Inglés a francés:   más información...
  1. annotation:
  2. annotate:
  3. Wiktionary:
Francés a inglés:   más información...
  1. annotation:
  2. Wiktionary:


Traducciones detalladas de annotation de inglés a francés


annotation [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the annotation (note; scribble; scrawl; )
    la note; le brouillon; le petit mot; la notation; l'annotation; le griffonnage
  2. the annotation (foot-note)
    l'annotation; la note en bas de page; la note
  3. the annotation
  4. the annotation
    – A note or comment attached to some part of a document to provide related information. Some applications support voice annotations or annotations accessible by icons. 1

Translation Matrix for annotation:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
annotation annotation; foot-note; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement announcing; giving notice of; marginal comment; marginal note; note; proclaiming; report
brouillon annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; chit; crumpled page; crumpled piece of paper; draft; fooling around; hassle; mess up; messing about; messing around; note; rough book; rough draft; rough draft?; rough work; rough-copy book; scrap paper; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; shoddy work; short letter; slip of paper
griffonnage annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement chit; draft; note; rough book; rough draft; rough work; rough-copy book; scratch with the nails; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
notation annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement charge; notation; note; quotation; record; report; statement
note annotation; foot-note; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement account; bill; business note; charge; chit; grade; grading mark; intonation; invoice; mark; memorandum; note; pitch; reminder; report; report mark; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; sound; statement; term result; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour
note en bas de page annotation; foot-note
petit mot annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement chit; note; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
- annotating; notation; note
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
brouillon bewildered; chaotic; complex; complicated; confused; difficult; diffuse; disconcerted; disordered; flustered; intricate; involved; mentally confused

Palabras relacionadas con "annotation":

Sinónimos de "annotation":

Definiciones relacionadas de "annotation":

  1. the act of adding notes2
  2. a comment or instruction (usually added)2
  3. A note or comment attached to some part of a document to provide related information. Some applications support voice annotations or annotations accessible by icons.1

Wiktionary: annotation

  1. critical or explanatory commentary or analysis
Cross Translation:
annotation remarque BemerkungÄußerung zu einem Thema
annotation annotation annotatie — het annoteren


to annotate verbo (annotates, annotated, annotating)

  1. to annotate
    • annoter verbo (annote, annotes, annotons, annotez, )

Conjugaciones de annotate:

  1. annotate
  2. annotate
  3. annotates
  4. annotate
  5. annotate
  6. annotate
simple past
  1. annotated
  2. annotated
  3. annotated
  4. annotated
  5. annotated
  6. annotated
present perfect
  1. have annotated
  2. have annotated
  3. has annotated
  4. have annotated
  5. have annotated
  6. have annotated
past continuous
  1. was annotating
  2. were annotating
  3. was annotating
  4. were annotating
  5. were annotating
  6. were annotating
  1. shall annotate
  2. will annotate
  3. will annotate
  4. shall annotate
  5. will annotate
  6. will annotate
continuous present
  1. am annotating
  2. are annotating
  3. is annotating
  4. are annotating
  5. are annotating
  6. are annotating
  1. be annotated
  2. be annotated
  3. be annotated
  4. be annotated
  5. be annotated
  6. be annotated
  1. annotate!
  2. let's annotate!
  3. annotated
  4. annotating
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for annotate:

VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
annoter annotate book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down
- comment; footnote; gloss

Palabras relacionadas con "annotate":

Sinónimos de "annotate":

Definiciones relacionadas de "annotate":

  1. provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases2
    • He annotated on what his teacher had written2
  2. add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments2
    • The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel2

Wiktionary: annotate

  1. to add annotation
  1. accompagner (un texte, par exemple) de notes, de remarques.

