
Traducciones detalladas de willingness de inglés a español


willingness [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the willingness (readiness; helpfulness)
    la complacencia
  2. the willingness (benevolence; affability; act of courtesy; kindness)
    la complacencia; la benevolencia
  3. the willingness (helpfulness; willingness to help; readiness to help)
    la buena voluntad; la complacencia; la obsequiosidad
  4. the willingness
    la buena voluntad; la obediencia; la docilidad
  5. the willingness
    la buena voluntad
  6. the willingness (preparedness; readiness)
    la disposición

Translation Matrix for willingness:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
benevolencia act of courtesy; affability; benevolence; kindness; willingness beneficence; benevolence; charitable institution; charity; clemency; courtesy; grace; humanity; kindness; loving kindness; mercy; philanthropy; sympathy; well-doing
buena voluntad helpfulness; readiness to help; willingness; willingness to help
complacencia act of courtesy; affability; benevolence; helpfulness; kindness; readiness; readiness to help; willingness; willingness to help amiability; beneficence; benevolence; benign character; charitable institution; charity; clemency; complaisance; compliance; compliantness; consideration; contentment; courtesy; forbearance; good-nature; goodness; indulgence; kind-heartedness; kindness; leniency; mercy; mildness; philanthropy; pliability; satisfaction; well-doing
disposición preparedness; readiness; willingness agreement; approval; arrangement; chord; clearance; come to terms; concurrence; consent; conviction; creed; delivery; disposition; hierarchy; idea; inclination; intention; make a compromise; mental state; notion; opinion; order of rank; permission; rank; settlement; supplies; supply; tendency; tenor; trend; view; will; wish
docilidad willingness humility; manageability; modestness; quietness; submissiveness; subservience; tameness
obediencia willingness docility; obedience; submission
obsequiosidad helpfulness; readiness to help; willingness; willingness to help

Palabras relacionadas con "willingness":

Sinónimos de "willingness":

Antónimos de "willingness":

Definiciones relacionadas de "willingness":

  1. cheerful compliance1
    • he expressed his willingness to help1

Wiktionary: willingness

Cross Translation:
willingness disponibilidad Einsatzbereitschaft — Zustand des Bereitseins für etwas
willingness voluntad volontéfaculté de vouloir, de se déterminer à quelque chose.


Translation Matrix for willing:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
elástico elastic
flexible flex
listo bright spark; genius; smart fellow
- volition
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- uncoerced; unforced
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- ready
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
benigno benevolent; sympathetic; willing benevolent; forgiving; generous; good-natured; kind; kind-hearted; liberal; magnanimous; mild; munificent; noble; open minded; open-handed; unsparing
benévolo benevolent; lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; sympathetic; willing a kind manner; affectionate; amicable; amicably; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; composed; cordial; friendly; good-natured; hearty; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; mild; obliging; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted
complaciente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; lenient; obliging; pliable; readiness; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding a kind manner; amenable; amicable; amicably; assistent; attentive; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; complaisant; composed; docile; friendly; good-natured; helpful; humble; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; malleable; meek; mild; obliging; peaceful; placid; pliable; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; slavishly; still; submissive; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
condescendiente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
dispuesto ready; sympathetic; willing classified; disposed; filed; in a mood; ordered; orderly; regulated
dócil accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding amenable; docile; domesticated; flexible; house-trained; humble; kneadable; long-enduring; malleable; meek; mouldable; patient; plastic; pliable; pliant; slavishly; submissive; supple; tame; tamed; workable; yielding
dúctil accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding amenable; docile; domesticated; flexible; house-trained; humble; malleable; meek; plastic; pliable; slavishly; submissive; supple; tame; tamed
elástico accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding elastic; flexible; kneadable; limber; lithe; malleable; mouldable; plastic; pliable; pliant; resilient; springy; supple; workable; yielding
flexible accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding elastic; flexible; kneadable; limber; lithe; malleable; mouldable; plastic; pliable; pliant; resilient; springy; supple; workable; yielding
inclinado ready; sympathetic; willing askew; bald; being inclined to; cunning; disposed; icy; immoral; inclined; lack of moral; leaning; lopsided; oblique; obscene; slanting; sleek; slippery; slithery; sloping; smooth; smoothly; steep
inclinado a perdonar lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; willing
indulgente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; lenient; obliging; pliable; readiness; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding a kind manner; amenable; assistent; attentive; calm; charitabel; clement; complaisant; docile; forgiving; generous; gentle; gracious; helpful; humble; lenient; liberal; magnanimous; malleable; meek; merciful; munificent; noble; obliging; open minded; open-handed; patient; pliable; slavishly; submissive; unsparing; waiting patiently
listo willing able; accomplished; achieved; acute; adroit; alluring; astute; attractive; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; calculating; canny; capable; clear; clever; complete; completed; concluded; crafty; cunning; dexterous; dodgy; done; evident; expert; false; finished; handy; ingenious; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; low; mean; nasty; neat; nimble; off; out; over; packed; perky; pointed; polished; prepared; proficient; quick; ready; ready for use; ready to go; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skilled; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; smoothened; trained; underhand; vicious; vile; well sharpened; wily; wise
manejable accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding flexible; handy; kneadable; malleable; manageable; maneuverable; manoeuvrable; mouldable; plastic; pliable; pliant; simple to operate; supple; useful; workable; yielding
obediente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; cooperative; docile; flexible; obedient; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding docile; domesticated; fair; good; honest; house-trained; kneadable; malleable; meek; mouldable; obedient; plastic; pliable; submissive; tame; tamed; well-behaved; workable
obsequioso accommodating; complaisant; compliant; cooperative; docile; flexible; obedient; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding assistent; attentive; complaisant; considerate; helpful; obliging
oficioso lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; willing off the record; semi-official; unofficial
propenso sympathetic; willing susceptible
servicial lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; servient; tractable; willing assistent; attentive; complaisant; considerate; helpful; obliging
sumiso obliging; servient; tractable; willing amenable; calm; docile; domesticated; dominated; house-trained; humble; inferior; malleable; meek; minor; modest; patient; pliable; secondary; slavishly; subjugated; submissive; subordinate; tame; tamed; waiting patiently

Palabras relacionadas con "willing":

Sinónimos de "willing":

Antónimos de "willing":

Definiciones relacionadas de "willing":

  1. not brought about by coercion or force1
  2. disposed or inclined toward1
    • a willing participant1
    • willing helpers1
  3. the act of making a choice1

Wiktionary: willing

  1. ready to do something that is not a matter of course

Cross Translation:
willing benévolo gewilligbereidwillig, gehoorzaam
willing servicial dienstwillig — tot dienst bereid
willing servicial bereidwillig — tot hulp en dienst bereid zijn of daarvan blijk geven
willing dispuesto bereid — akkoord gaand, instemmend: bereid tot actie

User Translations:
Word Translation Votes
willingness voluntad 4

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