
Traducciones detalladas de civil de inglés a francés


Translation Matrix for civil:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
civil citizen
civilisé civilised; civilized; cultivated
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- civic; polite
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- civilian
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bien élevé chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered chivalrous; courteous; dignified; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; well raised; well-mannered
civil chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; courteous; courtly; polite
civilement civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; cultivated; cultured; polite a kind manner
civilisé chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered chivalrous; courteous; dignified; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; well-mannered
comme il faut chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered as it should be; becoming; chivalrous; courteous; decent; dignified; effective; efficient; fair; fit; honest; honorable; honourable; just; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; right-minded; righteous; sincere; suitable; suitably; true-hearted; upright; well-mannered
complaisant chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered accommodating; complaisant; compliant; cooperative; docile; flexible; obedient; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; willingly; yielding
convenable civil adequate; agreeable; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; aristocratic; as it should be; becoming; befitting; benevolent; chivalrous; clean; courteous; decent; dignified; distinguished; effective; efficient; elegant; eminent; fair; fine; fit; fitting; genial; good-natured; graceful; grand; great; high-bred; honest; kind; lofty; majestic; majestically; mild; moderate; neat; passable; pleasant; pompous; prominent; proper; properly; readily; reasonable; refined; relevant; reputable; respectable; right; seemly; solemnly; sophisticated; stylish; suitable; suitably; tolerable; virtuous; well-mannered; willingly; worthy
convenablement civil applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; aristocratic; as it should be; becoming; befitting; clean; decent; distinguished; eminent; fair; fitting; grand; high-bred; honest; lofty; majestic; majestically; moderate; neat; pompous; prominent; proper; properly; reasonable; relevant; reputable; respectable; right; seemly; solemnly; suitable; suitably; tolerable; virtuous; worthy
correct civil accurate; as it should be; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; clean; correct; courteous; decent; dignified; exactly; fair; faultless; fitting; flawless; honest; honorable; honourable; impeccable; infallible; just; neat; perfect; precise; proper; properly; reasonable; reputable; respectable; right; suitably; tolerable; virtuous; well-mannered; worthy
courtois chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; chivalrous; courteous; courtly; dignified; mannerly; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; well-mannered
courtoisement chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner
cultivé chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered academic; chivalrous; clever; courteous; cultivated; developed; dignified; educated; erudite; exploited; intelligent; learned; lettered; proper; properly; reclamated; reputable; respectable; sage; scholarly; smart; under crop; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-mannered; well-read; wise
décemment civil as it should be; decent; neat; proper; properly; respectable; suitable; suitably
décent civil as it should be; becoming; befitting; chaste; chivalrous; clean; courteous; decent; dignified; effective; efficient; fair; fit; fitting; honest; honorable; honourable; neat; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; suitable; suitably; tidy; virtuous; well-mannered; worthy
galant chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; courteous; courtly; polite
instruit chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered academic; erudite; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
poli chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; chivalrous; courteous; courtly; dignified; ground off; polished; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; sharpened; shined; smoothened; well sharpened; well-mannered
policé civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; cultivated; cultured; polite
poliment chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner
propre chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered characteristic; chaste; chivalrous; clean; clean as a whistle; cleaned; cleanly; cleansed; courteous; dignified; distinctive; hygienic; immaculate; impeccable; neat; neatly; pristine; proper; properly; pure; reputable; respectable; sanitary; spotless; tidied; tidy; typical; unspoiled; untainted; virginal; well-mannered
prévenant chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered a kind manner; benevolent; considerate; good-natured; kind; mild; obliging
serviable chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered assistent; attentive; benevolent; complaisant; docile; good-natured; helpful; kind; meek; mild; obedient; obliging; ready; servient; submissive; tractable; willing
soigné chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; complaisant; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered accurate; aesthetic; careful; cautious; classical; classy; cleanly; conscientious; conservative; elegant; esthetic; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; in good style; in good taste; meticulous; neatly; precise; provided for; scrupulous; scupulous; smart; sophisticated; stylish; taken care of; tasteful; thorough; tidy

Palabras relacionadas con "civil":

Sinónimos de "civil":

Antónimos de "civil":

Definiciones relacionadas de "civil":

  1. of or in a condition of social order1
    • civil peoples1
  2. not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others1
    • even if he didn't like them he should have been civil1
  3. (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life1
    • the civil calendar1
    • a civil day begins at mean midnight1
  4. applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military1
    • civil authorities1
  5. of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals1
    • civil rights1
    • civil liberty1
  6. of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state1
    • civil affairs1
    • civil strife1
    • civil disobedience1
    • civil branches of government1

Wiktionary: civil

  1. behaving in a reasonable or polite manner
  2. Related to people and government office as opposed to miliary or religion
  1. Relatif au calendrier.
  2. citoyen ; relatif aux citoyens.

