
Traducciones detalladas de resolution de inglés a francés


resolution [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the resolution (solution; answer)
    la solution; le résultat
  2. the resolution
    la résolution; la décision
  3. the resolution
    la résolution
  4. the resolution (decisiveness; resoluteness)
    la détermination; la résolution; la garantie; la fermeté
  5. the resolution (decisiveness; resoluteness)
    la résolution; la détermination; le fait d'être résolu
  6. the resolution (determination; resoluteness; firmness; sureness)
    la résolution; la détermination; la ténacité; l'assurance de soi-même; l'assurance; la fermeté; la sécurité; la garantie; la certitude; la sûreté; l'aplomb; la stabilité; la constance; la durabilité; la confiance en soi; la sûreté de soi-même
  7. the resolution (firmness)
    la résolution; la fermeté; l'hardiesse; le fait d'être ferme
  8. the resolution
    – A measure of the fineness of detail in an image or text, usually as produced by a monitor or printer. 1
    la résolution

Translation Matrix for resolution:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aplomb determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness aplomb; boldness; candor; candour; frankness; self-assurance; self-confidence
assurance determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness assurance; boldness; brutality; candor; candour; certainty; consistency; firmness; frankness; impertinence; impudence; insolence; insurance; positiveness; rudeness; self-assurance; self-confidence
assurance de soi-même determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness self-confidence
certitude determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness certainty; consistency; firmness; positiveness; reality; self-confidence
confiance en soi determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness self-assurance; self-confidence
constance determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness durability; life; permanence; permanency
durabilité determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness durability; high quality; life; permanence; permanency; soundness; substance; thoroughness
décision resolution decision; decision of the town council; decree; facility; measure; ordinance; provision; ruling; supply
détermination decisiveness; determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness decision; decision of the town council; decree; determination; establishment; facility; group of words; measure; ordinance; phrase; provision; ruling; statement; supply
fait d'être ferme firmness; resolution courage; robustness; strength; sturdiness; vigor; vigour
fait d'être résolu decisiveness; resoluteness; resolution
fermeté decisiveness; determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness bravery; certainty; coarseness; consistency; courage; daring; determination; durability; firmness; gallantry; incontrovertibility; indisputableness; indossulability; obduracy; positiveness; reliability; robustness; solidity; solidness; solubility; soundness; stability; stableness; steadiness; strength; sturdiness; thoroughness; valor; valour; vigor; vigour
garantie decisiveness; determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness bond; caution money; free service; guarantee; guarantee certificate; hallmark; impress; imprint; pledges; protection; safeguarding; seal; securities; security; stamp; standing security; warrant
hardiesse firmness; resolution audacity; boldness; braveness; bravery; courage; daring; fearlessness; gallantry; guts; heroism; manliness; nerve; pluck; sturdiness; temerity; valor; valour; vigor; vigour
résolution decisiveness; determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness decision; decision of the town council; decree; determination; facility; intention; measure; ordinance; provision; ruling; strength; supply; thoroughness; will; wish
résultat answer; resolution; solution conclusion; consequence; effect; experience; final end; final result; finding; fruit; outcome; result; scored; upshot
solution answer; resolution; solution dissolved material; solution
stabilité determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness coarseness; durability; firmness; high quality; incontrovertibility; indisputableness; life; permanence; permanency; resistency; solidity; soundness; stability; stableness; substance; thoroughness
sécurité determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness protection; safety; security
sûreté determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness certainty; consistency; firmness; positiveness
sûreté de soi-même determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness
ténacité determination; firmness; resoluteness; resolution; sureness coarseness; endurance; firmness; keeping up; perseverance; persistence; pertinacity; solidity; stability; stableness; stamina; tenacity; tensile strength
- answer; closure; declaration; firmness; firmness of purpose; resoluteness; resolve; resolving; resolving power; result; settlement; solution; solvent; solving

Palabras relacionadas con "resolution":

Sinónimos de "resolution":

Antónimos de "resolution":

Definiciones relacionadas de "resolution":

  1. finding a solution to a problem2
  2. a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner2
    • he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions2
  3. the trait of being resolute2
    • it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work2
  4. analysis into clear-cut components2
  5. something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making2
    • they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences2
  6. a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote2
  7. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem2
  8. (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord2
  9. the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung)2
  10. the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together2
  11. (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture2
  12. A measure of the fineness of detail in an image or text, usually as produced by a monitor or printer.1
  13. The process of translation between a domain name address and an IP address.1

Wiktionary: resolution

  1. state of being resolute
  2. computing: degree of fineness of image
  3. computing: number of pixels in an image as stored or displayed
  4. formal statement adopted by an assembly
  5. music: progression from dissonance to consonance
  6. -
  1. Séparation de deux substances mélangées
  2. formule par laquelle on définir une chose ; énoncé des attributs, des qualités qui la distinguer.
  3. relâchement total d’une tension.

