
Traducciones detalladas de stiffness de inglés a español


stiffness [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the stiffness (rigidity; severity; austerity; )
    la inflexibilidad
  2. the stiffness
    la tenacidad; la rigidez; la intransigencia; la tirantez; la inflexibilidad
  3. the stiffness
    la tenacidad; la torpeza; la intransigencia; la tirantez; el entumecimiento; la inflexibilidad
  4. the stiffness
    la tenacidad; la rigidez; la dureza; la torpeza; la intransigencia; la tirantez; el entumecimiento; la inflexibilidad; la punibilidad

Translation Matrix for stiffness:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
dureza stiffness bravery; callous; courage; daring; endurance; gallantry; hard skin; harshness; obduracy; roughness; ruthlessness; severity; stamina; sternness; strictness; sturdiness; toughness; valor; valour; vigor; vigour
entumecimiento stiffness numbness; rigor mortis; stiffening
inflexibilidad austerity; rigidity; severity; starkness; sternness; stiffness; strictness inflexibility; obduracy; obstinancy; stubbornness
intransigencia stiffness inflexibility; obstinancy; stubbornness
punibilidad stiffness harshness; severity; sternness; strictness
rigidez stiffness bigotedness; harshness; inflexibility; narrow-mindedness; obstinancy; pettiness; severity; small-mindedness; sternness; strictness; stubbornness
tenacidad stiffness bottled-up anger; durability; firmness; keeping up; pent-up rage; perseverance; persistence; pertinacity; reliability; solidity; solidness; solubility; soundness; stability; steadiness; tenacity; tensile strength; thoroughness
tirantez stiffness craving; desire; longing; starch; strain; tenseness; tension; tightness; wanting; wish; yearning
torpeza stiffness awkwardness; boorishness; bungling; fiddling; impoliteness; rudeness; rummaging; tinkering; trouble
- awkwardness; clumsiness; gracelessness

Palabras relacionadas con "stiffness":

Sinónimos de "stiffness":

Definiciones relacionadas de "stiffness":

  1. the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)1
  2. firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action1
    • a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity1
  3. the property of moving with pain or difficulty1
    • he awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck1
  4. the physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend1

Wiktionary: stiffness

  1. rigidity

stiffness forma de stiff:

stiff adj.

  1. stiff (rigid; wooden)
  2. stiff (fixed; rigid; stern; )
  3. stiff (difficult; tough; awkward; )
  4. stiff (severe; punish)
  5. stiff (stiff conversation)
  6. stiff (standing-on; firm; staunch)
  7. stiff (clumsy; abstemious; unhandy; )
  8. stiff (rigid; tough)
    rígido; duro; tieso
  9. stiff (peevish; grumpy; sullen; )
  10. stiff (rigid)