Cross Translation:
civil civil bürgerlich — auf die Staatsbürger, oder die Bürger eines Gemeinwesens, bezogen
civil civil zivilbürgerlich, unmilitärisch

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de civil


Traducciones detalladas de civil de francés a inglés


civil [le ~] sustantivo

  1. le civil (citoyen; habitant)
    the citizen
    – a native or naturalized member of a state or other political community 1

Translation Matrix for civil:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
citizen citoyen; civil; habitant citadin
forward attaquant; avant; avant de pointe
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
forward anticiper; avancer; décaler l'heure du début de; envoyer à; expédier à; faire suivre; placer devant; réexpédier; transférer; transmettre; émettre
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
chivalrous bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné bien élevé; civilisé; comme il faut; convenable; correct; courtois; cultivé; décent; poli; propre; respectable
civil bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné bien élevé; civilement; civilisé; convenable; convenablement; correct; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; décemment; décent; galant; poli; policé; poliment; soigné
complaisant bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné abordable; accessible; accommodant; approchable; avec complaisance; avec empressement; avec indulgence; avenant; complaisant; coulant; de bonne volonté; docile; docilement; empressé; facile à vivre; indulgent; obligeant; ouvert; serviable; souple
courteous attentif; attentionné; bien élevé; chevaleresque; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné bien élevé; civilement; civilisé; comme il faut; convenable; correct; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; décent; galant; poli; policé; poliment; propre; respectable; soigné
courtly attentif; attentionné; bien élevé; chevaleresque; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné courtois
obliging bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné abordable; accessible; accommodant; aimable; aimablement; amical; amicalement; approchable; attentionné; avec bienveillance; avec complaisance; avec empressement; avec indulgence; avenant; bien disposé; bienveillant; complaisant; coulant; d'une manière serviable; de bonne volonté; docile; docilement; empressé; facile à vivre; favorable; gentil; gentiment; indulgent; obligeamment; obligeant; obéissant; ouvert; prévenant; serviable; souple
pliable bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné abordable; accessible; accommodant; approchable; avec complaisance; avec empressement; avec indulgence; avenant; complaisant; coulant; docile; docilement; empressé; facile; facile à vivre; facilement; flexible; indulgent; malléable; maniable; obéissant; ouvert; plastique; plastiquement; pliable; pétrissable; soumis; soumis à; souple; transformable; élastique
pliant bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné abordable; accessible; approchable; avec souplesse; avenant; flexible; indulgent; maniable; ouvert; souple; élastique
polite attentif; attentionné; bien élevé; chevaleresque; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné bien élevé; civilement; civilisé; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; poli; policé; poliment; soigné
responsive bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné abordable; accessible; approchable; avenant; indulgent; ouvert
well-educated bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné cultivé; instruit; lettré; qui a beaucoup lu; qui a fait des études supérieures; sage; savant; très savant; érudit
well-mannered bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné bien élevé; civilisé; comme il faut; convenable; correct; courtois; cultivé; décent; poli; propre; respectable
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
a kind manner aimable; aimablement; amical; amicalement; avec bienveillance; bien disposé; bienveillant; civil; civilement; courtois; courtoisement; favorable; galant; gentil; gentiment; indulgent; poli; poliment; prévenant
forward bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné abordable; accessible; allez; approchable; avancé; avenant; d'avant-garde; d'une façon progressiste; d'une façon progressive; en avant; indulgent; ouvert; progressif; progressiste; progressivement; va-t'en!
mannerly bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné courtois
well bred bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné
well educated bien élevé; civil; civilisé; comme il faut; complaisant; courtois; courtoisement; cultivé; galant; instruit; poli; poliment; propre; prévenant; serviable; soigné

Sinónimos de "civil":

Wiktionary: civil

  1. citoyen ; relatif aux citoyens.
  1. statut des citoyens qui ne sont pas militaires
  1. not related to the military armed forces
  1. behaving in a reasonable or polite manner
  2. Related to people and government office as opposed to miliary or religion
  1. civilian

Cross Translation:
civil civilian Zivilist — Person, die nicht dem Militär angehört und kein Mitglied einer anderen Kampforganisation ist
civil civic; civil bürgerlich — auf die Staatsbürger, oder die Bürger eines Gemeinwesens, bezogen
civil civil zivilbürgerlich, unmilitärisch

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de civil