party; position; rank; section; social class; social group; social position; type; ward
clase category; class; genre; kind; sort; style; type category; class; classification; classroom; college; course; curriculum; education; educational programme; genre; grade; group; instruction; lecture; lecture hall; lecture room; lesson; lesson hour; object class; party; position; school year; social class; social group; social position; subject room; teaching; tuition; type
género category; class; genre; kind; sort; style; type belonging; category; class; gender; genre; possession; sex; trade; type
tipo category; class; genre; kind; sort; style; type announcement; bird; bloke; build; buster; chap; character; cove; creation; creature; dandy; declaration; disclosure; dude; fellow; figure; fop; gent; gentleman; guy; human; human being; individual; lad; lone wolf; loner; man; mister; person; posture; poultry; print letter; proclamation; publication; shape; size; stature; type
- form; kind; sorting; variety
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
colocarse en el carril correspondiente 4en la vía debida sort
ordenar sort aggravate; arrange; assign to; assort; be in command of; bid; burden; call; card-index; charge; class; classify; clean; clear away; coerce; command; commission; compel; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; direct; do odd jobs; do out; entomb; exert power; force; get settled; give an order; give notice of; group; instruct; inter; oblige; ordain; order; preside; proclaim; put away; put in order; put out; put right; range; rank; redevelop; remove; renovate; restore; rule; select; settle; shunt; sift; sort out; systematise; systematize; take off; take the lead; tidy up
- assort; class; classify; screen; screen out; separate; sieve; sort out
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
categoría category

Palabras relacionadas con "sort":

Sinónimos de "sort":

Definiciones relacionadas de "sort":

  1. an approximate definition or example2
    • she wore a sort of magenta dress2
    • she served a creamy sort of dessert thing2
  2. a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality2
  3. a person of a particular character or nature2
    • what sort of person is he?2
    • he's a good sort2
  4. an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion2
  5. arrange or order by classes or categories2
  6. examine in order to test suitability2
  7. To organize information, such as a list of files, in a particular order. For example, a list of files can be sorted alphabetically by name in ascending or descending order.1

Wiktionary: sort

  1. type
  2. act of sorting
  1. separate according to certain criteria
  2. arrange in order

Cross Translation:
sort seleccionar; ordenar; clasificar sorteren — orde in een verzameling aanbrengen door soort bij soort te leggen
sort especie soort — een groep voorwerpen die een bepaald aantal kenmerken gemeenschappelijk heeft en zich daarin onderscheidt van overeenkomstige groepen
sort tipo; clase Artallgemein: eine Gruppe aus einer Gesamtheit, die sich durch besondere Merkmale auszeichnen
sort clasificar sortieren — etwas nach Art, Größe, Farbe ordnen
sort especie; género; calaña acabit — désuet|fr Décrit la nature, ou la bonne qualité ou mauvaise de certaines choses.
sort género genreensemble d’êtres, ou de choses, caractériser par un ou des traits communs.
sort arreglar réglertirer avec la règle des lignes droites sur du papier, du parchemin, du carton, etc. cf|papier réglé.
sort escoger; seleccionar; apartar; segregar; separar; dispersar trierséparer ce que l'on souhaite garder et ce que l'on souhaite jeter.

Traducciones relacionadas de sorting