Translation Matrix for stiff:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
abultado bruise; contusion; humpback; hunchback
fuerte castle; château; citadel; door lock; fort; fortification; fortified building; fortress; knight's castle; lock; strength; strong point; stronghold
inútil good-for-nothing; layabout; lazybones; loiterer; slacker; slowcoach; slowpoke; sluggard; snail; wretch; wretched fellow; yellowbelly
justo honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
malhumorado curmudgeon; peevish person; sourpuss
mastuerzo bastard; boor; churl; clot; clumsy fellow; dab; dollop; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lump; prole; slob; swine
resistente resistance fighter
tieso hard-on
torpe bastard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lubber; oaf; prole; slob; swine; unlicked cub; yokel
- cadaver; clay; corpse; remains
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- buckram; firm; potent; rigid; starchy; steadfast; steady; strong; unbendable; unfaltering; unshakable; unwavering
AdverbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- stiffly
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
inhábil clumsy; loutish
justo quite right
torpe clumsy; loutish
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
abultado fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff bulge; bulgy; bulky; bumpy; plump; rotund; round; sizeable
agarrotado fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff
austero fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff; wooden against the grain; austere; demure; frugal; grave; immovable; inflexible; obstinate; razor-sharp; recalcitrant; rigid; scanty; sedate; sharp; sober; star; stern; straight-backed; stubborn; unbending
bastante mal abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden awkward; clumsy; fumbling
blando abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden diluted; dizy; drained; faint; feeble; frail; gentle; indolent; languid; lax; listless; pale; sick; soft; succulent; supine; tender; wan; washed out; weak
complicado awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; tough annoying; awkward; complex; complicated; critical; delicate; difficult; hard; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; intricate; involved; painful; perilous; precarious; review; touchy; unfit; unsuitable; worrisome; wrapped in
con firmeza firm; standing-on; staunch; stiff bold; brave; courageous; determined; firm; morally strong; resolute; unflinching; valiant
con fuerza firm; standing-on; staunch; stiff big; bold; brave; courageous; heroic; heroical; morally strong; valiant
considerable firm; standing-on; staunch; stiff big; capital; comparative; considerable; considerably; conspicuous; decided; decisive; determined; enormous; fair; fairly; generously; great; large; moderately; notable; paradigmatic; pretty; quite; quite a lot; rather; rather a lot; reasonably; relative; relatively; remarkable; resolute; respectable; robust; significant; sizable; striking; substantial; tall; vast
considerablemente firm; standing-on; staunch; stiff big; capital; comparative; considerable; conspicuous; decided; decisive; determined; enormous; fair; fairly; great; large; moderately; notable; paradigmatic; relative; relatively; remarkable; resolute; respectable; significant; striking; substantial; tall; vast
conversación difícil stiff; stiff conversation
cuajado fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff clotted; curdled
de madera abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; rigid; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden timber; timbre; wooden
de mal humor bad-tempered; gruff; grumpy; moody; peevish; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; nettled; piqued; put out; sore
desabrido bad-tempered; gruff; grumpy; moody; peevish; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly against the grain; awkward; bad tempered; boring; bothersome; cantankerous; catty; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; complaining; crabbed; creepy; crusty; disagreeable; drab; dreary; dull; eerie; exacting; faint; gruff; grumbling; grumpy; headstrong; inconvenient; lamenting; lugubrious; moody; nagging; obstinate; pig-headed; querulous; recalcitrant; repulsive; rigid; scary; sinister; stubborn; sulky; sullen; surly; unappetising; unappetizing; unsavory; unsavoury; wailing
desgalichado abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden awkward; clumsy; fumbling
desgarbado abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; rigid; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden awkward; chubby; clumsy; fumbling; heavy; plump; rude; squat
desmañado abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden ailing; arrogant; awkward; blunt; boorish; bungling; clumsy; doltish; fumbling; gawky; ill-bred; impudent; indecent; inept; insolent; lanky; loutish; maladroit; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; owlish; poor; presumptuous; rude; rustic; shaky; shameless; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unhandy; unmannerly; wretched
difícil awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; stiff conversation; tough aggravating; annoying; awkward; critical; delicate; difficult; exacting; hard; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; incriminating; painful; perilous; perplexing; precarious; problematic; puzzling; review; strenuous; touchy; tough; tricky; trying; unfit; unsuitable; worrisome
