
Traducciones detalladas de jester de inglés a francés


jest [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the jest (joke; pleasantry)
    la blague; la plaisanterie
  2. the jest (witty remark; joke; gag; )
    le canard; la boutade; la plaisanterie; le trait d'esprit
  3. the jest (drollery; joke; witticism; waggishness; witty saying)
    la plaisanterie; la clownerie

to jest verbo (jests, jested, jesting)

  1. to jest (commit foolery; joke; banter; )
    blaguer; faire le fou; badiner; jouer un tour à; batifoler; folâtrer
    • blaguer verbo (blague, blagues, blaguons, blaguez, )
    • faire le fou verbo
    • badiner verbo (badine, badines, badinons, badinez, )
    • batifoler verbo (batifole, batifoles, batifolons, batifolez, )
    • folâtrer verbo (folâtre, folâtres, folâtrons, folâtrez, )

Conjugaciones de jest:

  1. jest
  2. jest
  3. jests
  4. jest
  5. jest
  6. jest
simple past
  1. jested
  2. jested
  3. jested
  4. jested
  5. jested
  6. jested
present perfect
  1. have jested
  2. have jested
  3. has jested
  4. have jested
  5. have jested
  6. have jested
past continuous
  1. was jesting
  2. were jesting
  3. was jesting
  4. were jesting
  5. were jesting
  6. were jesting
  1. shall jest
  2. will jest
  3. will jest
  4. shall jest
  5. will jest
  6. will jest
continuous present
  1. am jesting
  2. are jesting
  3. is jesting
  4. are jesting
  5. are jesting
  6. are jesting
  1. be jested
  2. be jested
  3. be jested
  4. be jested
  5. be jested
  6. be jested
  1. jest!
  2. let's jest!
  3. jested
  4. jesting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for jest:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
blague jest; joke; pleasantry banter; childishness; folly; foolishness; fun; high jinks; hilarity; humor; humour; idiocy; joke; joking; joy; joyfulness; little present; little something; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; prank; present; silliness
boutade gag; jest; joke; pleasantry; quip; witticism; witty remark banter; fun; humor; humour; joke; little present; little something; prank; present
canard gag; jest; joke; pleasantry; quip; witticism; witty remark banter; duck; false rumour; joke; prank
clownerie drollery; jest; joke; waggishness; witticism; witty saying amusingness; comedy; drollery; mischievousness; waggishness
plaisanterie drollery; gag; jest; joke; pleasantry; quip; waggishness; witticism; witty remark; witty saying amusingness; banter; childishness; comedy; drollery; folly; foolishness; fun; high jinks; hilarity; humor; humour; idiocy; joke; joking; joy; joyfulness; little present; little something; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; mischievousness; nonsense; pleasure; prank; present; silliness; waggishness
trait d'esprit gag; jest; joke; pleasantry; quip; witticism; witty remark banter; fun; humor; humour; joke; little present; little something; prank; present; pun
- gag; jape; jocularity; joke; laugh
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
badiner banter; commit foolery; do something silly; jape; jest; joke; make fun of; play a joke; play a trick; poke fun at banter; joke
batifoler banter; commit foolery; do something silly; jape; jest; joke; make fun of; play a joke; play a trick; poke fun at frolic; horse around; let oneself go; play; romp; romp around; run around wildly
blaguer banter; commit foolery; do something silly; jape; jest; joke; make fun of; play a joke; play a trick; poke fun at badger; be a nuisance; fool; hoax; hoodwink; pester; swindle; tease; trick; vex
faire le fou banter; commit foolery; do something silly; jape; jest; joke; make fun of; play a joke; play a trick; poke fun at
folâtrer banter; commit foolery; do something silly; jape; jest; joke; make fun of; play a joke; play a trick; poke fun at frolic; horse around; let oneself go; play; romp; romp around; run around wildly
jouer un tour à banter; commit foolery; do something silly; jape; jest; joke; make fun of; play a joke; play a trick; poke fun at fool; pull someone's leg; take the micky out of
- joke
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- joke

Palabras relacionadas con "jest":

Sinónimos de "jest":

Definiciones relacionadas de "jest":

  1. activity characterized by good humor1
  2. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter1
    • he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest1
  3. act in a funny or teasing way1
  4. tell a joke; speak humorously1

Wiktionary: jest

  1. -
  1. action ou propos léger, qui ne prête pas à conséquences.
  2. rare|fr Ce qu’on fait ou ce qu’on dit dans l’intention de badiner.
  1. plaisanter, prendre quelque chose à la légère, parler ou écrire d’une manière enjouée.
  2. badiner, dire ou faire quelque chose pour amuser, pour faire rire les autres.

Cross Translation:
jest bravade; défi; dépit; en; par; entêtement; rire; juste; pour; le; fun aus Daffkenordostdeutsch, besonders berlinerisch, salopp: aus Trotz, zum Trotz; nun gerade; aus Eigensinn; nur zum Spaß


jester [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the jester (joker; court jester)
    le joker; le clown

Translation Matrix for jester:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
clown court jester; jester; joker Pierrot; buffoon; character; clown; comedian; comic; drip; dud; figure; fool; funny man; funnyman; harlequin; idiot; jerk; joker; madcap; madman; nutcase; rascal; rattle-brain; rogue
joker court jester; jester; joker
- fool; motley fool
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- joker; wag

Palabras relacionadas con "jester":

  • jesters

Sinónimos de "jester":

Definiciones relacionadas de "jester":

  1. a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the Middle Ages1

Wiktionary: jester

  1. person in a mediaeval royal court
  1. personnage de la comédie italienne, qui a été introduire sur notre théâtre et dont le vêtement est formé de pièces de diverses couleurs.
  2. (vieilli) danseur de théâtre. farceur de place publique.
  3. (histoire) Personnage dont la fonction était d’amuser la cour des nobles.

Cross Translation:
jester blagueur; blaireau; farceur Spaßvogeljemand, der mit seinen lustigen Einfällen und Späßen andere gerne erheitert
jester blagueur; plaisantin; farceur Witzboldoft abwertend: jemand der gern (schlechte) Witze macht

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