

Traducciones detalladas de itemise de inglés a francés


to itemise verbo, británico

  1. to itemise (split up; itemize; separate)
    – specify individually 1
    diviser; subdiviser; répartir; séparer; fendre; dissocier
    • diviser verbo (divise, divises, divisons, divisez, )
    • subdiviser verbo (subdivise, subdivises, subdivisons, subdivisez, )
    • répartir verbo (répartis, répartit, répartissons, répartissez, )
    • séparer verbo (sépare, sépares, séparons, séparez, )
    • fendre verbo (fends, fend, fendons, fendez, )
    • dissocier verbo (dissocie, dissocies, dissocions, dissociez, )

Translation Matrix for itemise:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
fendre split
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
dissocier itemise; itemize; separate; split up break down; break up; cleave; crack; demolish; destroy; differentiate; divide; divorce; drag down; get down; part; pull down; separate; sever; split; take down; tear down; tear loose; tear off; ungroup; unlink; wreck
diviser itemise; itemize; separate; split up confer; cut; cut through; dish out; distribute; divide; dole out; give out; hand out; hand round; parcel out; pass around; ration; slice
fendre itemise; itemize; separate; split up blow to pieces; blow up; chop; chop into small pieces; chop up; cleave; crack; cut; cut through; draw apart; drop dead; explode; go to hell; hew through; rip open; slice; split; split open; tear; tear apart; tear open; tear out; tear to pieces; tear up
répartir itemise; itemize; separate; split up confer; dish out; dispatch; distribute; dole out; give out; hand out; hand round; parcel out; pass around; ration
subdiviser itemise; itemize; separate; split up break up; depart; go; go away; leave; subdivide; suffer from heartburn
séparer itemise; itemize; separate; split up arrange; assort; break down; break up; cleave; crack; demolish; destroy; differentiate; dissociate from; divide; divorce; drag down; filter; get down; go separate ways; group; hoard; isolate; part; percolate; place apart; pot; pull down; pull off; put apart; rip off; seclude; secluding; select; separate; set apart; sever; shunt; sieve; sift; sort out; split; split off; split up; store; strip off; take down; tear down; tear loose; tear off; wreck
- enumerate; itemize; recite

Sinónimos de "itemise":

Definiciones relacionadas de "itemise":

  1. specify individually1
  2. place on a list of items1

Traducciones automáticas externas: