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  1. or:
  2. OR:
  3. Wiktionary:
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  1. or:
  2. OR:
  3. Or:
  4. Wiktionary:


Traducciones detalladas de or de inglés a francés


Translation Matrix for or:

OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
ou although; if; or; whether
ou bien although; if; or; whether
que if; or; whether
si if; or; whether if; in case; provided that; when
- i.e.; that is
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
si actual; actually; certainly; definitely; if; in truth; indeed; it's true; real; really; such; to be sure; truly; verily; well; when; yes indeed

Sinónimos de "or":

  • Oregon; Beaver State; OR; American state
  • operating room; operating theater; operating theatre; surgery; hospital room

Wiktionary: or

  1. conjunction
    • orou
  1. gold or yellow tincture
    • oror
  1. of yellow or gold tincture on a coat of arms
    • oror
  1. -
  1. introduire ce qui se passerait dans le cas contraire. Utilisé avec un infinitif.

Cross Translation:
or ou of — keuze
or ou bien; ou oder — Unterscheidung von mehreren Möglichkeiten



  1. OR (logical OR)
    – A logical operation for combining two bits (0 or 1) or two Boolean values (false or true). If one or both values are 1 (true), it returns the value 1 (true). 1

Translation Matrix for OR:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- Beaver State; Oregon; operating room; operating theater; operating theatre; surgery
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
OR OR; logical OR
OR logique OR; logical OR
OU OR; logical OR

Definiciones relacionadas de "OR":

  1. a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations2
  2. a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific2
  3. A logical operation for combining two bits (0 or 1) or two Boolean values (false or true). If one or both values are 1 (true), it returns the value 1 (true).1

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de or


Traducciones detalladas de or de francés a inglés


or [le ~] sustantivo

  1. l'or
    the gold
    • gold [the ~] sustantivo

or adj.

  1. or (eh bien)

Translation Matrix for or:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
gold or
well fontaine; source
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
gold blond doré; d'or; doré; en or; jaune d'or; jaune doré
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
well eh bien; or abondant; aisé; bien portant; eh bien; en bonne condition; en bonne santé; en forme; entraîné; florissant; fortuné; mais si; nanti; prospère; sain; si

Sinónimos de "or":

Wiktionary: or

  1. Élément chimique
  2. Métal
  1. De la couleur du métal, jaune orangé. (couleur)
  2. Conjonction dont on se sert pour lier un discours à un autre.
  1. anything or anyone considered to be very valuable
  2. gold medal
  3. colour
  4. element
  5. gold or yellow tincture
  1. made of gold
  1. of yellow or gold tincture on a coat of arms

Cross Translation:
or gold goud — een edelmetaal met atoomnummer 79 dat wordt aangegeven met het symbool Au, het is een geel metalliek overgangsmetaal
or gold GoldChemie: gelbes, glänzendes, leicht verformbares Metall; das chemische Element mit der Ordnungszahl 79
or golden; hoard; treasure; refuge; haven; shelter; hotbed Hort — dichter.|, sonst va.|: (vor allem aus Gold beziehungsweise goldenen Gegenständen zusammengesetzter) Schatz
or golden golden — kSt.: aus Gold bestehend



  1. OR (OU; OR logique)
    OR; the logical OR
    – A logical operation for combining two bits (0 or 1) or two Boolean values (false or true). If one or both values are 1 (true), it returns the value 1 (true). 1

Translation Matrix for OR:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
logical OR OR; OR logique; OU
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
OR OR; OR logique; OU


Or adj.

  1. Or
    the Gold
    – The highest level of service that can be allocated to a case. The service contract a customer purchases determines the service level for its associated cases. 1
    • Gold [the ~] sustantivo

Translation Matrix for Or:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Gold Or

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de or