
Traducciones detalladas de connective de inglés a francés


Translation Matrix for connective:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- conjunction; conjunctive; connecter; connection; connector; connexion; continuative

Sinónimos de "connective":

Definiciones relacionadas de "connective":

  1. connecting or tending to connect1
    • connective remarks between chapters1
    • connective tissue in animals1
  2. an instrumentality that connects1
  3. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences1

Wiktionary: connective

  1. Qui sert à faire une connexion entre deux choses.

connective forma de connect:

to connect verbo (connects, connected, connecting)

  1. to connect (tie together; bind; knot)
    attacher; boutonner; nouer
    • attacher verbo (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • boutonner verbo (boutonne, boutonnes, boutonnons, boutonnez, )
    • nouer verbo (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
  2. to connect (put through)
    mettre en communication; joindre; passer quelqu'un
    • joindre verbo (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
  3. to connect (join; combine; attach)
    joindre; lier; enchaîner
    • joindre verbo (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • lier verbo (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • enchaîner verbo (enchaîne, enchaînes, enchaînons, enchaînez, )
  4. to connect (couple; link; pander; attach; make a match)
    connecter; relier; associer; joindre; unir; enchaîner; adjoindre; assembler
    • connecter verbo (connecte, connectes, connectons, connectez, )
    • relier verbo (relie, relies, relions, reliez, )
    • associer verbo (associe, associes, associons, associez, )
    • joindre verbo (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • unir verbo (unis, unit, unissons, unissez, )
    • enchaîner verbo (enchaîne, enchaînes, enchaînons, enchaînez, )
    • adjoindre verbo (adjoins, adjoint, adjoignons, adjoignez, )
    • assembler verbo (assemble, assembles, assemblons, assemblez, )
  5. to connect (switch on; turn on; put on; start; light)
    allumer; mettre en marche; brancher sur; établir le contact; faire marcher; faire fonctionner; mettre en circuit
  6. to connect (couple; link; combine; unite)
    attacher; joindre; accoupler; réunir en accouplant; attacher ensemble
    • attacher verbo (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • joindre verbo (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • accoupler verbo (accouple, accouples, accouplons, accouplez, )
  7. to connect (attach to; affix; attach; fasten; secure)
    attacher; fixer; installer; attacher à qc; agrafer; parapher; coller; poser; renforcer; lier; marquer; nouer; timbrer
    • attacher verbo (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • fixer verbo (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • installer verbo (installe, installes, installons, installez, )
    • agrafer verbo (agrafe, agrafes, agrafons, agrafez, )
    • parapher verbo (paraphe, paraphes, paraphons, paraphez, )
    • coller verbo (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
    • poser verbo (pose, poses, posons, posez, )
    • renforcer verbo (renforce, renforces, renforçons, renforcez, )
    • lier verbo (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • marquer verbo (marque, marques, marquons, marquez, )
    • nouer verbo (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • timbrer verbo (timbre, timbres, timbrons, timbrez, )
  8. to connect (relate)
  9. to connect (join together; merge; combine; )
    joindre ensemble; joindre; unir; grouper; réunir
    • joindre verbo (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • unir verbo (unis, unit, unissons, unissez, )
    • grouper verbo (groupe, groupes, groupons, groupez, )
    • réunir verbo (réunis, réunit, réunissons, réunissez, )
  10. to connect (interlink; link; bridge)
    lier; relier; rattacher à
    • lier verbo (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • relier verbo (relie, relies, relions, reliez, )
    • rattacher à verbo
  11. to connect (confirm; attach; fasten; secure)
    attacher; lier; fixer
    • attacher verbo (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • lier verbo (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • fixer verbo (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
  12. to connect (hitch on to; hook on to; couple; fasten; hook together)
    connecter; accrocher; embrayer; fixer; adhérer; attacher; agrafer
    • connecter verbo (connecte, connectes, connectons, connectez, )
    • accrocher verbo (accroche, accroches, accrochons, accrochez, )
    • embrayer verbo (embraie, embraies, embrayons, embrayez, )
    • fixer verbo (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • adhérer verbo (adhère, adhères, adhérons, adhérez, )
    • attacher verbo (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • agrafer verbo (agrafe, agrafes, agrafons, agrafez, )
  13. to connect (link up)
    • accrocher verbo (accroche, accroches, accrochons, accrochez, )
  14. to connect (interlock; interconnect)
  15. to connect (join; link; unite; link up)
    – be or become joined or united or linked 1
    connecter; brancher
    • connecter verbo (connecte, connectes, connectons, connectez, )
    • brancher verbo
  16. to connect
    – To assign a drive letter, port, or computer name to a shared resource so that you can use it. 2
    • connecter verbo (connecte, connectes, connectons, connectez, )
  17. to connect
    – To join or link. 2

Conjugaciones de connect:

