
Traducciones detalladas de ending de inglés a francés


ending [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the ending (conclusion; termination; end)
    la clôture; la fin; la cessation; l'achèvement
  2. the ending (end; finish)
    la fin
    • fin [la ~] sustantivo

ending adj.

  1. ending

Translation Matrix for ending:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
achèvement conclusion; end; ending; termination cease; completion; concluding observations; concluding remarks; conclusion; fill up; finish; finishing; get done; in conclusion; knock off; quitting; stopping; termination; writing off
cessation conclusion; end; ending; termination removal; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill
clôture conclusion; end; ending; termination barricade; barrier; close-down; closing; concluding observations; concluding remarks; conclusion; fence; fence in; fence off; fencing; grate; hoarding; hurdle; in conclusion; lattice; lattice-works; locking; partition; screen; shutting; sive; termination; trellis work; wall; wooded bank
fin conclusion; end; ending; finish; termination cease; concluding observations; concluding piece; concluding remarks; conclusion; end; far end; final; final end; final piece; finale; finish; finishing line; finishing point; in conclusion; knock off; quitting; stopping; termination; terminus; tip
- close; closing; conclusion; end; finish; termination
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
fin acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; cunning; cutting; dainty; delicate; easily hurt; elegant; fine; graceful; handsome; injurious; insulting; keen; lightly built; lovely; nice; nipping; offending; offensive; oversensitive; perky; personable; petite; precarious; pretty; refined; resourceful; roguish; sensitive; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; slender; slick; slight; sly; small-boned; smart; snap; snappy; sophisticated; stylish; subtle; susceptible; tender; thin; wily
finissant ending
terminant ending

Palabras relacionadas con "ending":

Sinónimos de "ending":

Antónimos de "ending":

Definiciones relacionadas de "ending":

  1. the act of ending something1
  2. the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme)1
    • I don't like words that have -ism as an ending1
  3. the last section of a communication1
  4. event whose occurrence ends something1
    • his death marked the ending of an era1
  5. the point in time at which something ends1
    • the ending of warranty period1

Wiktionary: ending

  1. grammar: last morpheme of a word
  2. termination or conclusion
    • endingfin
  1. partie extrême d’une chose.
  2. linguistique|fr suffixe, terminaison au radical d’un mot le mettant en contexte.
  3. Terminaison
  4. fin d’une chose ; état de ce qui se terminer, de ce qui cesser.


to end verbo (ends, ended, ending)

  1. to end (bring to an end; finish; conclude; )
    finir; arrêter; terminer; cesser; mettre fin à; conclure; se terminer; suspendre; achever; en finir; résilier; mettre au point; couper; parvenir à enlever; casser; stopper; parachever; interrompre; prendre fin; tenir levé; limiter; délimiter; s'achever
    • finir verbo (finis, finit, finissons, finissez, )
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • terminer verbo (termine, termines, terminons, terminez, )
    • cesser verbo (cesse, cesses, cessons, cessez, )
    • conclure verbo (conclus, conclut, concluons, concluez, )
    • se terminer verbo
    • suspendre verbo (suspends, suspend, suspendons, suspendez, )
    • achever verbo (achève, achèves, achevons, achevez, )
    • en finir verbo
    • résilier verbo (résilie, résilies, résilions, résiliez, )
    • couper verbo (coupe, coupes, coupons, coupez, )
    • casser verbo (casse, casses, cassons, cassez, )
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • parachever verbo (parachève, parachèves, parachevons, parachevez, )
    • interrompre verbo (interromps, interrompt, interrompons, interrompez, )
    • prendre fin verbo
    • tenir levé verbo
    • limiter verbo (limite, limites, limitons, limitez, )
    • délimiter verbo (délimite, délimites, délimitons, délimitez, )
    • s'achever verbo
  2. to end
    aboutir à; tomber dans; arriver; se retrouver
    • aboutir à verbo
    • tomber dans verbo
    • arriver verbo (arrive, arrives, arrivons, arrivez, )
    • se retrouver verbo
  3. to end (complete; accomplish; finish; )
    compléter; finir; accomplir; achever; mettre au point; effectuer; supprimer; terminer; conclure; mettre fin à; réussir à achever; compléter quelque chose; faire; se terminer; exécuter; parfaire; parachever; prendre fin; en finir; s'achever; s'acquitter de
    • compléter verbo (complète, complètes, complétons, complétez, )
    • finir verbo (finis, finit, finissons, finissez, )
    • accomplir verbo (accomplis, accomplit, accomplissons, accomplissez, )
    • achever verbo (achève, achèves, achevons, achevez, )
    • effectuer verbo (effectue, effectues, effectuons, effectuez, )
    • supprimer verbo (supprime, supprimes, supprimons, supprimez, )
    • terminer verbo (termine, termines, terminons, terminez, )
    • conclure verbo (conclus, conclut, concluons, concluez, )
    • faire verbo (fais, fait, faisons, faites, )
    • se terminer verbo
    • exécuter verbo (exécute, exécutes, exécutons, exécutez, )
    • parfaire verbo (parfais, parfait, parfaisons, parfaites, )
    • parachever verbo (parachève, parachèves, parachevons, parachevez, )
    • prendre fin verbo
    • en finir verbo
    • s'achever verbo
  4. to end (finish)
    arriver; achever; franchir la ligne d'arrivée
    • arriver verbo (arrive, arrives, arrivons, arrivez, )
    • achever verbo (achève, achèves, achevons, achevez, )
  5. to end (come to an end; bring to a close; finish off; draw to an end; finish)
    finir; se terminer; prendre fin; tirer à sa fin
    • finir verbo (finis, finit, finissons, finissez, )
    • se terminer verbo
    • prendre fin verbo
  6. to end (decide; terminate; come to an end; )
    décider; conclure; finir; arrêter; terminer; mettre fin à; stopper; prendre fin
    • décider verbo (décide, décides, décidons, décidez, )
    • conclure verbo (conclus, conclut, concluons, concluez, )
    • finir verbo (finis, finit, finissons, finissez, )
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • terminer verbo (termine, termines, terminons, terminez, )
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • prendre fin verbo
  7. to end (conclude; finish)
    clôturer; conclure; terminer; clore; fermer; barrer; boucher; verrouiller
    • clôturer verbo (clôture, clôtures, clôturons, clôturez, )
    • conclure verbo (conclus, conclut, concluons, concluez, )
    • terminer verbo (termine, termines, terminons, terminez, )
    • clore verbo (clos, clot, closent, clorai, )
    • fermer verbo (ferme, fermes, fermons, fermez, )
    • barrer verbo (barre, barres, barrons, barrez, )
    • boucher verbo (bouche, bouches, bouchons, bouchez, )
    • verrouiller verbo (verrouille, verrouilles, verrouillons, verrouillez, )
  8. to end (come to rest; turn out; land; run down)
    venir à bout de; terminer; tirer à sa fin; s'achever; s'épuiser; venir à expiration
  9. to end (adjourn; stop)
    stopper; faire halte
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • faire halte verbo
  10. to end (bound; enclose; limit; surround)
    contenir; délimiter; limiter; restreindre; borner; mettre des limites à
    • contenir verbo (contiens, contient, contenons, contenez, )
    • délimiter verbo (délimite, délimites, délimitons, délimitez, )
    • limiter verbo (limite, limites, limitons, limitez, )
    • restreindre verbo (restreins, restreint, restreignons, restreignez, )
    • borner verbo (borne, bornes, bornons, bornez, )
  11. to end
    – To stop communications or a network connection. 2
    terminer; fermer
    • terminer verbo (termine, termines, terminons, terminez, )
    • fermer verbo (ferme, fermes, fermons, fermez, )
  12. to end (end a call)
    – To end a phone call. 2
    arrêter; mettre fin à un appel
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )

Conjugaciones de end:

  1. end
  2. end
  3. ends
  4. end
  5. end
  6. end
simple past
  1. ended
  2. ended
  3. ended
  4. ended
  5. ended
  6. ended
present perfect
  1. have ended
  2. have ended
  3. has ended
  4. have ended
  5. have ended
  6. have ended
past continuous
  1. was ending
  2. were ending
  3. was ending
  4. were ending
  5. were ending
  6. were ending
  1. shall end
  2. will end
  3. will end
  4. shall end
  5. will end
  6. will end
continuous present
  1. am ending
  2. are ending
  3. is ending
  4. are ending
  5. are ending
  6. are ending
  1. be ended
  2. be ended
  3. be ended
  4. be ended
  5. be ended
  6. be ended
  1. end!
  2. let's end!
  3. ended
  4. ending
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

end [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the end (ending; conclusion; termination)
    la clôture; la fin; la cessation; l'achèvement
  2. the end (final)
    le finale; la fin; le bout
    • finale [le ~] sustantivo
    • fin [la ~] sustantivo
    • bout [le ~] sustantivo
  3. the end (finish; ending)
    la fin
    • fin [la ~] sustantivo
  4. the end (distance; width; space; bit; little way)
    la distance; l'éloignement

Translation Matrix for end:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
achèvement conclusion; end; ending; termination cease; completion; concluding observations; concluding remarks; conclusion; fill up; finish; finishing; get done; in conclusion; knock off; quitting; stopping; termination; writing off
arriver happening; taking place
arrêter coming to a stop; halting; stopping
boucher butcher; slaughterer
bout end; final board; butt; clue; cue; far end; hint; lead; part; piece; pointer; portion; section; segment; share; small part; stub; stump; terminus; tip; tip-off; toe cap
cessation conclusion; end; ending; termination removal; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill
clôture conclusion; end; ending; termination barricade; barrier; close-down; closing; concluding observations; concluding remarks; conclusion; fence; fence in; fence off; fencing; grate; hoarding; hurdle; in conclusion; lattice; lattice-works; locking; partition; screen; shutting; sive; termination; trellis work; wall; wooded bank
distance bit; distance; end; little way; space; width air of distance; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; detachment; territory loss
fin conclusion; end; ending; final; finish; termination cease; concluding observations; concluding piece; concluding remarks; conclusion; far end; final end; final piece; finale; finish; finishing line; finishing point; in conclusion; knock off; quitting; stopping; termination; terminus; tip
finale end; final closing piece; concluding observations; concluding piece; concluding remarks; conclusion; final; final number; final piece; finale; in conclusion; termination
éloignement bit; distance; end; little way; space; width averting; distance
- close; closing; conclusion; death; destruction; ending; final stage; goal; last; oddment; remainder; remnant; terminal
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aboutir à end arrive at; come; culminate; elapse; end in; end up; end up at; expire; fall; go by; head for; land; lead to; lead up to; pass; result in; turn out; work out
accomplir accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; get done; get ready accomplish; achieve; act; attain; bring about; carry out; cover; do; effect; execute; go; realise; realize; substantiate; succeed; travel; traverse
achever accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; complete; conclude; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready better; carry out; complete; conclude writing; drink; drink up; empty; finish; finish of writing; finish off playing; finish off writing; fix; fix it up; get done; have ended; have finished; improve; make better; make even; manage; pay; pay on account; perfect; pull it off; pull the trick; round off; settle; sit out; sit out to the end; wear out; wind up; write off
arriver end; finish accomplish; announce; arise; arrive; attend; be present at; blow over; come fast; elapse; expire; get the feeling; go by; happen; happen to; observe; occur; overcome; overpower; overwhelm; pass; show up; succeed; take place; take possession of something; tame; witness
arrêter bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; come to an end; conclude; decide; end; end a call; finish; finish off; stop; terminate; wind up abandon; apprehend; arrest; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; capture; cease; come to a standstill; cross; delay; desist from; detain; deter; disconnect; discourage; dissuade; extinguish; give up; halt; hinder; hold; hold back; imprison; make out; matter; obstruct; oppose; pick up; prevent; put out; put to a stop; restrain; retard; sabotage; seize; set out; shut down; stand still; staunch; stem; stop; switch off; take in custody; take prisoner; thwart; turn off; upset
barrer conclude; end; finish bar; barricade; beat against the wind; block; blot out; clearly define; confine; cross; dam; define; demarcate; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; fence; fence in; fence off; hinder; jam; limit; map out; mark out; navigate; obstruct; oppose; outline; prevent; restrict; sabotage; sail against the wind; stem; stop; tack; thwart; trace out; upset
borner bound; enclose; end; limit; surround clearly define; confine; cover; curtail; cut back; define; demarcate; embank; fence; fence in; fence off; limit; lock up; map out; mark out; outline; protect; reduce; restrict; trace out
boucher conclude; end; finish caulk; cork; cork up; darn; fill gaps; fill up; mend; stop; stop holes
casser bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; end; finish; finish off attack; botch up; break; break down; break into pieces; break off; break to pieces; break up; convert into scrap; crack; damage; demolish; destroy; drag down; drop dead; erode; fracture; get down; go to hell; knock to pieces; mess up; muck up; pull down; refract; scrap; shatter; smash; smash into pieces; smash to pieces; smash up; snap; spoil; take down; tear down; tear loose; to break into pieces; to fall into pieces; wreck