Cross Translation:
annotate annoter annoteren — van kanttekeningen voorzien
annotate commenter kommentieren — einen Sachverhalt von einem bestimmten Standpunkt aus näher erläutern, einen Kommentar abgeben


Traducciones detalladas de annotation de francés a inglés


annotation [la ~] sustantivo

  1. l'annotation (notation; note; brouillon; petit mot; griffonnage)
    the annotation; the note; the scribble; the scrawl; the statement; the report; the mentioning
  2. l'annotation (note en bas de page; note)
    the annotation; the foot-note
  3. l'annotation (note; notation; déclaration; )
    the note; the report
    • note [the ~] sustantivo
    • report [the ~] sustantivo
  4. l'annotation (note marginale)
    the marginal comment; the marginal note
  5. l'annotation (annonce; notification; rapport; mention)
    the giving notice of; the announcing; the proclaiming
  6. l'annotation
    the annotation
  7. l'annotation
    the annotation
    – A note or comment attached to some part of a document to provide related information. Some applications support voice annotations or annotations accessible by icons. 1

Translation Matrix for annotation:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
annotation annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; note en bas de page; petit mot
announcing annonce; annotation; mention; notification; rapport annonce; annonce publicitaire
foot-note annotation; note; note en bas de page
giving notice of annonce; annotation; mention; notification; rapport convoquer; notificer; sommer
marginal comment annotation; note marginale
marginal note annotation; note marginale en-tête; inscription; légende; note marginale; souscription; suscription
mentioning annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; petit mot
note addition; annotation; brouillon; citation; déclaration; facture; griffonnage; mention; mention honorable; mémoire des frais; notation; note; note de frais; petit mot Note professionnelle; accent; bank-note; billet; billet de banque; bout de papier; brouillon; certificat; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; musique; note; note de musique; petit billet; petit mot; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix; égratignure
proclaiming annonce; annotation; mention; notification; rapport
report addition; annotation; brouillon; citation; déclaration; facture; griffonnage; mention; mention honorable; mémoire des frais; notation; note; note de frais; petit mot annonce; appel; avis; bulletin mensuel; communication; composition; compte rendu; compte-rendu; dissertation; envoi; essai; exposé; feuille mensuelle; hebdomadaire; information; informations; liste; magazine; magazine mensuel; mention; message; mémoire; notation; note; notice; nouvelle; procès-verbal; présentation; publication; périodique; rapport; rapportage; renvoi; reportage; revue; rédaction; éclaircissement
scrawl annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; petit mot billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; griffure; mot; note; patte de coq; pattes de mouche; petit billet; petit mot; écriture de chat; égratignure
scribble annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; petit mot billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; note; petit billet; petit mot; égratignure
statement annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; petit mot affirmation; allégation; annonce; appel; assertion; avis; communication; constatation; dilemme; déclaration; détermination; envoi; expression; faire-part; information; instruction; instruction d'action; liste; locution verbale; mention; message; notation; note; notice; nouvelle; position; problème; procès-verbal; publication; question; registre; relevé; relevé de compte; renvoi; supposition; tableau d'analyse; tâche; tâche scolaire; énumération
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
note annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register
report annoncer; apprendre; cafarder; caractériser; communiquer; conter; couvrir; dire; divulguer quelque chose; déceler; déclarer; décrire; définir; dénoncer; dénoncer quelqu'un; expliquer; faire connaître; faire le compte rendu de; faire part à; faire savoir; informer de; instruire; interpréter; mettre au courant; mettre au courant de; moucharder; parler; prévenir; raconter; rapporter; relater; rendre compte; renseigner; répandre; s'informer de; se renseigner; trahir; écrire
scrawl barbouiller; dessiner; gribouiller; griffonner; patiner maladroitement; scribouiller; tracer
scribble barbouiller; gribouiller; scribouiller; écrire

Sinónimos de "annotation":

Wiktionary: annotation

  1. action d’annoter.
  1. critical or explanatory commentary or analysis

Cross Translation:
annotation annotation annotatie — het annoteren
annotation footnote; remark Anmerkungallgemein: (schriftlich oder mündlich) eine zusätzlich geben Information