  1. connect
  2. connect
  3. connects
  4. connect
  5. connect
  6. connect
simple past
  1. connected
  2. connected
  3. connected
  4. connected
  5. connected
  6. connected
present perfect
  1. have connected
  2. have connected
  3. has connected
  4. have connected
  5. have connected
  6. have connected
past continuous
  1. was connecting
  2. were connecting
  3. was connecting
  4. were connecting
  5. were connecting
  6. were connecting
  1. shall connect
  2. will connect
  3. will connect
  4. shall connect
  5. will connect
  6. will connect
continuous present
  1. am connecting
  2. are connecting
  3. is connecting
  4. are connecting
  5. are connecting
  6. are connecting
  1. be connected
  2. be connected
  3. be connected
  4. be connected
  5. be connected
  6. be connected
  1. connect!
  2. let's connect!
  3. connected
  4. connecting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for connect:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
coller glueing together; gluing; sticking; sticking together
fixer affixing; attaching; fastening; fixing; tieing up
joindre welding
joindre ensemble joining together; uniting
marquer marking
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
accoupler combine; connect; couple; link; unite
accrocher connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; link up attach to; bang into; bump into; bump up against; collide; couple; crash; hitch in; hook into
adhérer connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together adhere; attach to; become a member; cling; co-operate; couple; glue; glue together; gum; join; join in; participate; paste; patch; stick; stick to; stick together; take part; with glue
adjoindre attach; connect; couple; link; make a match; pander add; add up; count in; count up; fill up; include; join; join up; replenish; to make complete; total; unite
agrafer affix; attach; attach to; connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; secure hitch in; hook into; staple
allumer connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on arouse; bait; burn loose; catch fire; excite; flare up; ignite; incite; inflame; instigate; kindle; light; light up; make burning; put on; put on the fire; send up in flames; set alight; set fire to; shine up; stimulate; stir up; strike; take fire
assembler attach; connect; couple; link; make a match; pander accumulate; amass; assemble; bank; collect; gather; put money in the bank; save; spare
associer attach; connect; couple; link; make a match; pander associate; link
attacher affix; attach; attach to; bind; combine; confirm; connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; knot; link; secure; tie together; unite adhere; affix; attach; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; buckle; burn; button; button up; cake on; cant; cling; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; gum; join; knot; lace; lash; moor; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; pinion; secure; stick; stick to the pan; stick together; strap; string; suture; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
attacher ensemble combine; connect; couple; link; unite attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
attacher à qc affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure
boutonner bind; connect; knot; tie together bind; bind together; button up; tie; tie together
brancher connect; join; link; link up; unite
brancher sur connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on add; include; join; join up; unite
coller affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure adhere; affix; attach; attach to; burn; cake; cling; fasten; glue; glue in; glue together; gum; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; press; stick; stick in; stick to; stick to the pan; stick together; suture; wedge; with glue
connecter attach; connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; join; link; link up; make a match; pander; unite
embrayer connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together
enchaîner attach; combine; connect; couple; join; link; make a match; pander apprehend; arrange; arrest; assort; captivate; chain; clamp; detain; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fetter; group; handcuff; hijack; hold; imprison; intrigue; kidnap; link up; pick up; seize; select; shackle; shunt; sift; sort out; tie
faire fonctionner connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on switch on; turn on
faire marcher connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on fool; move on; operate; proceed; propel; pull someone's leg; take someone for a ride; work
fixer affix; attach; attach to; confirm; connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; secure advise; affix; attach; bind; bind fast; bind up; bring down; buckle; consider; corner; fasten; fix; glue; glue together; inspect; join; lash; lock; lock up; look; look on; observe; paste in; paste on; paste together; pinion; screw on; secure; strap; suggest; suture; take down; thighten; think over; tie; tie up; watch
grouper bridge; combine; connect; join together; link; merge; unite card-index; classify; collect; gather; group; systematise; systematize
installer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure add; arrange; assemble; bring down; construct; fit; furnish; inaugurate; initiate; instal; install; lay; locate; place; position; put; put down; set up; situate; take down
joindre attach; bridge; combine; connect; couple; join; join together; link; make a match; merge; pander; put through; unite add; add to; add up; append; assemble; attach; bind together; bundle; chain; conform; count in; enchain; follow; forgather; fuse; fuze; gather; get together; give along with; go together; go with; include; join; lay next to each other; meet; meet each other; melt together; merge; place beside; see each other; send along with; send with; shackle; unite; visit; weld
joindre ensemble bridge; combine; connect; join together; link; merge; unite combine; join; unite
lier affix; attach; attach to; bridge; combine; confirm; connect; fasten; interlink; join; link; secure attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; button; button up; captivate; chain; enchain; enchant; enter; enter into; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; intrigue; join; knot; lash; link; moor; pinion; secure; shackle; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
marquer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure be in contrast with; brand; burn; characterise; characterize; check; clearly define; define; demarcate; depict; describe; fence; fence in; fence off; flag; leave one's mark on; map out; mark; mark out; outline; put one's stamp on; stigmatise; stigmatize; tag; tick; tick off; trace out
mettre en circuit connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on switch on; turn on
mettre en communication connect; put through
mettre en marche connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on be off; begin; boot; break into; bring up; broach; broach a subject; commence; crank up; cut into; drive; get under way; herald; open; operate; proceed; prompt; put forward; put on the table; ring in; set in motion; set up; start; start to; start up; strike up; switch on; take off; take on; take upon oneself; turn on; turn over; undertake; urge; work
nouer affix; attach; attach to; bind; connect; fasten; knot; secure; tie together attach; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; button; button up; enter; enter into; fasten; fix; hang; hang up; join; knot; lash; pinion; put on; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
parapher affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure initial; paraph
passer quelqu'un connect; put through
poser affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure add; appoint; bring down; deposit; lay; lay down; lay something down; laydown; locate; nominate; place; position; put; put down; put something down; set; set down; situate; station; take down
rattacher à bridge; connect; interlink; link; relate
relier attach; bridge; connect; couple; interlink; link; make a match; pander bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; captivate; chain; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; intrigue; join; pinion; shackle; tie; tie together; tie up
relier à connect; relate add; include; join; join up; unite
renforcer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure acumilate; amplify; become stronger; blow out of proportions; blow up; consolidate; deepen; exaggerate; fortify; heighten; intensify; invigorate; load; make heavier; overdo; reinforce; sharpen; strenghten; strengthen; tighten; weight
réunir bridge; combine; connect; join together; link; merge; unite accumulate; amass; assemble; bring together; collect; combine; conform; follow; forgather; fuse; fuze; gather; get together; go together; go with; join; meet; meet each other; melt together; merge; reunite; see each other; unite; visit
réunir en accouplant combine; connect; couple; link; unite
s'emboîter connect; interconnect; interlock interconnect; interlock; interweave; slide into each other
s'enclencher connect; interconnect; interlock interconnect; interlock; interweave
se connecter connect log on; sign in
timbrer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure die; mark; prepay; seal; stamp
unir attach; bridge; combine; connect; couple; join together; link; make a match; merge; pander; unite assemble; bring together; bundle; conciliate; gather; join; make up with; reconcile; reconcile with; unite
établir le contact connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on
- associate; colligate; get in touch; link; link up; plug in; plug into; relate; tie; tie in; touch base