distante fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff out of the way; remote
duradero firm; standing-on; staunch; stiff constant; continual; continuous; durable; everlasting; firm; lasting; of long standing; staunch
duro awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; rigid; stiff; tough against the grain; agressive; aloud; blunt; callous; cruel; dispassionate; dizy; emotionless; hard; hard-handed; hard-hearted; harsh; headstrong; heartless; immovable; impassive; indifferent; inflexible; insensitive; merciless; obstinate; offensive; out loud; penetrating; persisting; piercing; pig-headed; pitiless; plain; rasping; recalcitrant; relentless; rigid; rough; ruthless; shrill; soulless; star; stern; straight; straight-backed; stubborn; tenacious; unbending; uncaring; unfeeling; violent; weak
débil abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden abstemious; awkward; bad; bland; clumsy; delicate; dim; faded; faint; feeble; fragile; frail; fumbling; helpless; impotent; in need of help; indigent; lurid; needy; pale; pennyless; poor; ragged; ramshackle; requiring help; rickety; sallow; slackly; tender; unable; vulnerable; washed out; weak; wobbly; wonky
en baja forma abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden abstemious; awkward; bad; clumsy; faint; feeble; frail; fumbling; pale; poor; sick; slackly; wan; weak
enfadado bad-tempered; gruff; grumpy; moody; peevish; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly angry; annoyed; bad-tempered; badly; bitter; blazing; cross; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; evil-minded; false; fiery; furious; glaring; incensed; indignant; irate; irritated; livid; low; malicious; nettled; piqued; pissed off; put out; seething; sharp; sore; upset; venomous; vexed; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; with evil intention; wrathful
enfermizo abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden ailing; bland; clumsy; dim; faded; faint; feeble; frail; in bad health; lurid; maladroit; nauseous; pale; pathological; queasy; sallow; sick; sickly; wan; washed out; weak
envarado fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff razor-sharp; sharp
esférico fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff circular; globular; plump; rotund; round; spherical
estirado fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff arrogant; elongated; fixed; haughty; high-handed; presumptuous; razor-sharp; set; sharp; stretched; supercilious; superior; taut
fijo fixed; fossilised; fossilized; petrified; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff against the grain; firm; immovable; inflexible; obstinate; razor-sharp; recalcitrant; rigid; sharp; star; staunch; stern; straight-backed; stubborn; unbending
firme firm; standing-on; staunch; stiff absolutely; against the grain; big; bold; brisk; courageous; decided; decisive; determined; firm; immovable; indeed; inflexible; muscular; obstinate; persistent; recalcitrant; resolute; rigid; solid; sound; stable; star; staunch; steady; stern; stout; straight-backed; strong; stubborn; sturdy; sure; unbending; unflinching; well built
firmemente firm; standing-on; staunch; stiff
flojo abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden abstemious; awful; bad; bland; dawdling; delicate; dim; distressful; dizy; dragging; drained; drooping; dully; faded; faint; feeble; flat; fragile; frail; inactive; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; lifeless; limp; lingering; listless; lurid; meager; meagre; miserable; no energy; not solid; not substantial; pale; passive; pathetic; pitiful; poor; puny; ragged; ramshackle; rickety; rotten; sallow; shuffling; sick; skinny; slackly; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; succulent; tardy; tender; thin; vulnerable; wan; washed out; washed-out; weak; wobbly; wonky; wretched
fláccido abstemious; clumsy; doltish; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden drained; faint; feeble; frail; indolent; languid; lax; listless; pale; sick; supine; wan; washed out; weak
fuerte firm; punish; severe; standing-on; staunch; stiff aloud; as fast as a bullet; big; bold; brave; burly

Palabras relacionadas con "stiff":

Sinónimos de "stiff":

Antónimos de "stiff":

Definiciones relacionadas de "stiff":

  1. incapable of or resistant to bending1
    • a palace guardsman stiff as a poker1
    • stiff hair1
    • a stiff neck1
  2. rigidly formal1
    • the letter was stiff and formal1
  3. not moving or operating freely1
    • a stiff hinge1
  4. having a strong physiological or chemical effect1
    • a stiff drink1
  5. marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable1
  6. powerful1
    • a stiff current1
    • a stiff breeze1
  7. in a stiff manner1
  8. extremely1
    • bored stiff1
    • frightened stiff1
  9. the dead body of a human being1
    • the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river1
  10. an ordinary man1
    • a lucky stiff1
    • a working stiff1

Wiktionary: stiff

  1. of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible

Cross Translation:
stiff firme; resistente; sólido ferme — Qui a de la consistance, de la dureté.
stiff abrupto; tirante; rígido; escarpado; acantilado raide — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
stiff rigido rigide — Qui ne fléchir pas.

Traducciones automáticas externas: