
Traducciones detalladas de obliging de inglés a francés


obliging adj.

  1. obliging (friendly; kind; kindly)
  2. obliging (helpful; attentive; complaisant; assistent)
  3. obliging
  4. obliging
  5. obliging
  6. obliging (pliant; approachable; responsive; )
  7. obliging (servient; tractable; willing)
  8. obliging (considerate)
  9. obliging (accommodating; submissive; compliant; )
  10. obliging (willing; lenient; readiness; ready)
  11. obliging (well bred; polite; well-mannered; )

Translation Matrix for obliging:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
civil citizen
civilisé civilised; civilized; cultivated
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
ouvert approachable; complaisant; forward; graciously; obliging; pliable; pliant; responsive accessible; achievable; amenable; approachable; driveable; fair; frank; honest; not closed; open; opened; opened up; plain; realizable; sincere; straight; straightforward; uncultivated; unlocked; untilled; vacant; within reach
- complaisant
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- ready to render service
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
abordable approachable; complaisant; forward; graciously; obliging; pliable; pliant; responsive accessible; achievable; affordable; amenable; approachable; driveable; frank; open; payable; realizable; reasonably priced; within reach
accessible approachable; complaisant; forward; graciously; obliging; pliable; pliant; responsive accessible; achievable; amenable; approachable; driveable; frank; open; realizable; within reach
accommodant accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding agreeable; conciliatory; cooperative; docile; enjoyable; handy; manageable; nice; obedient; pleasant; servient; submissive; tractable; willing
aimable friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; adorable; affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amiable; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; calm; charming; collected; composed; congenial; cool; cordial; cute; dear; dinky; easy going; enchanting; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entrancing; equanimous; fine; friendly; genial; good; good-natured; great; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovable; lovely; mild; most charming; nice; placid; pleasant; pretty; sweet; sweetest; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
aimablement friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; charming; congenial; cordial; easy going; endearing; engaging; entrancing; fine; friendly; genial; good; good-natured; great; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; pleasant; sweet; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
amical friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; affectionate; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; brotherly; calm; charming; collected; composed; congenial; cool; cordial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; equanimous; fraternal; friendly; good-natured; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; placid; sweet; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
amicalement friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; affectionate; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; calm; charming; collected; composed; congenial; cool; cordial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; equanimous; friendly; good-natured; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; placid; sweet; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
approchable approachable; complaisant; forward; graciously; obliging; pliable; pliant; responsive accessible; achievable; driveable; realizable; within reach
attentionné considerate; obliging alert; attentive; benevolent; cautious; concerned; courteous; courtly; good-natured; interested; kind; mild; polite; vigilant; watchful
avec bienveillance friendly; kind; kindly; lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; willing a kind manner; benevolent; charitabel; clement; forgiving; gracious; lenient; merciful; sympathetic; willing; willingly
avec complaisance accommodating; assistent; attentive; complaisant; compliant; flexible; helpful; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
avec empressement accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
avec indulgence accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
avenant approachable; complaisant; forward; graciously; obliging; pliable; pliant; responsive accessible; affable; agreeable; amenable; amiable; approachable; beloved; benign; bland; cute; dear; enjoyable; frank; friendly; nice; open; pleasant; sweet; taking
bien disposé friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; benevolent; bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; in high spirits; jolly; kindly disposed; merry; sympathetic; well-meaning; willing
bien élevé chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; cultivated; cultured; dignified; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; well raised; well-mannered
bienveillant friendly; kind; kindly; lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; willing a kind manner; affectionate; benevolent; charitabel; clement; cordial; forgiving; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; gracious; hearty; kindly disposed; lenient; merciful; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; well-meaning; willing; willingly
civil chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; civil; courteous; courtly; polite
civilisé chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; cultivated; cultured; dignified; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; well-mannered
comme il faut chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered as it should be; becoming; chivalrous; courteous; decent; dignified; effective; efficient; fair; fit; honest; honorable; honourable; just; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; right-minded; righteous; sincere; suitable; suitably; true-hearted; upright; well-mannered
complaisant accommodating; chivalrous; civil; complaisant; compliant; courteous; courtly; flexible; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; ready; responsive; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered; willing; yielding cooperative; docile; obedient; ready; servient; submissive; tractable; willing; willingly
coulant accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding cooperative; docile; fluent; fluently; obedient; servient; smooth; streaming; submissive; tractable; willing
courtois chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; dignified; mannerly; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; well-mannered
courtoisement chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; cultivated; cultured; polite
cultivé chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered academic; chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; clever; courteous; cultivated; cultured; developed; dignified; educated; erudite; exploited; intelligent; learned; lettered; polite; proper; properly; reclamated; reputable; respectable; sage; scholarly; smart; under crop; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-mannered; well-read; wise
d'une manière serviable obliging
de bonne volonté assistent; attentive; complaisant; helpful; lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; willing
docile accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding amenable; cooperative; docile; domesticated; fawning; house-trained; humble; inferior; malleable; meek; minor; obedient; obsequious; pliable; secondary; servient; servile; slavishly; submissive; subordinate; tame; tamed; tractable; willing
docilement accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding amenable; cooperative; docile; domesticated; house-trained; humble; malleable; meek; obedient; pliable; servient; slavishly; submissive; tame; tamed; tractable; willing
empressé accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding benevolent; good-natured; kind; mild
facile à vivre accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
favorable friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; advantageous; approving; assenting; auspicious; beneficial; beneficial to; benevolent; consenting; exultant; favorable; favourable; fortunate; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; hopeful; kindly disposed; lucky; surplus; sympathetic; well-meaning; willing
galant chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; polite
gentil friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; adorable; agreeable; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; beloved; benevolent; calm; calmly; charming; collected; composed; congenial; cool; cute; dear; enchanting; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entrancing; equanimous; fine; friendly; genial; good-natured; great; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; peaceful; placid; pleasant; quiet; quietly; restful; salutary; serene; silent; still; sweet; sympathetic; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; winsome
gentiment friendly; kind; kindly; obliging a kind manner; agreeable; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; charming; congenial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; fine; friendly; genial; good-natured; great; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; pleasant; sweet; sympathetic; winsome
indulgent accommodating; approachable; complaisant; compliant; flexible; forward; graciously; obliging; pliable; pliant; ready; responsive

