
Traducciones detalladas de prompt de inglés a francés


to prompt verbo (prompts, prompted, prompting)

  1. to prompt (urge; drive)
    inciter; stimuler; aguillonner; mettre en marche; pousser; actionner
    • inciter verbo (incite, incites, incitons, incitez, )
    • stimuler verbo (stimule, stimules, stimulons, stimulez, )
    • aguillonner verbo
    • pousser verbo (pousse, pousses, poussons, poussez, )
    • actionner verbo (actionne, actionnes, actionnons, actionnez, )
  2. to prompt (suggest; initiate; raise; bring in)
    suggérer; proposer; lancer; entamer; avancer; soulever
    • suggérer verbo (suggère, suggères, suggérons, suggérez, )
    • proposer verbo (propose, proposes, proposons, proposez, )
    • lancer verbo (lance, lances, lançons, lancez, )
    • entamer verbo (entame, entames, entamons, entamez, )
    • avancer verbo (avance, avances, avançons, avancez, )
    • soulever verbo (soulève, soulèves, soulevons, soulevez, )
  3. to prompt (whisper in someone's ear; whisper)
    prédire; souffler; couler à l'oreille
    • prédire verbo (prédis, prédit, prédisons, prédites, )
    • souffler verbo (souffle, souffles, soufflons, soufflez, )
  4. to prompt (inspire; strike into)
    inspirer; stimuler; vivifier; enthousiasmer; animer; suggérer
    • inspirer verbo (inspire, inspires, inspirons, inspirez, )
    • stimuler verbo (stimule, stimules, stimulons, stimulez, )
    • vivifier verbo (vivifie, vivifies, vivifions, vivifiez, )
    • enthousiasmer verbo (enthousiasme, enthousiasmes, enthousiasmons, enthousiasmez, )
    • animer verbo (anime, animes, animons, animez, )
    • suggérer verbo (suggère, suggères, suggérons, suggérez, )
  5. to prompt (whisper; tell)
    • souffler verbo (souffle, souffles, soufflons, soufflez, )
  6. to prompt (suggest)
    souffler; chuchoter
    • souffler verbo (souffle, souffles, soufflons, soufflez, )
    • chuchoter verbo (chuchote, chuchotes, chuchotons, chuchotez, )
  7. to prompt
    – To cue the user that the system is requesting input or action. 1
    demander; inviter
    • demander verbo (demande, demandes, demandons, demandez, )
    • inviter verbo (invite, invites, invitons, invitez, )

Conjugaciones de prompt:

  1. prompt
  2. prompt
  3. prompts
  4. prompt
  5. prompt
  6. prompt
simple past
  1. prompted
  2. prompted
  3. prompted
  4. prompted
  5. prompted
  6. prompted
present perfect
  1. have prompted
  2. have prompted
  3. has prompted
  4. have prompted
  5. have prompted
  6. have prompted
past continuous
  1. was prompting
  2. were prompting
  3. was prompting
  4. were prompting
  5. were prompting
  6. were prompting
  1. shall prompt
  2. will prompt
  3. will prompt
  4. shall prompt
  5. will prompt
  6. will prompt
continuous present
  1. am prompting
  2. are prompting
  3. is prompting
  4. are prompting
  5. are prompting
  6. are prompting
  1. be prompted
  2. be prompted
  3. be prompted
  4. be prompted
  5. be prompted
  6. be prompted
  1. prompt!
  2. let's prompt!
  3. prompted
  4. prompting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

prompt [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the prompt (mnemonic device; reminder; study aid)
    le pense-bête; le mémento; le moyen mnémotechnique
  2. the prompt
    – An audio message played over the telephone to explain valid options to users. 1
  3. the prompt
    – Text or symbols indicating that a computer program is waiting for input from the user. 1

