Verb | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
beat it; bugger off; bugger up; buzz off; clear out; depart; fuck off; get; get lost; get on; go astray; go away; go to hell; leave; make off; make oneself scarce; move on; pack it; piss off; push off; sail away; scram; skedaddle; split; take off
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
kick off
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
desert; desert the army; drop out; pull out; quit; run away from home; run off
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
avoid; desert; desert the army; evade
ficher le camp
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
be off; beat it; blow; break away; bugger off; bugger up; buzz off; clear out; dash away; dash off; do a moonlight flit; duck out; elude; escape; fuck off; get; get away; get lost; get on; go astray; go away; go to hell; go with the wind; hurry away; hurry off; make a duck; move on; pack it; piss off; push off; run away; run off; scamper away; scamper off; scram; slip quietly into the night; squeeze out of it
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
be off; beat it; blow; break away; dash away; dash off; do a moonlight flit; duck out; elude; escape; gallop; get away; go with the wind; haste; hasten; hurry; hurry away; hurry off; ladder; make a duck; move it; race; run; run away; run away from home; run off; rush; scamper; scamper away; scamper off; scoot; scuttle away; shadow; slip quietly into the night; speed up; sprint; squeeze out of it; tail; zoom
s'en aller
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
abandon; abdicate; beat it; break up; bugger off; bugger up; buzz off; clear out; depart; depart from; desert; desert the army; fetch back; fuck off; get; get lost; get on; go; go astray; go away; go to hell; grease; leave; leave for; move on; pack it; piss off; pull back; push off; resign; resign from; retire; retrieve; rub in; sail; sail away; scram; secede from; set out; smear; start; take off; travel; walk away; withdraw
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
blow up; break away; burst out; dash away; dash off; desert; desert the army; elude; escape; evade; flee; fly; get away; hurry away; hurry off; run away; run away from home; run off; scamper away; scamper off; scoot; scuttle away; set in; swerve
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
blow up; break away; burst out; desert; desert the army; elude; escape; evade; get away; make a slip; overlook; run away from home; run off; set in; slip; sneak; steal; swerve
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
blow up; break away; burst out; desert; desert the army; elude; escape; evade; get away; set in; swerve
se sauver
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
blow up; burst out; desert; desert the army; elude; evade; flee; get away; set in; swerve; talk a way out
se tirer
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
be off; beat it; blow; desert; desert the army
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
be beyond; blow up; burst out; desert; desert the army; elude; evade; flee; make a slip; set in; slip; sneak; steal; swerve
échapper à
be off; break away from; clear off; desert; do a moonlight flit; go with the wind; run away; run off; walk away; walk off; walk out
avoid; be a slip of the tongue; blow up; burst out; desert; desert the army; duck out; elude; escape; evade; keep out of; make a duck; make a slip; set in; slip; slip one's mind; slip quietly into the night; sneak; squeeze out of it; steal; swerve
clear away