
Traducciones detalladas de nettled de inglés a francés


Translation Matrix for nettled:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
sensible perceptibility
vexé offended
énervé nervous sufferer; neurotic
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
contrarié nettled; piqued; sore disgruntled; put out
de mauvais poil bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore
excitable bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; irritable; sensitive; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy
hargneux bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore acrid; angry; annoyed; bitter; blazing; brusque; capricious; catty; cross; curt; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; fiery; furious; glaring; grumbling; grumpy; hung over; incensed; indignant; irate; livid; peevish; petulant; put out; querulous; resentful; seething; sharp; snappish; snappy; testy; upset; venomous; vexed; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful
irascible bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore abrupt; bad tempered; bad-tempered; cantankerous; catty; complaining; crabbed; cross-grained; crusty; fiery; grim; gruff; grumpy; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; huffy; irritable; lamenting; moody; nagging; peevish; petulant; querulous; quick-tempered; rigid; sensitive; snappy; snarling; stern; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; testy; thin-skinned; touchy; wailing
irritable bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore angry; cross-grained; enraged; fiery; grim; gruff; grumpy; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; huffy; irate; irritable; livid; seething; sensitive; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy
irrité bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore abrupt; agile; agitated; angry; annoyed; aroused; bad tempered; bothered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; embittered; enraged; exasperated; excited; fierce; fluttered; grim; gruff; grumpy; heated; irate; irritated; lamenting; livid; moody; nagging; put out; rigid; seething; snappy; snarling; sullen; suppressed; surly; wailing; wrathful
sensible bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore accessible; concrete; cross-grained; deeply; delicate; easily hurt; emotional; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; irritable; oversensitive; sense; senses stimulating; sensitive; sensory; sensual; stern; subtle; sullen; surly; susceptible; tangible; tender; tender hearted; thin-skinned; touchable; touchy
susceptible bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore accessible; cross-grained; fragile; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; susceptible; thin-skinned; touchy; weak
touché au vif nettled; piqued; sore moved; touched
vexé bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore agile; agitated; annoyed; aroused; bothered; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; edgy; excited; fluttered; heated; hurt; insulted; irritated; offended; vexed
à prendre avec des pincettes bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore
énervé bad-tempered; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore agitated; annoyed; bothered; fluttered; fucked up; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; irritated; nervous; strained; stressed; tense; uptight; worked up; wrought up

Palabras relacionadas con "nettled":

Sinónimos de "nettled":

nettled forma de nettle:

nettle [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the nettle
    • ortie [la ~] sustantivo

nettle verbo

  1. nettle (whip up; goad; stimulate; drive; irritate)
    propulser; pousser en avant; aiguillonner
    • propulser verbo (propulse, propulses, propulsons, propulsez, )
    • aiguillonner verbo (aiguillonne, aiguillonnes, aiguillonnons, aiguillonnez, )

Translation Matrix for nettle:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
ortie nettle
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aiguillonner drive; goad; irritate; nettle; stimulate; whip up activate; arouse; encourage; excite; motivate; poke up; provoke; push on; put someone on to something; stimulate; stir up; stoke up; urge
pousser en avant drive; goad; irritate; nettle; stimulate; whip up advance; give a push; move on; move up; propel; push; push along; push forward; push on; shove; slide in front
propulser drive; goad; irritate; nettle; stimulate; whip up flip forward; move on; propel; push on
- urticate

Palabras relacionadas con "nettle":

Sinónimos de "nettle":

Definiciones relacionadas de "nettle":

  1. any of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact (especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae)1
  2. sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensation1

Wiktionary: nettle

  1. to pique, irritate, vex or provoke someone
  2. of the nettle plant etc., to sting causing a rash
  1. stinging herb of genus Urtica
  1. (botanique) Désigne une plante aux feuilles pointues, très dentées et velues.

Cross Translation:
nettle ortie BrennnesselBotanik: eine Pflanze, bei der die Blätter und der Stängel mit Haaren besetzt sind, die bei Berührung eine auf der Haut brennende Flüssigkeit (Methansäure, ‚Ameisensäure‘) abgeben
nettle ortie NesselBotanik: Pflanze aus der Familie der Nesselgewächse
nettle ortie NesselBotanik, antiquiert für: Brennnessel, Urtica
nettle ortie brandnetel — 3. een harige plant die bij aanraking een brandend gevoel en zwelling veroorzaakt

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