
Traducciones detalladas de established de inglés a francés


Translation Matrix for established:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
permanent exempt
établi carpenter's bench; joiner's bench; work-bench
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- accomplished; constituted; conventional; effected; naturalised; naturalized
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- time-honored; time-honoured
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
certain definite; established; final absolute; absolutely; actually; certain; certainly; definite; definitely; factually; final; genuinely; imperative; incontrovertible; indeed; indisputable; inevitable; irretrievable; most certainly; of course; positive; positively; really; sure; sure and certain; surely; truthfully; unavoidable; unconditional; undoubted; undoubtedly
domicilié established; settled
définitif definite; established; final definite; final; imperative; incontrovertible; indisputable; inevitable; irretrievable; irrevocable; unavoidable
définitivement definite; established; final definite; definitely; final; forever; imperative; incontrovertible; indisputable; inevitable; irretrievable; once and for all; permanently; unavoidable
fixe definite; established; final against the grain; cantankerous; concentrated; crabbed; crusty; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; gruff; grumpy; immovable; inflexible; intently; nagging; obstinate; permanent; petrified; recalcitrant; rigid; set; stable; star; steady; stern; stiff; straight-backed; strenuous; stubborn; sullen; surly; unavoided; unbending; with concentration
irrévocable definite; established; final assured; conclusive; definite; final; imperative; incontrovertible; indisputable; inevitable; irrefutable; irreparable; irretrievable; irrevocable; sure; unavoidable
permanent definite; established; final all along; all the time; always; connected; constant; constantly; continual; continuous; continuously; ever; everlasting; fixed; indefatigable; laced; lasting; non stop; permanent; perpetual; persistent; repeated; restless; running; stable; steady; trough; unbroken; unceasing; undisturbed; unending; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying; without interruption
pour de bon definite; established; final definitely; final; forever; once and for all; permanently
pour toujours definite; established; final always; at all times; at any time; definitely; endless; eternal; ever; everlasting; final; for ever; forever; imperishable; once and for all; permanently; perpetual; undying
situé established; situated situated
établi definite; established; final; situated founded; set up

Palabras relacionadas con "established":

Sinónimos de "established":

Antónimos de "established":

  • unestablished

Definiciones relacionadas de "established":

  1. introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation1
  2. brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established1
    • the established social order1
    • a team established as a member of a major league1
    • enjoyed his prestige as an established writer1
    • an established precedent1
    • the established Church1
  3. conforming with accepted standards1
  4. shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt1
    • the established facts in the case1
  5. settled securely and unconditionally1

Wiktionary: established

  1. communément admis, ancrer dans les mœurs.

Cross Translation:
established reconnu; connu arriviert — beruflich oder gesellschaftlich aufgestiegen; zu Ansehen gelangt

established forma de establish:

to establish verbo (establishes, established, establishing)