Palabras relacionadas con "connect":

Sinónimos de "connect":

Antónimos de "connect":

Definiciones relacionadas de "connect":

  1. make a logical or causal connection1
    • I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind1
  2. join for the purpose of communication1
    • Operator, could you connect me to the Raffles in Singapore?1
  3. join by means of communication equipment1
    • The telephone company finally put in lines to connect the towns in this area1
  4. land on or hit solidly1
    • The brick connected on her head, knocking her out1
  5. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces1
    • Can you connect the two loudspeakers?1
  6. hit or play a ball successfully1
    • The batter connected for a home run1
  7. plug into an outlet1
  8. establish communication with someone1
    • did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin?1
  9. establish a rapport or relationship1
    • The President of this university really connects with the faculty1
  10. be or become joined or united or linked1
    • The two streets connect to become a highway1
  11. be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation1
    • The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train1
    • The planes don't connect and you will have to wait for four hours1
  12. To assign a drive letter, port, or computer name to a shared resource so that you can use it.2
  13. To join or link.2

Wiktionary: connect

  1. to join two or more pieces
  1. (vieilli) Faire trouver deux ou plusieurs personnes dans un lieu pour qu’elles conférer ensemble.
  2. joindre deux choses ensemble.
  3. unir par une entente, un pacte. Ce verbe est alors généralement pronominal.
  4. Prendre quelqu’un pour compagnon, pour collègue dans une dignité, dans un emploi, dans une entreprise, etc.
  5. Fixer
  6. Se percher sur les branches d’un arbre.
  7. joindre, rattacher ensemble deux liens.
  8. Lier ensemble.
  9. approcher deux choses l’une contre l’autre, en sorte qu’elles se toucher ou qu’elles se tenir.
  10. lier au moyen d’un nœud, d'un lien.
  11. lier de nouveau, refaire le nœud qui liait et qui est défaire.
  12. Joindre pour la première fois une chose à une autre

Cross Translation:
connect raccorder; connecter; joindre verbinden — twee of meer onderdelen aan elkaar vastmaken
connect connecter connecterenverbinden
connect brancher anschließen — eine (elektrische) Verbindung herstellen

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