
Traducciones detalladas de accounting de inglés a francés


accounting [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the accounting
    le comptes
  2. the accounting
    la comptabilité
  3. the accounting
    – The practice of recording, classifying, summarizing, and reporting the financial consequences of business events. 1
    la comptabilité

Translation Matrix for accounting:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
comptabilité accounting GL; accounts; book keeping; budget; general ledger; ledger
comptes accounting
- account; account statement; accountancy; accounting system; method of accounting

Sinónimos de "accounting":

Definiciones relacionadas de "accounting":

  1. the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business2
  2. a system that provides quantitative information about finances2
  3. a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes2
    • he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions2
  4. a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance2
    • they send me an accounting every month2
  5. a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts2
  6. The practice of recording, classifying, summarizing, and reporting the financial consequences of business events.1

Wiktionary: accounting

  1. development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions
  1. tenue des comptes, la manière, l’action de rendre et d’établir des comptes.
  2. Action de rapporter ce qu’on a fait, ce qu’on a vu, etc...
  1. Qui est assujettir à rendre des comptes.

Cross Translation:
accounting comptabilité Rechnungswesen — die Gesamtheit aller Systematiken eines Unternehmens zur Rechnungslegung, bestehend aus Buchführung und Jahresabschluss (sogenanntes externes Rechnungswesen) und Kostenrechnung und Kalkulation (sogenanntes internes Rechnungswesen)

accounting forma de account:

account [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the account (invoice; bill)
    – an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered 2
    la facture; l'addition; la note de frais; la note; la déclaration; le mémoire des frais
  2. the account (bank account)
    le compte en banque; le compte courant
  3. the account (composition; report; paper)
    l'essai; la rédaction; la dissertation; la composition; le mémoire
  4. the account (report; commentary)
    le rapport; le compte rendu; l'exposé; la présentation
  5. the account (settlement of an account)
    le compte; le règlement de compte; le décompte
  6. the account
    le compte
  7. the account
    – A record-keeping arrangement used by the vendor of an online service to identify a subscriber and to maintain a record of customer usage for billing purposes. 1
    le compte
  8. the account
    – The record-keeping mechanism used by networks and multiuser operating systems for keeping track of authorized users. 1
    le compte
  9. the account (business account)
    – The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service. 1
    le compte
  10. the account
    – The type of record - asset, liability, revenue, expense, or owner's equity - traditionally used for recording individual transactions in an accounting system. 1
    le compte
  11. the account
    – An organization's authorization to access the Live Meeting service. 1
    le compte
  12. the account (Windows Live account)
    – Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent. 1
  13. the account
    – A set of attributes that define a user's access to a given service or application. 1
    le compte

Translation Matrix for account:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
addition account; bill; invoice addendum; adding up; addition; addition sum; addition to; additive; affix; appendage; appendix; chain; coming together; completion; concentration; count; extension; extra; fill up; filling; finishing; footing; joining up; new supply; note; padding; replenishment; report; score; sequence; series; stuffing; sum; supplement; total amount
composition account; composition; paper; report arrangement; assembly; basic rule; building; cadence; clubbing; composing; composing work; composition; constitution; construction; essay; exam; examination; final exam; final examination; final paper; fragment; frame; fundamental law; inflection; intonation; lecture; little bit; modulation; montage; mounting; paper; particle; piece; placing; preliminary examination; prelims; printing work; project; publication; section; setting; system; test; thesis; tone of voice; type setting
compte Windows Live account; account; business account; settlement of an account charging; count; score
compte courant account; bank account current account
compte en banque account; bank account
compte rendu account; commentary; report
dissertation account; composition; paper; report dissertation; final exam; final examination; final paper; lecture; paper; project; thesis
déclaration account; bill; invoice announcement; clearance; clearing; comment; declaration; enunciation; expression; expression of opinion; judgement; letting out; note; notification; pronunciation; remark; report; sentence; statement; subpoena; summons; testimony; utterance; verdict
décompte account; settlement of an account allowance; count; count down; counting; deduction; rebate; relief
essai account; composition; paper; report attempt; attempting; effort; efforts; essay; exertion; exertions; experiment; final exam; final examination; final paper; impact; lecture; paper; project; strain; test; test drive; test run; testing; thesis; trial run; try; trying
exposé account; commentary; report angle; aspect; attitude; city plan; conception; declamation; delivery; dogma; elucidation; essay; floor-plan; foreword; groundplan; idea; interpretation; introduction; introductory remarks; lecture; legend; map; myth; narration; notion; opinion; outlook; paper; perspective; plan; point of view; preamble; preface; project; prologue; reading; religious doctrine; site plan; sketch of the situation; stand; story; street map; synopses; tale; tenet; town-map; turn to read; version; view; vision; way of thinking
facture account; bill; invoice bill; cash slip; charging; note; note of remittance; receipt; report; sales slip
mémoire account; composition; paper; report afterthought; commemoration; keepsake; lecture; memento; memorandum; memory; paper; project; recollection; remembrance; reminder; souvenir
mémoire des frais account; bill; invoice note; report
note account; bill; invoice annotation; business note; charge; chit; foot-note; grade; grading mark; intonation; mark; memorandum; mentioning; note; pitch; reminder; report; report mark; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; sound; statement; term result; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour
note de frais account; bill; invoice bill for expenses; expense report; expense sheet; expenses claim; note; report
présentation account; commentary; report contribution; declaration; exhibit; introduction; presentation; submission
rapport account; commentary; report agreement; alliance; amorous adventure; announcing; association; band; binding; bond; connection; courtship; giving notice of; intercourse; junction; league; legend; liaison; link; love affair; minutes; myth; narration; pact; proclaiming; record; relation; relationship; report; romance; romanticism; story; survey; tale; thickness; union; wooing
règlement de compte account; settlement of an account
rédaction account; composition; paper; report draft; draw up; edit; editorial staff; editorial-committee; editors; editorship; formulate; formulation; lecture; paper; project
- account statement; accounting; bill; business relationship; chronicle; explanation; history; invoice; news report; report; score; story; write up
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- answer for; calculate; describe; report
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
compte Windows Live Windows Live account; account
mémoire memory; temporary memory
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- report
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
exposé clarified; cleared up; enlightened; explained; illuminated; illustrated; lit; made lighter; opened; opened up; unlocked

