
Traducciones detalladas de rowing de inglés a francés


rowing [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the rowing
    l'aviron; le sport d'aviron

Translation Matrix for rowing:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aviron rowing oar
sport d'aviron rowing
- row

Palabras relacionadas con "rowing":

Sinónimos de "rowing":

Definiciones relacionadas de "rowing":

  1. the act of rowing as a sport1

Wiktionary: rowing

  1. action of the verb "to row"
  2. the sport
  1. rame
  2. sport

Cross Translation:
rowing aviron RudernSportart, bei der ein Boot mithilfe eines Ruders fortbewegt wird
rowing aviron Rudersport — körperliche Betätigung, bei der ein Boot mit einer blattförmig erweiterten Stange vorwärts bewegt werden muss

rowing forma de row:

to row verbo (rows, rowed, rowing)

  1. to row (scull)
    ramer; transporter en canot; jauger; faire de l'aviron
    • ramer verbo (rame, rames, ramons, ramez, )
    • jauger verbo (jauge, jauges, jaugeons, jaugez, )

Conjugaciones de row:

  1. row
  2. row
  3. rows
  4. row
  5. row
  6. row
simple past
  1. rowed
  2. rowed
  3. rowed
  4. rowed
  5. rowed
  6. rowed
present perfect
  1. have rowed
  2. have rowed
  3. has rowed
  4. have rowed
  5. have rowed
  6. have rowed
past continuous
  1. was rowing
  2. were rowing
  3. was rowing
  4. were rowing
  5. were rowing
  6. were rowing
  1. shall row
  2. will row
  3. will row
  4. shall row
  5. will row
  6. will row
continuous present
  1. am rowing
  2. are rowing
  3. is rowing
  4. are rowing
  5. are rowing
  6. are rowing
  1. be rowed
  2. be rowed
  3. be rowed
  4. be rowed
  5. be rowed
  6. be rowed
  1. row!
  2. let's row!
  3. rowed
  4. rowing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

row [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the row (line; queue; file)
    la queue; l'embouteillage
  2. the row (disagreement; conflict; argument; )
    le conflit; la dispute; la querelle; la collision; le litige; le désaccord; l'accrochage; la discorde; l'altercation; le différend; l'heurt; le démêlé
  3. the row (rank; line; file)
    la ligne; le rang; la file; la règle; la barre; la corde; le rangs; la bande; le câble
  4. the row (difference of opinion; dispute; twist; quarrel)
    la dispute; la discussion; la divergence de vues; la querelle; la chamaillerie; la discorde; le différend; le démêlé; la joute oratoire; la divergence d'opinion
  5. the row
    la rangée; le rang
  6. the row
    la ballade en canot
  7. the row (series; sequence)
    la série; la rangée; la séquence; la collection; la suite; la gamme; le cycle
  8. the row (cyclus; sequence; chain)
    le cycle; la séquence; la série
  9. the row (chain; chainlet; circlet; ring)
    la chaîne; le collier; la chaînette; la séquence; le cycle; l'enchaînement
  10. the row (rumpus; cabal; racket)
    la cabale; le boucan
  11. the row (record)
    – A group of related fields (columns) of information treated as a unit and arranged in a horizontal line in a table or spreadsheet. 2
    la ligne; l'enregistrement
  12. the row
    – The horizontal arrangement of cells in a table or spreadsheet. 2
    la ligne
    • ligne [la ~] sustantivo

Translation Matrix for row:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
accrochage argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row bumping into; clasping; colliding with; collision; crash; crashing into; hit; hook on; hooking; skirmish; smash
altercation argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row bumping into; colliding with; crashing into
ballade en canot row
bande file; line; rank; row accumulation; assembling; band; bandage; bobbins; bunch; clan; clique; clutter; collection; coterie; couple; crowd; flounce; frill; gang; gathering; heel; horde; label; ligature; line; list; pair; party; private chat; set; small circle; spools; strip; stripe; swathe; the two
barre file; line; rank; row balcony; bar; bar of chocolate; baton; cane; club; court; court of justice; court of law; law court; line; rod; scratch; stand; stave; stick; stripe; tablet; tribunal; truncheon; witness box; witness stand
boucan cabal; racket; row; rumpus
cabale cabal; racket; row; rumpus din; hubbub; hum; movement; noise; roar; rumor; rumour
chamaillerie difference of opinion; dispute; quarrel; row; twist arguing; bickering; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
chaîne chain; chainlet; circlet; ring; row T.V. channel; chain; chainlet; channel; cuff; fetter; necklace; network; shackle; skid chain; snow chain; string; warp; web
chaînette chain; chainlet; circlet; ring; row
collection row; sequence; series accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting
collier chain; chainlet; circlet; ring; row bridle; chain; chainlet; collar; gear; harness; leash; necklace; tackling
collision argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row bumping into; colliding with; collision; crash; crashing into; hit; smash
conflit argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row argument; battle of words; conflict; controversy; debate; disagreement; disputation; dispute; labyrinth; maze; quarrel; squabble; struggle; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; wrangle; wrestle
corde file; line; rank; row cable; chain; chord; cord; cotton; flex; guy-rope; hawser; line; rope; string; stripe; thread; wire; yarn
cycle chain; chainlet; circlet; cyclus; ring; row; sequence; series age; bicycle; bike; circular course; cycle; development stage; epoch; era; period; phase; push-bike; stage; tick; two-wheeler
câble file; line; rank; row board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; chain; committee; cord; direction; flex; hawser; lead; line; management; ripcord; rope; stripe; supervision; wire
différend argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row; twist argument; battle of words; case; debate; disagreement; disputation; dispute; issue; opinion; point of view; position; quarrel; question; squabble; standpoint; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; view; wrangle
discorde argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row; twist argument; battle of words; conflict; controversy; debate; disagreement; discomfort; discontent; discontentedness; discord; disgruntlement; disharmony; displeasure; disputation; dispute; dissatisfaction; dissension; disunity; division; ill-pleasure; labyrinth; malcontentedness; maze; quarrel; squabble; struggle; unease about; unpleasantness; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; wrestle
discussion difference of opinion; dispute; quarrel; row; twist argument; battle of words; change of mind; conversation; conversations; debate; dialog; dialogue; disagreement; discussing; discussion; disputation; dispute; gatherings; meetings; quarrel; squabble; symposia; talking; talking about; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play
dispute argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row; twist arguing; argument; battle of words; challenge; contest; controversy; debate; disagreement; disputation; dispute; impugn; labyrinth; maze; quarrel; slanging-match; squabble; struggle; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; wrestle
divergence d'opinion difference of opinion; dispute; quarrel; row; twist
divergence de vues difference of opinion; dispute; quarrel; row; twist
démêlé argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row; twist labyrinth; maze; struggle; wrestle
désaccord argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row discomfort; discontent; discontentedness; discord; disgruntlement; displeasure; dissatisfaction; ill-pleasure; malcontentedness; unpleasantness
embouteillage file; line; queue; row blockage; bottleneck; bottling; bottling room; buildup of traffic; congestion; constipation; jam; narrowing of the road; road narrowing; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill; stoppage; tailback; traffic block; traffic bottleneck; traffic jam
enchaînement chain; chainlet; circlet; ring; row chain; chaining; circuit; coming together; concentration; connection; gear change; linking; necklace; sequence; series
enregistrement record; row applying; enrollment; enrolment; entry; log; logging; record; recording; registration; reservation; taping
file file; line; rank; row line; stripe
gamme row; sequence; series chromatic spectrum; colour scale; cycle; gamma; gamut; musical scale; octave; price-range; range of colouring; route; scale; spectrum
heurt argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row blow; buffer; bump; bumper; clout; collision; controversy; crash; friction; hit; jab; labyrinth; maze; nudge; punch; push; quaking; quivering; shake; shaking; shove; smash; struggle; thrust; trembling; wallop; whopper; wrestle
joute oratoire difference of opinion; dispute; quarrel; row; twist
ligne file; line; rank; record; row angling line; facial line; fishing-line; fore-part; front; furrow; line; stripe; wrinkle
litige argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row labyrinth; maze; quarrel; squabble; struggle; wrangle; wrestle
querelle argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row; twist argument; battle of words; controversy; debate; disagreement; disputation; dispute; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; quarrel; romp; romping; squabble; struggle; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; wrestle
queue file; line; queue; row arse; ass; backside; behind; bottom; bum; buttocks; cue; fanny; rear; rump; tailpiece
rang file; line; rank; row class; degree; degree in science; file; grade; hierarchy; joint; level; order of rank; position; rank; social class; social group; social position; title
rangs file; line; rank; row file; joint; rank
rangée row; sequence; series cycle
règle file; line; rank; row charter; filter; folding ruler; gauge; line; measure; norm; rule; ruler; standard; stripe
suite row; sequence; series accepting; application suite; barge train; carrying out; conclusion; continuation; cycle; final result; future; obeying; reception room; result; sequel; sequence; succession; suite; train; upshot
séquence chain; chainlet; circlet; cyclus; ring; row; sequence; series cycle; sequence
série chain; cyclus; row; sequence; series chain; concatenation; cycle; gamma; gamut; scale; sequence; series; spectrum; string; succession
- course; dustup; quarrel; rowing; run-in; words; wrangle
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
faire de l'aviron row; scull
jauger row; scull gauge; measure
ramer row; scull paddle; stagnate; stay put; stick
transporter en canot row; scull
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bande tape
enchaînement text flow
ligne line
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- boating trip; pull; squabble; wrangle
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
démêlé disentangled; unravelled
rangée clean; neat; tidy

Palabras relacionadas con "row":

Sinónimos de "row":

Definiciones relacionadas de "row":

  1. the act of rowing as a sport1
  2. (construction) a layer of masonry1
  3. a continuous chronological succession without an interruption1
    • they won the championship three years in a row1
  4. an angry dispute1
  5. an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line1
    • a row of chairs1
  6. a linear array of numbers, letters, or symbols side by side1
  7. a long continuous strip (usually running horizontally)1
    • a mackerel sky filled with rows of clouds1
    • rows of barbed wire protected the trenches1
  8. propel with oars1
    • row the boat across the lake1
  9. A group of related fields (columns) of information treated as a unit and arranged in a horizontal line in a table or spreadsheet.2
  10. The horizontal arrangement of cells in a table or spreadsheet.2

Wiktionary: row

  1. line of objects
  2. in a table
  1. transitive:to propel over water using oars
  1. Traductions à trier suivant le sens.
  2. Action de hurler.
  3. Ordre, disposition de plusieurs personnes ou de plusieurs choses sur une même ligne
  4. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  5. Petit sillon
  1. Manœuvrer la rame

Cross Translation:
row dispute ruzie — toestand waarin men in ernstig conflict is met anderen
row ramer roeien — zich met behulp van roeispanen in een boot ergens begeven
row raffut; boucan SpektakelLärm, Krach
row ramer rudern — sich unter Zuhilfenahme von Riemen oder Skulls in einem Ruderboot fortbewegen

Traducciones relacionadas de rowing