Cross Translation:
resolution résolution AuflösungVideotechnik: Anzahl der Bildpunkte (Pixel) pro Zeile und Spalte (bzw. deren Dichte) eines Bildschirms
resolution décision Beschluss — getroffene Entscheidung; gefasste Vereinbarung; Übereinkunft in einer Sache; Ergebnis einer Einigung
resolution résolution Entschließung — eine in eine abschließende Formel oder einen Beschluss gefasste Meinungsäußerung als Ergebnis einer Debatte oder Verhandlung
resolution résolution Vorsatzmeist Plural: etwas das man sich vornehmen hat

resolution forma de resolute:

Translation Matrix for resolute:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
crâne brain-pan; braincase; brains; cranium; skull
ferme estate; farm; farm house; farmershome; farmhouse; farmstead; homestead; husbandry; truss
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
efficace bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute appealing; conclusive; convincing; effective; efficacious; efficient; examined; excellent; fine; splendid; tested
- unhesitating
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- resourceful
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
agissant bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute acting; active; actively; busily; busy; functioning; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; officiating; operative; working
avec fermeté decided; decisive; determined; firm; resolute; unflinching
brave bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute benevolent; bold; brave; courageous; friendly; genial; good-natured; heroic; heroical; jovial; kind; kind-hearted; mild; valiant
crâne bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute
de façon décidée bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute
de façon déterminée determined; firm; resolute; unflinching
décidé bold; brisk; courageous; decided; decisive; determined; firm; resolute; unflinching; unshakable absolute; absolutely; candid; certain; certainly; definitely; final; frank; indisputable; morally strong; positive; sure; unabashed; unconditional; undoubted; uninhibited
déterminé decided; decisive; determined; firm; resolute; unflinching determined; estimated; fixed; prescribed; rated; specific; specified
expéditif bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute driven; energetic
ferme bold; brisk; courageous; decisive; determined; firm; resolute; unflinching; unshakable absolute; absolutely; certain; certainly; definitely; drastic; energetic; energetically; final; firm; forceful; full of energy; glorious; haughty; indisputable; lively; lofty; morally strong; of course; persistent; positive; positively; potent; powerful; proud; robust; solid; spirited; stable; standing-on; staunch; stiff; stout; strapping; strong; strong of character; substantial; sure; sure and certain; tough; unconditional; undoubted; vigorous
fermement determined; firm; resolute; unflinching drastic; energetic; energetically; firm; forceful; morally strong; persistent; potent; powerful; robust; standing-on; staunch; stiff; stout; strapping; strong; tough; vigorous
hardi bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute audacious; bold; brave; candid; courageous; daredevil; daring; dashing; dauntless; fearless; foolhardy; frank; heroic; heroical; liberal; light-headed; manful; open-minded; outspoken; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious; unabashed; undaunted; unprejudiced; valiant
intrépide bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute bold; brave; courageous; dauntless; fearless; heroic; heroical; intrepid; undaunted; valiant; without fear
inébranlable decisive; firm; resolute; unshakable against the grain; firm; firm as a rock; fixed; immovable; indisputable; inflexible; obstinate; permanent; persistent; recalcitrant; rigid; stable; standing-on; star; staunch; steady; stern; stiff; straight-backed; stubborn; unassailable; unbending
résolu bold; brisk; courageous; decisive; determined; firm; resolute; unflinching; unshakable clarified; dissolved; drastic; energetic; enlightened; fearless; forceful; full of energy; illuminated; intrepid; lit; made lighter; morally strong; potent; powerful; purposeful; strong; vigorous
résolument decisive; determined; firm; resolute; unflinching; unshakable decisive; energetic; lively
solide decisive; firm; resolute; unshakable considerable; considerably; convincing; durable; elaborate; firm; fixed; forceful; generously; grounded; hefty; legitimate; morally strong; muscular; permanent; powerfully built; reasonable; reliable; robust; sizable; solid; sound; stable; standing-on; staunch; steady; stiff; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; tough; valid; well built
solidement decisive; firm; resolute; unshakable convincing; firm; fixed; hefty; legitimate; permanent; powerfully built; reasonable; solid; sound; stable; standing-on; staunch; steady; stiff; stout; sturdy; valid
sûr bold; brisk; courageous; firm; resolute absolute; absolutely; actually; certain; certainly; definitely; factually; familiar; final; genuinely; indeed; independent; indisputable; known; mature; positive; really; safe; secure; sure; surely; trusted; truthfully; unconditional; undoubted; undoubtedly; without danger; without risk
tenace decisive; firm; resolute; unshakable against the grain; headstrong; immovable; inflexible; obstinate; persistent; recalcitrant; rigid; star; stern; stiff-necked; straight-backed; stubborn; unbending; wilful; willful
tenacement decisive; firm; resolute; unshakable

Palabras relacionadas con "resolute":

Sinónimos de "resolute":

Antónimos de "resolute":

  • irresolute

Definiciones relacionadas de "resolute":

  1. characterized by quickness and firmness2
  2. firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination2
    • stood resolute against the enemy2
    • faced with a resolute opposition2
    • a resolute and unshakeable faith2

Wiktionary: resolute

  1. firm, unyielding, determined
  1. Qui est résolu, ferme, qui a des principes dont il ne s’écarter pas.
  2. Défendre son sentiment, être immuable dans sa résolution.
  3. déterminé, hardi.

Cross Translation:
resolute ferme; résolu kordaat — vastbesloten, vastberaden
resolute décidé entschieden — von etwas fest überzeugt; nicht leicht abbringen
resolute décidée; décidé; vaillant; énergique; résolue; résolu mannhaft — entschlossen, tatkräftig
resolute déterminé; résolu resolut — zum Handeln bereit, entschlossen

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