Palabras relacionadas con "account":

Sinónimos de "account":

Definiciones relacionadas de "account":

  1. the quality of taking advantage2
    • she turned her writing skills to good account2
  2. importance or value2
    • a person of considerable account2
    • he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance2
  3. a record or narrative description of past events2
    • he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president2
  4. an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered2
    • send me an account of what I owe2
  5. a short account of the news2
    • the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious2
  6. a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.2
    • I expected a brief account2
  7. the act of informing by verbal report2
    • by all accounts they were a happy couple2
  8. grounds2
    • don't do it on my account2
    • the paper was rejected on account of its length2
  9. a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance2
  10. a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services2
    • he asked to see the executive who handled his account2
  11. furnish a justifying analysis or explanation2
    • I can't account for the missing money2
  12. to give an account or representation of in words2
  13. keep an account of2
  14. be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something2
    • Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam2
  15. A record-keeping arrangement used by the vendor of an online service to identify a subscriber and to maintain a record of customer usage for billing purposes.1
  16. The record-keeping mechanism used by networks and multiuser operating systems for keeping track of authorized users.1
  17. The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service.1
  18. The type of record - asset, liability, revenue, expense, or owner's equity - traditionally used for recording individual transactions in an accounting system.1
  19. An organization's authorization to access the Live Meeting service.1
  20. Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent.1
  21. A set of attributes that define a user's access to a given service or application.1
  22. A chronological record that describes the changes in value classified as assets, liabilities, expenses, and revenue.1

Wiktionary: account

  1. an authorization to use a service
  2. a registry of pecuniary transactions
  1. déterminer un nombre au moyen d’un calcul, de calculs.
  2. Passer des écritures comptables, saisir des pièces comptables.
  3. déterminer (une quantité, un nombre), plus particulièrement par un dénombrement, sinon par un calcul.
  4. regarder attentivement.
  5. tenir pour véritable.
  6. rapporter, mentionner, citer.
  1. État de ce qui a été reçu, ce qui est dû, dépensé, avancé ou fourni.
  2. Livret, solde chez un tiers avec lequel s’opèrent des échanges économiques
  3. action de discuter.
  4. Récit, aventure, conte
  5. Ce qui importer, ce qui convient, en quelque manière que ce soit, à l’utilité, à l’avantage d’une personne ou d’une collectivité, d’un individu ou d’une personne morale, en ce qui concerner soit leur bien physique et matériel, soit leur bien
  6. Récit
  7. indice qui nous aider à connaître certaines choses ou qui nous éclairer sur une personne.
  8. relation, narration, orale ou écrite, d’un événement.

Cross Translation:
account comptes Rechenschaft — Auskunft über bestimmte Gründe, Handlungen, Umstände oder Verhalten
account rendre compte Rechenschaft ablegen — jemandem meist schriftlich (oft in Form eines Berichtes, siehe dazu Rechenschaftsbericht) darlegen, aus welchem Grund Handlungen (nicht) ausgeführt wurden oder wie mit Dingen, Geld und Sachwerten umgegangen wurde bzw. wo sie verblieben sind.
account accepter la responsabilité; de; quelque chose; assumer la responsabilité; être; responsable; prendre la responsabilité; supporter la responsabilité verantwortlich zeichnenAmtssprache, verantwortlich zeichnen für etwas: die übertragene Verantwortung ausübend seine Unterschrift unter etwas setzen
account explication explicatieuitleg

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Traducciones relacionadas de accounting