
Traducciones detalladas de unemployment benefit de inglés a español

unemployment benefit:

unemployment benefit [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the unemployment benefit (welfare; dole)
    el subsidio de paro; el subsidio de desempleo; el subsidios de paro; el soporte; el auxilio social; la prestación por paro; la prestación por desempleo; la prestaciones por paro
  2. the unemployment benefit (relieve; appeasement; soothing; )
    el alivio; el aligeramiento; el alumbrado; la confortación
  3. the unemployment benefit
    el respaldo; la ayuda; el apoyo; el pago; el paro; la asistencia; la prestación; el subsidio; la ayuda económica; el auxilio social; el seguro de desempleo; el subsidio de paro; el subsidio de desempleo; la prestación por desempleo; la ley de desempleo; la prestación por paro; la prestaciones por paro; el subsidio de auxilio social; el subsidios de paro
  4. the unemployment benefit (social security; welfare; social assistance; )
    el pago; la ayuda; la asistencia; el subsidio de auxilio social; el apoyo; el socorro; la subvención; el subsidio; el paro social; el auxilio social; la ayuda económica; el subsidio de desempleo
  5. the unemployment benefit (unemployment compensation; unemployment pay)

Translation Matrix for unemployment benefit:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aligeramiento allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare alleviation; assuagement; relief
alivio allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare allaying; alleviation; appeasement; appeasing; assuagement; breathe more freely; calming; calming down; comfort; pacifying; quieting; relaxation; relief; solace; soothing; steadying
alumbrado allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare alleviation; assuagement; lighting; relief
apoyo benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; alleviation; anchor; assistance; assuagement; back support; crutch; help; helpfulness; mainstay; parapet; prop; relief; rest; service; serving; shore; support
asistencia benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; alleviation; assistance; assuagement; care; charwoman; cleaning-person; co-operation; facility; furnishing; help; helpfulness; maintenance; nursing; presence; procurement; providing; provision; relief; servant; service; serving; social assistance; social security; support; welfare
auxilio social benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; assistance; dole; help; helpfulness; payment; relief; service; serving; social assistance; social security; social work; supplementary benefit; support; welfare; welfare work
ayuda benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare Mass; aid; aids; alleviation; assistance; assistant; assuagement; bystander; carriers; charwoman; cleaning-person; clerk; couriers; delivery-men; footman; hand; help; helper; helpfulness; helping hands; mass; messengers; prop; provision of services; relief; second servant; service; services; serving; shore; social assistance; social security; support; valet; welfare; worship
ayuda económica benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; assistance; dole; economic aid; help; helpfulness; payment; relief; social security; supplementary benefit; support; welfare
confortación allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare
ley de desempleo unemployment benefit
pago benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare compensation; discharge; dole; pay; pay-off; paying off; payment; re-payment; recompense; redemption; relief; remuneration; reward; salary; settlement; social security; wage; welfare
paro unemployment benefit unemployment
paro social benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare social assistance
prestaciones por paro dole; unemployment benefit; unemployment compensation; unemployment pay; welfare social assistance
prestación unemployment benefit achievement; benefit; social assistance
prestación por desempleo dole; unemployment benefit; unemployment compensation; unemployment pay; welfare
prestación por paro dole; unemployment benefit; unemployment compensation; unemployment pay; welfare
reglamento nacional para los parados unemployment benefit; unemployment compensation; unemployment pay
respaldo unemployment benefit aid; assistance; back support; backing; buttress; help; prop; rest; shore; support
seguro de desempleo unemployment benefit; unemployment compensation; unemployment pay dole; payment; relief; social security; unemployment insurance; welfare
socorro benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; alleviation; assistance; assuagement; buttress; help; prop; provision of services; services; shore; support
soporte dole; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; assistance; bogie; buttress; chassis; help; landing gear; prop; shore; social assistance; standard; support; tripod; undercarriage
subsidio benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare bonus; dole; extra allowance; extra charge; gratuity; payment; premium; relief; social assistance; social security; welfare
subsidio de auxilio social benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare assistance; dole; helpfulness; payment; relief; social assistance; social security; welfare
subsidio de desempleo benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare dole; payment; relief; social security; welfare
subsidio de paro dole; unemployment benefit; unemployment compensation; unemployment pay; welfare dole; payment; relief; social assistance; social security; welfare
subsidios de paro dole; unemployment benefit; unemployment compensation; unemployment pay; welfare dole; payment; relief; social security; welfare
subvención benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare allowance; amends; compensation; indemnification; subsidisation; subsidization
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
ayuda help; online help

Wiktionary: unemployment benefit

Cross Translation:
unemployment benefit asignación por desempleo werkloosheidsuitkering — uitkering voor iemand die buiten zijn of haar schuld om werkloos is
unemployment benefit subsidio de paro Arbeitslosenunterstützung — das Geld, das die Arbeitslosenversicherung an Arbeitsloser auszahlt

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