  1. to establish (ascertain; identify)
    – establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment 1
    constater; déterminer
    • constater verbo (constate, constates, constatons, constatez, )
    • déterminer verbo (détermine, détermines, déterminons, déterminez, )
  2. to establish (found; raise; lay the foundations; ground; tune)
    fonder; établir; instaurer; élever; ériger; édifier; dresser
    • fonder verbo (fonde, fondes, fondons, fondez, )
    • établir verbo (établis, établit, établissons, établissez, )
    • instaurer verbo (instaure, instaures, instaurons, instaurez, )
    • élever verbo (élève, élèves, élevons, élevez, )
    • ériger verbo (érige, ériges, érigeons, érigez, )
    • édifier verbo (édifie, édifies, édifions, édifiez, )
    • dresser verbo (dresse, dresses, dressons, dressez, )
  3. to establish (settle; colonize; found; )
    établir; fonder; se nicher; coloniser; s'installer
    • établir verbo (établis, établit, établissons, établissez, )
    • fonder verbo (fonde, fondes, fondons, fondez, )
    • se nicher verbo
    • coloniser verbo (colonise, colonises, colonisons, colonisez, )
    • s'installer verbo
  4. to establish (determine; identify)
    – establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment 1
    déterminer; établir; définir; constater; estimer; vérifier; identifier; qualifier
    • déterminer verbo (détermine, détermines, déterminons, déterminez, )
    • établir verbo (établis, établit, établissons, établissez, )
    • définir verbo (définis, définit, définissons, définissez, )
    • constater verbo (constate, constates, constatons, constatez, )
    • estimer verbo (estime, estimes, estimons, estimez, )
    • vérifier verbo (vérifie, vérifies, vérifions, vérifiez, )
    • identifier verbo (identifie, identifies, identifions, identifiez, )
    • qualifier verbo (qualifie, qualifies, qualifions, qualifiez, )
  5. to establish (appoint; install; institute; instal)
    désigner; nommer
    • désigner verbo (désigne, désignes, désignons, désignez, )
    • nommer verbo (nomme, nommes, nommons, nommez, )
  6. to establish (build; set up; erect; raise)
    construire; bâtir; dresser; ériger; édifier
    • construire verbo (construis, construit, construisons, construisez, )
    • bâtir verbo (bâtis, bâtit, bâtissons, bâtissez, )
    • dresser verbo (dresse, dresses, dressons, dressez, )
    • ériger verbo (érige, ériges, érigeons, érigez, )
    • édifier verbo (édifie, édifies, édifions, édifiez, )
  7. to establish (set up; raise; erect; build)
    construire; mettre quelque chose debout; dresser; ériger; édifier; bâtir
    • construire verbo (construis, construit, construisons, construisez, )
    • dresser verbo (dresse, dresses, dressons, dressez, )
    • ériger verbo (érige, ériges, érigeons, érigez, )
    • édifier verbo (édifie, édifies, édifions, édifiez, )
    • bâtir verbo (bâtis, bâtit, bâtissons, bâtissez, )

Conjugaciones de establish:

  1. establish
  2. establish
  3. establishes
  4. establish
  5. establish
  6. establish
simple past
  1. established
  2. established
  3. established
  4. established
  5. established
  6. established
present perfect
  1. have established
  2. have established
  3. has established
  4. have established
  5. have established
  6. have established
past continuous
  1. was establishing
  2. were establishing
  3. was establishing
  4. were establishing
  5. were establishing
  6. were establishing
  1. shall establish
  2. will establish
  3. will establish
  4. shall establish
  5. will establish
  6. will establish
continuous present
  1. am establishing
  2. are establishing
  3. is establishing
  4. are establishing
  5. are establishing
  6. are establishing
  1. be established
  2. be established
  3. be established
  4. be established
  5. be established
  6. be established
  1. establish!
  2. let's establish!
  3. established
  4. establishing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for establish:

VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bâtir build; erect; establish; raise; set up add; add new buildings; add on to; build; build on; build out; build up; compose; construct; expand; extend
coloniser colonise; colonize; develop; establish; explore; found; ground; lay the foundations; open up; prospect; scan; settle
constater ascertain; determine; establish; identify become aware of; behold; feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; see in; sense; signal
construire build; erect; establish; raise; set up add; add new buildings; add on to; arrange; assemble; build; build out; build up; compose; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; expand; extend; fit; instal; install; invent; lay; make; manufacture; place; prepare; put together; set up; swell; widen
dresser build; erect; establish; found; ground; lay the foundations; raise; set up; tune arrange; ascend; assemble; be off; be on the upgrade; become higher; become larger; bristle; climb; construct; control; domesticate; erect; fit; flare up; fly up; get away; go up; go upward; grow; increase; instal; install; lay; lay the foundations; mount; place; put upright; raise; rise; rise to the surface; set up; start; subdue; take off; tame
définir determine; establish; identify characterise; characterize; clearly define; cover; define; depict; describe; determine; explain; expound; mark; outline; recount; report; say; state precisely; tell
désigner appoint; establish; instal; install; institute define; indicate; pinpoint; point; point out; point to; show; state precisely
déterminer ascertain; determine; establish; identify advise; allocate; characterise; characterize; consider; decorate; define; depict; describe; determine; identify; localise; localize; locate; mark; outline; state precisely; suggest; think over; trace
estimer determine; establish; identify advise; appreciate; assess; believe; believe in; calculate; compute; conjecture; consider; devise; draw up; esteem; esteem highly; estimate; figure out; guess; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; presume; respect; save; spare; speculate; suggest; suppose; surmise; think over; value; value highly; work out
fonder colonise; colonize; develop; establish; explore; found; ground; lay the foundations; open up; prospect; raise; scan; settle; tune arrange; base; build; build up; compose; construct; earthen; ground; lay the foundations
identifier determine; establish; identify identify; prove identity
instaurer establish; found; ground; lay the foundations; raise; tune lay the foundations
mettre quelque chose debout build; erect; establish; raise; set up
nommer appoint; establish; instal; install; institute advise; appoint; call; consider; denominate; elect; employ; engage; enumerate; hire; list; mention; mention by name; name; nominate; present; propose; recommend; recruit; sign on; stamp one's foot; suggest; term
qualifier determine; establish; identify qualify
s'installer colonise; colonize; develop; establish; explore; found; ground; lay the foundations; open up; prospect; scan; settle
se nicher colonise; colonize; develop; establish; explore; found; ground; lay the foundations; open up; prospect; scan; settle
vérifier determine; establish; identify affirm; audit; check; check out; control; demonstrate; examine; go through again; inquire; inspect; investigate; justify; look up; prove; research; review; study; test; trace; try; verify
édifier build; erect; establish; found; ground; lay the foundations; raise; set up; tune arrange; build; build up; compose; construct; lay the foundations
élever establish; found; ground; lay the foundations; raise; tune ascend; be off; be on the upgrade; become higher; become larger; breed; bring up; bristle; climb; cultivate; educate; enhance; flare up; fly up; get away; go up; go upward; grow; heave; heighten; increase; lay the foundations; lift; lift up; mount; put up; raise; rear; rise; rise to the surface; start; take off
ériger build; erect; establish; found; ground; lay the foundations; raise; set up; tune arrange; build; build up; compose; construct; lay the foundations
établir colonise; colonize; determine; develop; establish; explore; found; ground; identify; lay the foundations; open up; prospect; raise; scan; settle; tune base; earthen; form; ground; lay the foundations; put together
- base; build; constitute; demonstrate; found; give; ground; instal; install; institute; launch; lay down; make; plant; prove; set up; shew; show
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- found; institute; ordain

Palabras relacionadas con "establish":

Sinónimos de "establish":

Antónimos de "establish":

Definiciones relacionadas de "establish":

  1. use as a basis for; found on1
  2. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment1
  3. institute, enact, or establish1
  4. place1
  5. set up or lay the groundwork for1
    • establish a new department1
  6. bring about1
    • The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth1
  7. build or establish something abstract1
  8. set up or found1

Wiktionary: establish

  1. Faire persister quelqu’un dans une opinion, dans une résolution, l’affermir dans cette opinion, dans cette résolution.
  2. Établir pour réel.
  3. Il s’emploie également à propos des actes, des écrits qui font foi de quelque chose.
  4. asseoir un bâtiment, un édifice sur des fondements.
  5. établir, fonder.
  6. asseoir et fixer une chose en un endroit, l’y rendre stable.

Cross Translation:
establish → s'établir vestigen — er gaan wonen
establish fonder; établir vestigen — stichten
establish établir instellen — het in het leven roepen van een organisatie
establish fonder gronden — het grondvesten van een bedrijf
establish constater constateren — vaststellen
establish établir etablieren — (transitiv) etwas dauerhaft einrichten, ins Leben rufen
establish → s'établir etablieren — (reflexiv) sich in der Gesellschaft oder in einer bestimmten Ordnung erfolgreich einfügen und ausbreiten
establish étayer fundierenuntermauern, erhärten, begründen
establish constituer konstituieren — gründen, ins Leben rufen

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