Palabras relacionadas con "obliging":

Sinónimos de "obliging":

Definiciones relacionadas de "obliging":

  1. showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others1
    • the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave1

Wiktionary: obliging

  1. Qui a de la complaisance pour les autres.
  2. Qui aimer à rendre service, qui rend service, aidant.

Cross Translation:
obliging obligeant bereidwillig — tot hulp en dienst bereid zijn of daarvan blijk geven


to oblige verbo (obliges, obliged, obliging)

  1. to oblige
    obliger; forcer; s'obliger à
    • obliger verbo (oblige, obliges, obligeons, obligez, )
    • forcer verbo (force, forces, forçons, forcez, )
    • s'obliger à verbo
  2. to oblige (force; compel; coerce)
    obliger; imposer; forcer; contraindre; brusquer
    • obliger verbo (oblige, obliges, obligeons, obligez, )
    • imposer verbo (impose, imposes, imposons, imposez, )
    • forcer verbo (force, forces, forçons, forcez, )
    • contraindre verbo (contrains, contraint, contraignons, contraignez, )
    • brusquer verbo (brusque, brusques, brusquons, brusquez, )
  3. to oblige (compel; force; oblige to)
  4. to oblige (accomodate; be of help; help; extend the hand; make oneself useful)
    servir; être au service de; être utile à
    • servir verbo (sers, sert, servons, servez, )
  5. to oblige (oblige to; compel; force)
    obliger; contraindre; forcer; nécessiter; pousser à; obliger à; forcer à; contraindre à
    • obliger verbo (oblige, obliges, obligeons, obligez, )
    • contraindre verbo (contrains, contraint, contraignons, contraignez, )
    • forcer verbo (force, forces, forçons, forcez, )
    • nécessiter verbo (nécessite, nécessites, nécessitons, nécessitez, )
    • pousser à verbo
    • obliger à verbo
    • forcer à verbo

Conjugaciones de oblige:

  1. oblige
  2. oblige
  3. obliges
  4. oblige
  5. oblige
  6. oblige
simple past
  1. obliged
  2. obliged
  3. obliged
  4. obliged
  5. obliged
  6. obliged
present perfect
  1. have obliged
  2. have obliged
  3. has obliged
  4. have obliged
  5. have obliged
  6. have obliged
past continuous
  1. was obliging
  2. were obliging
  3. was obliging
  4. were obliging
  5. were obliging
  6. were obliging
  1. shall oblige
  2. will oblige
  3. will oblige
  4. shall oblige
  5. will oblige
  6. will oblige
continuous present
  1. am obliging
  2. are obliging
  3. is obliging
  4. are obliging
  5. are obliging
  6. are obliging
  1. be obliged
  2. be obliged
  3. be obliged
  4. be obliged
  5. be obliged
  6. be obliged
  1. oblige!
  2. let's oblige!
  3. obliged
  4. obliging
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for oblige:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
imposer force; pressing on
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
brusquer coerce; compel; force; oblige accelerate; antagonise; antagonize; assault; attack; brush off; brutalise; brutalize; bully; harass; hasten; lay violent hands upon; pester; provoke; quicken; raid; snub; speed up; storm; tease; use force; violate
contraindre coerce; compel; force; oblige; oblige to assault; attack; break in; control; enforce; keep back; keep under control; lay violent hands upon; moderate; raid; restrain; storm; subdue; suppress; train; violate
contraindre à compel; force; oblige; oblige to
contraindre à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
forcer coerce; compel; force; oblige; oblige to assault; attack; break open; crack; decode; enforce; extort; force; force open; lay violent hands upon; press on; raid; storm; tear open; violate
forcer à compel; force; oblige; oblige to force
forcer à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
imposer coerce; compel; force; oblige assault; attack; burden; force; insist; keep on; lay on; lay violent hands upon; persist; press; raid; saddle up; storm; urge; violate
nécessiter compel; force; oblige; oblige to need; require; want
obliger coerce; compel; force; oblige; oblige to
obliger à compel; force; oblige; oblige to charge; command; order
obliger à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
pousser à compel; force; oblige; oblige to fan; foment; incite; stir up
pousser à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
s'obliger à oblige
servir accomodate; be of help; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; oblige act as; aid; assist; attend; attend to; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; dish up; distribute; do good; do up; extend the hand; function as; hand out; help; make oneself useful; operate; prop up; provide; ration; second; serve; serve out; service; te be of service
être au service de accomodate; be of help; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; oblige aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second
être utile à accomodate; be of help; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; oblige aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second
- accommodate; bind; compel; hold; obligate
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
imposer impose
- meet

Palabras relacionadas con "oblige":

Sinónimos de "oblige":

Antónimos de "oblige":

  • disoblige

Definiciones relacionadas de "oblige":

  1. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted1
  2. provide a service or favor for someone1
    • We had to oblige him1
  3. force somebody to do something1

Wiktionary: oblige

  1. to do someone a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation)
  2. to constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means
  1. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  2. Mettre quelqu’un dans l’obligation de faire ou de dire quelque chose. (Sens général).

Cross Translation:
oblige obliger verplichten — tot regel maken dat iets moet

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de obliging