cesser bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; end; finish; finish off abandon; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; cease; delay; deter; give up; halt; put to a stop; retard; stem; stop
clore conclude; end; finish close; close down; draw; fence in; fence off; lock; pull shut; pull to; shut; tie up; turn off
clôturer conclude; end; finish clearly define; confine; cover; cut back; define; demarcate; fence; fence in; fence off; limit; lock up; map out; mark out; outline; partition off; protect; reduce; screen; trace out
compléter accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; get done; get ready add; better; complete; count up; fill up; finish; finnish; improve; make better; perfect; replenish; round off; to make complete; total; wind up
compléter quelque chose accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; get done; get ready
conclure accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; come to an end; complete; conclude; decide; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready; stop; terminate; wind up conclude; deduce; deduct; round off; wind up
contenir bound; enclose; end; limit; surround add; avert; comprise; confine; control; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; include; keep out; keep under control; limit; prevent; restrain; restrict; suppress
couper bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; end; finish; finish off adulterate; become thin; break down; break up; carve; chisel off; chop away; chop off; cleave; clip; cut; cut away; cut back; cut close; cut down; cut free; cut loose; cut off; cut to size; cut up; cut up in pieces; decimate; demolish; deplete; destroy; dilute; disconnect; divide; drag down; extinguish; fritter away; get down; hew away; hew off; hew through; lop off; make out; matter; outdo; overtrump; pare; play trumps; prune; prune away; pull down; put out; reap; score off; separate; set out; skim; split; sting; style someone's hair; switch off; tailor to; take down; tear down; tear loose; thin out; trim; trim away; trump; turn off; water down; wreck
décider bring to a close; come to an end; decide; end; finish; stop; terminate; wind up
délimiter bound; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; enclose; end; finish; finish off; limit; surround confine; curtail; cut back; define; embank; limit; reduce; restrict; state precisely
effectuer accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; get done; get ready accomplish; achieve; attain; audit; bring about; carry out; check; do; effect; examine; execute; inspect; labor; labour; realise; realize; succeed; verify; work
en finir accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; complete; conclude; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready
exécuter accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; get done; get ready accomplish; act; carry out; commit; do; eliminate; execute; execute capital punishment; fulfil; fulfill; kill; labor; labour; perform; perpetrate; put to death; run; shoot dead; succeed; take someone's life; work
faire accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; get done; get ready accomplish; act; begin; bring about; bring forth; cause; commence; commit; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; do; exercise; generate; instigate; invent; make; manufacture; perpetrate; practice; practise; prepare; produce; set in motion; set up; start; start to; strike up; take off; take on; undertake
faire halte adjourn; end; stop come to a stand-still; halt; remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop
fermer conclude; end; finish abolish; annul; block; cancel; clearly define; close; close down; close tight; define; demarcate; draw; fence; fence in; fence off; jam; lock; map out; mark out; nullify; obstruct; outline; pull shut; pull to; shut; tie up; trace out; turn off; undo
finir accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; come to an end; complete; conclude; decide; draw to an end; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready; stop; terminate; wind up be broken off; better; burn up; clear; complete; consume; drink; drink up; eat; eat up; elapse; empty; expire; finish; finish with; fix; fix it up; get done; get ready; get to the end of; go by; have ended; have finished; improve; make better; make empty; manage; pass; perfect; play out; pull it off; pull the trick; read to the end; remove what is inside; round off; use up; wind up
franchir la ligne d'arrivée end; finish
interrompre bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; end; finish; finish off adjourn; anger; break down; break in; butt in; disturb; enrage; hamper; hinder; impede; incense; intercede; interrupt; obstruct; pause; sever; stonewall; upset
limiter bound; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; enclose; end; finish; finish off; limit; surround confine; curtail; cut back; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; limit; reduce; restrict
mettre au point accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; complete; conclude; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready adjust; fix; focalise; focalize; focus; mend; patch; repair; restore; synchronise; synchronize; tune in
mettre des limites à bound; enclose; end; limit; surround
mettre fin à accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; come to an end; complete; conclude; decide; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready; stop; terminate; wind up
mettre fin à un appel end; end a call
parachever accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; complete; conclude; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready advance; ascend; climb; retouch; rise; to get promoted; touch up
parfaire accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end

