
Traducciones detalladas de employees de inglés a francés


employees [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the employees (personnel; work force; crew)
    le personnel; l'employés; le cadre; la forces de travail; la main-d'oeuvre
  2. the employees (personnel; staff; servants; manpower)
    l'employés; le personnel; le service
  3. the employees (steering; servants; personnel; manpower; staff)
    le service; la conduite; la navigation; l'employés; le personnel; le pilotage; la direction; l'administration

Translation Matrix for employees:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
administration employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering administration; city council; governing; infliction; local authorities; local council; municipal authorities; ruling; town council
cadre crew; employees; personnel; work force body; carcass; chassis; cornice; cutting edge; edge; executive; female staff employee; female staff member; foundation; frame; frame aerial; frame work; frame-work; framework; framing; letterbox; molding; moulding; mounting; officer; panel; picture frame; rim; shell; skeleton; staff member; structure
conduite employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering bearing; behavior; behaviour; board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; caution; cautiousness; circumspection; committee; conduct; demeanor; demeanour; deportment; direction; management; price; prudence; quotation; rate; stock price; supervision; value; way of behaving; wire
direction employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering Board of Directors; Board of Governors; board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; command; committee; course; directing; direction; direction of the wind; directorate; directorship; executive body; front position; government; lead; leadership; leading; management; management team; navigational route; point of the compass; points of the compass; quarter of the compass; quarters of the compass; regime; reign; rule; rule of life; supervision; taking the lead; wind direction; wire
employés crew; employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering; work force
forces de travail crew; employees; personnel; work force manpower
main-d'oeuvre crew; employees; personnel; work force employee; force; laborer; labourer; manpower; worker
navigation employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering helmsmanship; maritime affairs; navigation; shipping; steersmanship
personnel crew; employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering; work force staff
pilotage employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering piling; pilot service; pilotage
service employees; manpower; personnel; servants; staff; steering assistance; attendance at table; bottling; dishing up; military service; national service; police-service; relief; service; service charge; serving; social security; support; table-service; welfare
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
personnel individual; paradigmatic; personal; private; separate; subjective

Palabras relacionadas con "employees":


employee [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the employee (staff member; worker; fellow worker; )
    l'employé; le membre du personnel; l'assistant; le salarié; le clerc
  2. the employee (fellow worker)
  3. the employee (worker; labourer; laborer)
    l'employé; le travailleur; l'ouvrier; le salarié; la main-d'oeuvre
  4. the employee
  5. the employee
    l'employé; le salarié
  6. the employee
    – A person who works for your company and receives payment for the work that he or she does. 1

Translation Matrix for employee:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
assistant clerk; employee; fellow worker; hand; laborer; labourer; manpower; member of staff; staff member; worker accomplice; assistant; assistent teacher; bystander; clerk; confederate; footman; helper; second servant; spectator; valet; witness
assistante employee; fellow worker assistant; female assistant
clerc clerk; employee; fellow worker; hand; laborer; labourer; manpower; member of staff; staff member; worker assistant; bystander; clerical assistant; clerical employee; clerk; footman; helper; office-clerk; pen-pusher; registrar; second servant; secretary; valet
employé clerk; employee; fellow worker; hand; laborer; labourer; manpower; member of staff; staff member; worker civil servant; clerk; functionary; hand; laborer; labourer; officer; official; pen-pusher; subordinate official; white-collar worker; worker; working man; workman
main-d'oeuvre employee; laborer; labourer; worker crew; employees; force; manpower; personnel; work force
membre du personnel clerk; employee; fellow worker; hand; laborer; labourer; manpower; member of staff; staff member; worker assistant; bystander; clerk; footman; helper; second servant; valet
ouvrier employee; laborer; labourer; worker artisan; blue-collar worker; craftsman; hand; laborer; labourer; manual labourer; manual worker; worker; working man; workman
salarié clerk; employee; fellow worker; hand; laborer; labourer; manpower; member of staff; staff member; worker earner; hand; laborer; labourer; wage earner; worker; working man; workman
travailleur employee; laborer; labourer; worker hand; laborer; labourer; worker; working man; workman
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
salarié wage earning
travailleur active; actively; at work; busily; busy; diligent; hard working; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; laborious; operative; working

Palabras relacionadas con "employee":

Sinónimos de "employee":

Antónimos de "employee":

Definiciones relacionadas de "employee":

  1. a worker who is hired to perform a job2
  2. A person who works for your company and receives payment for the work that he or she does.1

Wiktionary: employee

  1. individual who provides labor to a company or another person
Cross Translation:
employee employée Beschäftigte — eine weibliche Person, die einer nichtselbstständigen Tätigkeit nachgeht
employee employé Beschäftigter — eine Person, die einer nichtselbstständigen Tätigkeit nachgeht
employee salariée; employée Arbeitnehmerin — weibliche Person, die eine berufliche Anstellung hat
employee salarié; employé Arbeitnehmer — jemand, der bei einer Firma eingestellt ist und für seine Arbeit bezahlt wird
employee employé Angestellter — jemand, der gegen Bezahlung seine Arbeitskraft zu Verfügung stellt (nicht-körperliche Arbeit)
employee employée Angestellte — Frau, die gegen Bezahlung ihre Arbeitskraft zu Verfügung stellt (nicht-körperliche Arbeit)
employee employé werkkracht — een persoon die gewoonlijk tegen betaling werk verricht

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Traducciones relacionadas de employees