Translation Matrix for prompt:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avancer push forward
demander applying; applying for something; asking for; claim; requesting
direct buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner; streetcar ticket; tram ticket
inciter encouragement; motivation; stimulation; support
invite prompt
lancer raising; throwing up
moyen mnémotechnique mnemonic device; prompt; reminder; study aid
mémento mnemonic device; prompt; reminder; study aid
pense-bête mnemonic device; prompt; reminder; study aid
stimuler encouragement; motivation; stimulation; support
- command prompt; prompting
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
actionner drive; prompt; urge bring action against; budge; get going; manoeuver; manoeuvre; march; mix; move; prosecute; put in motion; set in motion; stir
aguillonner drive; prompt; urge
animer inspire; prompt; strike into activate; aggravate; animate; arouse; awake; boost; encourage; encourage someone; excite; freshen; generate; incite; inspire; motivate; motivate someone; provoke; push on; put someone on to something; reactivate; recover; refresh; revive; rouse; shake someone awake; stimulate; support; urge
avancer bring in; initiate; prompt; raise; suggest advance; ascend; assert; be going to; bring forward; bring in; bring in money; bring up; broach; broach a subject; climb; contend; continue; cut into; demonstrate; do as if; express; express oneself; feign; forge ahead; forward; give expression to; go; go on; go onward; impersonate; improve; initiate; intimate; introduce; make a proposal; make head-way; make progress; march on; move; move on; move up; nominate; postulate; present; pretend; progress; propel; propose; push forward; put forward; put on the table; raise; reveal oneself; rise; sham; slide in front; speak; step onward; suggest; take it further; talk; to get promoted; utter; ventilate; walk
chuchoter prompt; suggest exchange confidences; lisp; rustle; speak with a lisp; whisper; whizz; whoosh
couler à l'oreille prompt; whisper; whisper in someone's ear
demander prompt appeal; apply for; apply to; ask; ask for; ask for information; beg; claim; demand; examine; file a petition; inquire; lay claim to; make enquiries; petition; plead; pray; pretest; query; request; require; say grace; test; try; try out; wonder
entamer bring in; initiate; prompt; raise; suggest accept; be off; begin; break into; bring up; broach; broach a subject; collect; commence; cut; cut into; enter into; get under way; initiate; introduce; open; postulate; put forward; put on the table; raise; reap; receive; set in motion; set up; start; start to; sting; strike up; take off; take on; take upon oneself; throw up; toss in the air; toss up; undertake
enthousiasmer inspire; prompt; strike into animate; cheer on; encourage; fire; incite; inspire; strike into
inciter drive; prompt; urge activate; aggravate; arouse; bait; boost; encourage; encourage someone; excite; incite; inspire; instigate; motivate; motivate someone; poke up; provoke; push on; put someone on to something; shake someone awake; stimulate; stir up; stoke up; urge
inspirer inspire; prompt; strike into animate; cheer on; encourage; fire; incite; inspire; strike into
inviter prompt begin; call in; call out to; call upon; cry out to; drive; engage; enlist; excite; incite; initiate; invite; invoke; operationalize; regale; stand treat; stimulate; treat
lancer bring in; initiate; prompt; raise; suggest arrange; be off; begin; break; break into; bring up; broach; broach a subject; build; build up; cast; come forward with; commence; compose; construct; cough up; cut into; drop; fling; fly; get under way; heave; herald; hurl; intimate; introduce; introduce somebody to; launch; open; pitch; postulate; propose; publish; put forward; put on the table; raise; release; ring in; rocket; set in motion; set up; shatter; start; start to; strike up; suggest; take off; take on; throw; throw down; throw in; throw in the air; throw off; throw on the ground; throw up; throw upward; toss in the air; toss up; turn out; undertake
mettre en marche drive; prompt; urge be off; begin; boot; break into; bring up; broach; broach a subject; commence; connect; crank up; cut into; get under way; herald; light; open; operate; proceed; put forward; put on; put on the table; ring in; set in motion; set up; start; start to; start up; strike up; switch on; take off; take on; take upon oneself; turn on; turn over; undertake; work
pousser drive; prompt; urge agitate; arise from; bring forward; bud; budge; churn; come up; deter; develop; evolve out of; ferment; force; force up; frighten away; frighten off; germinate; give a push; grow; grow up; help along; help on; insist; keep on; move over; nudge; originate; originate from; persist; press; prosper; puff up; push; push along; push on; push open; push up; rise; scare off; shake up; shove; spring; sprout; stem from; stir; thrive; undergo fermentation; urge; urging
proposer bring in; initiate; prompt; raise; suggest advise; appoint; bring forward; bring in; bring in money; bring up; broach; broach a subject; consider; cut; cut into; display; elect; hand in; hand over; initiate; intimate; introduce; lay before; make a proposal; nominate; offer; postulate; present; presume; presuppose; proffer; propose; propound; put forward; put on the table; raise; reap; recommend; sting; suggest; suppose; surmise; throw up; toss in the air; toss up; write out
prédire prompt; whisper; whisper in someone's ear forecast; foretell; predict; soothsay; tell in advance
souffler prompt; suggest; tell; whisper; whisper in someone's ear blow; breathe; breathe out; catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; draw breath; exchange confidences; gasp; grasp; grip; hum; inhale; pant; pilfer; puff; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; wheeze; whisper; whistle; yearn
soulever bring in; initiate; prompt; raise; suggest blow up; boost; bring up; broach; broach a subject; cut; cut into; draw up; flip; get better; heave; hoist; improve; initiate; introduce; jack up v; lead up; lead upwards; lift; lift up; patch up; pep up; postulate; pull up; put forward; put on the table; put up; raise; reap; refurbish; sting; throw up; toss in the air; toss up; turn over
stimuler drive; inspire; prompt; strike into; urge activate; aggravate; animate; arouse; awake; blow; cheer on; drive; encourage; encourage someone; excite; fan; fire; incite; inspire; motivate; motivate someone; poke up; provoke; push on; put someone on to something; shake someone awake; stimulate; stir up; stoke up; strike into; support; urge
suggérer bring in; initiate; inspire; prompt; raise; strike into; suggest advise; dictate; explain; lay before; order; propose; propound; suggest
vivifier inspire; prompt; strike into activate; animate; arouse; awake; cheer on; encourage; excite; fire; freshen; generate; incite; inspire; reactivate; recover; refresh; revive; rouse; stimulate; strike into; support
- actuate; cue; incite; inspire; instigate; motivate; move; propel; remind
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- immediate; quick; straightaway
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
message d'assistance vocal prompt
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- expeditious; immediate; ready
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
direct prompt; quick; rapid; soon; speedy; swift; without delay at once; before long; blunt; clear; direct; directly; fair; first thing; forthwith; frontal; genuine; honest; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; now; perpendicular; plain; presently; right away; right now; serious; shortly; soon; straight; straight away; straightaway
directement prompt; quick; rapid; soon; speedy; swift; without delay almost; at once; before long; direct; directly; first thing; forthwith; frank; immediate; immediately; instantly; nearly; now; open; perpendicular; presently; promptly; right away; right now; shortly; soon; straight; straight ahead; straight away; straight on; well-nigh
immédiat prompt; quick; rapid; soon; speedy; swift; without delay almost; at once; directly; forthwith; immediate; immediately; instantly; nearly; now; promptly; right away; right now; straight away; well-nigh
immédiatement prompt; quick; rapid; soon; speedy; swift; without delay acute; almost; at once; before long; directly; first thing; forthwith; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; intense; nearly; now; presently; promptly; right away; right now; shortly; soon; straight away; straightaway; well-nigh
promptement prompt; quick; rapid; soon; speedy; swift; without delay abrupt; adroit; agile; all at once; all of a sudden; astute; at once; blunt; bright; brisk; brusque; clever; dexterous; expert; fast; fledged; handy; hastily; immediate; immediately; instantly; neat; nimble; out of the blue; perky; promptly; quick; rapid; resourceful; right away; sharp; skilful; skillful; smart; speedy; straight away; sudden; suddenly; swift; unexpectedly; wily
à point in good time; in time; prompt; timely
à temps in good time; in time; prompt; timely

Palabras relacionadas con "prompt":

  • promptness, prompting, prompts, promptest, promptly

Sinónimos de "prompt":

Definiciones relacionadas de "prompt":

  1. performed with little or no delay2
    • a prompt reply2
  2. according to schedule or without delay; on time2
    • the train is prompt2
  3. ready and willing or quick to act2
    • she is always prompt to help her friends2
  4. (computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command2
  5. a cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the next line to be spoken)2
  6. serve as the inciting cause of2
    • She prompted me to call my relatives2
  7. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned2
  8. give an incentive for action2
  9. An audio message played over the telephone to explain valid options to users.1
  10. Text or symbols indicating that a computer program is waiting for input from the user.1
  11. To cue the user that the system is requesting input or action.1

Wiktionary: prompt

  1. to lead someone toward what they should say or do
  1. prononcer mot à mot une phrase ou une suite de phraser, pour qu’une ou plusieurs autres personnes l’écrire.
  2. pousser, déterminer à faire quelque chose.
  3. faire pénétrer artificiellement de l’air dans les poumons.
  4. appeler ou attirer l’attention de quelqu’un sur une personne ou sur une chose.
  1. Qui suivre rigoureusement la vérité, la convention.
  2. Qui agir, qui produire sans intermédiaire.
  3. Qui est exact
  4. Qui se meut avec vitesse
  5. Qui a de la régularité, qui est conforme à des règles, soit naturelles, soit de convention ; qui est constant, uniforme.
  1. manière discrète ou indirecte d'inciter quelqu'un à faire quelque chose.

Cross Translation:
prompt souffler souffleren — zijn rol zachtjes voorzeggen
prompt rapide; vite snel — in korte tijd
prompt souffleur Souffleur — eine Person, die während einer Theateraufführung das Drehbuch mitliest und den Darstellern im Falle eines Aussetzers ihren Text flüstern kann
prompt prompt prompt — ohne Verzögerung, sofort
prompt sur-le-champ unverzüglich — sofort, ohne Aufschub, ohne schuldhaftes Zögern

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de prompt