Palabras relacionadas con "end":

Sinónimos de "end":

Antónimos de "end":

Definiciones relacionadas de "end":

  1. (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage1
    • no one wanted to play end1
  2. the part you are expected to play1
    • he held up his end1
  3. a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold1
  4. a final part or section1
    • we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus1
    • Start at the beginning and go on until you come to the end1
  5. the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it1
    • the ends justify the means1
  6. the last section of a communication1
  7. the concluding parts of an event or occurrence1
    • the end was exciting1
  8. a boundary marking the extremities of something1
    • the end of town1
  9. either extremity of something that has length1
    • the end of the pier1
    • she knotted the end of the thread1
    • they rode to the end of the line1
  10. the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object1
    • one end of the box was marked `This side up'1
  11. one of two places from which people are communicating to each other1
    • the phone rang at the other end1
    • both ends wrote at the same time1
  12. (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage1
    • the end managed to hold onto the pass1
  13. a final state1
    • he came to a bad end1
    • the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end1
  14. the point in time at which something ends1
    • the end of the year1
  15. bring to an end or halt1
    • She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime1
  16. put an end to1
    • The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived1
  17. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical1
    • My property ends by the bushes1
    • The symphony ends in a pianissimo1
  18. be the end of; be the last or concluding part of1
    • This sad scene ended the movie1
  19. To stop communications or a network connection.2
  20. To end a phone call.2

Wiktionary: end

  1. transitive: finish, terminate (something)
  2. ergative, intransive: be finished, be terminated
  1. extreme part
  1. finir une chose commencer.
  2. S’arrêter
  3. Discontinuer, arrêter, finir, interrompre, terminer.
  4. borner, limiter.
  5. Joindre, coïncider, aboutir
  1. partie extrême d’une chose.
  2. Objectif.
  3. limite d’un pays, d’un territoire.
  4. Intention d’exécuter quelque chose (sens général)
  5. didactique|fr action d’expirer ou résultat de cette action.
  6. Terminaison
  7. Objectif
  8. Fin
  9. Les limites d’un état ou d’une contrée en tant qu’elles le séparer d’un autre état, d’une autre contrée.
  10. restriction ; point réel fini au-delà duquel on ne doit pas aller.
  11. aboutissement
  12. fin d’une chose ; état de ce qui se terminer, de ce qui cesser.

Cross Translation:
end fin EndeAbschluss eines zeitlichen Vorganges
end fin Ende — Abschluss einer Geschichte z. B. eines Buches oder Filmes
end fin; extrémité; bout Ende — Abschluss bzw. Abgrenzung eines Gegenstandes
end fin SchlussEnde oder Handlung des Beendens (siehe auch „beenden“)
end terminer abschließen — zu Ende bringen; beenden
end finir; cesser; lever; mettre fin; mettre un terme; à; quitter; de; sortir; terminer beenden — (transitiv) mit etwas aufhören, etwas zum Abschluss bringen, eine Tätigkeit einstellen
end terminer; achever; finir eindigen — iets tot een besluit voeren
end finir; terminer beëindigen — tot een einde brengen
end terminer; finir aflopen — eindigen

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de ending