
Traducciones detalladas de intervals de inglés a francés


intervals [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the intervals (interspaces; gaps; spaces)

Translation Matrix for intervals:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
intervalles gaps; intermission; interspaces; intervals; pauses; spaces

Palabras relacionadas con "intervals":

intervals forma de interval:

interval [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the interval
    l'intervalle; l'intermittence
  2. the interval
  3. the interval (interim; gap)
    l'intérim; l'intermittence; la période; l'interligne; le temps; l'intervalle; la pause
  4. the interval (intermission; break; pause)
    la pause; la récréation; la détente; la pause-déjeuner; la pause du midi; l'intervalle; la trêve; le mi-temps; l'intermittence; l'heure du déjeuner; la distraction; l'entracte; le temps mort; le temps d'arrêt
  5. the interval (break; rest-break; intermission)
    le temps de repos
  6. the interval (break; playtime)
    la pause; la récréation
  7. the interval
    – The number of times a cycle should occur for a given instance of the cycle frequency. An interval value of 1 indicates that the cycle should occur for each instance of the cycle frequency. An interval value of 2 indicates that the cycle should occur every second instance of the cycle frequency. 1

Translation Matrix for interval:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
distraction break; intermission; interval; pause absentmindedness; amusement; distractedness; distraction; diversion; diversionary tactic; entertainment; recreation; red herring; resistance
détente break; intermission; interval; pause allaying; appeasement; appeasing; calming; calming down; cock; fading; flagging; pacifying; quieting; recreation; relaxation; relief; resistance; slackening; soothing; steadying; trigger
entracte break; intermission; interval; pause break; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; pause; recess; rest-break
heure du déjeuner break; intermission; interval; pause break; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; pause; recess; rest-break
interligne gap; interim; interval cranny; crevice; fissure; interline; line space; opening; recess; space; spacing
intermittence break; gap; interim; intermission; interval; pause break; pause; recess; rest-break
intervalle break; gap; interim; intermission; interval; pause break; cranny; crevice; fissure; little while; opening; pause; period of time; recess; rest-break; space; space of time
intérim gap; interim; interval
mi-temps break; intermission; interval; pause break; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time
pause break; gap; interim; intermission; interval; pause; playtime break; caesura; cranny; crevice; dinnertime; fissure; fracture; incision; intermission; interruption; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; opening; pause; pausing; recess; relaxation; rest-break; space; time for dinner
pause du midi break; intermission; interval; pause break; pause; recess; rest-break
pause-déjeuner break; intermission; interval; pause break; pause; recess; rest-break
période gap; interim; interval age; development stage; epoch; era; little while; period; period of time; phase; space; space of time; stage; term; time
récréation break; intermission; interval; pause; playtime break; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; play-hour; playtime
temps gap; interim; interval age; development stage; epoch; era; little while; period; period of time; phase; space of time; stage; state of the weather; time; weather situation
temps d'arrêt break; intermission; interval; pause break; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time
temps de repos break; intermission; interval; rest-break rest period
temps mort break; intermission; interval; pause
trêve break; intermission; interval; pause armistice; truce
- musical interval; separation; time interval
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
interligne leading; line spacing
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
temps weather
- intermission; interval between the acts

Palabras relacionadas con "interval":

Sinónimos de "interval":

Definiciones relacionadas de "interval":

  1. the distance between things2
  2. a set containing all points (or all real numbers) between two given endpoints2
  3. the difference in pitch between two notes2
  4. a definite length of time marked off by two instants2
  5. The number of times a cycle should occur for a given instance of the cycle frequency. An interval value of 1 indicates that the cycle should occur for each instance of the cycle frequency. An interval value of 2 indicates that the cycle should occur every second instance of the cycle frequency.1

Wiktionary: interval

  1. period of time
  2. distance in space
  1. Temps accordé pour faire une chose.
  2. Distance d’un lieu à un autre
  3. Période qui sépare un fait d’un autre
  4. Distance d’une note à une autre
  5. période de temps.
  6. suspension, interruption momentanée d’une action.
  7. privation, cessation de mouvement, d’activité ou d’effort,.

Cross Translation:
interval intervalle interval — tussenperiode
interval intervalle IntervallMusik: Abstand zwischen der Höhe zweier Ton
interval distance Abstandräumlicher oder zeitlicher Zwischenraum, räumliche Entfernung zwischen zwei Punkten, Zeitabschnitt zwischen zwei Zeitpunkten auch im übertragenen Sinn