
Traducciones detalladas de stopping de inglés a francés


stopping [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the stopping (cease; quitting; knock off)
    la terminaison; l'achèvement; la fin; l'action d'arrêter
  2. the stopping (stuffing; filling; padding; refill; inflation)
    le remplissage; le bourrage; le rembourrage
  3. the stopping (coming to a stop; halting)
  4. the stopping (plugging)
    le bouchage; l'arrêt
  5. the stopping (preventing; barring; putting off)
    l'interdiction; la retenue; l'empêchement

stopping verbo

  1. stopping (force something to stop)

Translation Matrix for stopping:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
achèvement cease; knock off; quitting; stopping completion; concluding observations; concluding remarks; conclusion; end; ending; fill up; finish; finishing; get done; in conclusion; termination; writing off
action d'arrêter cease; knock off; quitting; stopping
arrêt plugging; stopping boarding area; confiscation; decision of the town council; decree; halt; halting-place; judgement; ordinance; seizure; shutdown; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill; stop; stopping-place; taking up; termination
arrêter coming to a stop; halting; stopping
bouchage plugging; stopping
bourrage filling; inflation; padding; refill; stopping; stuffing filling in
empêchement barring; preventing; putting off; stopping barrier; block; blockage; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; sticking fast; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble
fin cease; knock off; quitting; stopping concluding observations; concluding piece; concluding remarks; conclusion; end; ending; far end; final; final end; final piece; finale; finish; finishing line; finishing point; in conclusion; termination; terminus; tip
interdiction barring; preventing; putting off; stopping ban; denial; interdiction; prohibition; suppression
rembourrage filling; inflation; padding; refill; stopping; stuffing filling; padding; stuffing
remplissage filling; inflation; padding; refill; stopping; stuffing completing; fill; filling; filling in; fulfillment; fulfilment; padding; realisation; realization; replenishment; stuffing
retenue barring; preventing; putting off; stopping chastity; complaisance; compliance; courtesy; demureness; having no pretentions; immaculacy; innocence; kindness; moderation; modesty; modification; purity; quietness; simplicity; softening; subservience; tempering
terminaison cease; knock off; quitting; stopping
- filet; fillet
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
arrêter abandon; apprehend; arrest; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; bring to an end; capture; cease; come to a standstill; come to an end; conclude; cross; decide; delay; desist from; detain; deter; disconnect; discourage; dissuade; end; end a call; extinguish; finish; finish off; give up; halt; hinder; hold; hold back; imprison; make out; matter; obstruct; oppose; pick up; prevent; put out; put to a stop; restrain; retard; sabotage; seize; set out; shut down; stand still; staunch; stem; stop; switch off; take in custody; take prisoner; terminate; thwart; turn off; upset; wind up
faire arrêter force something to stop; stopping hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
terminaison End
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
fin acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; cunning; cutting; dainty; delicate; easily hurt; elegant; fine; graceful; handsome; injurious; insulting; keen; lightly built; lovely; nice; nipping; offending; offensive; oversensitive; perky; personable; petite; precarious; pretty; refined; resourceful; roguish; sensitive; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; slender; slick; slight; sly; small-boned; smart; snap; snappy; sophisticated; stylish; subtle; susceptible; tender; thin; wily

Palabras relacionadas con "stopping":

  • unstopping

Sinónimos de "stopping":

Definiciones relacionadas de "stopping":

  1. the kind of playing that involves pressing the fingers on the strings of a stringed instrument to control the pitch1
    • the violinist's stopping was excellent1
  2. fastener consisting of a narrow strip of welded metal used to join steel members1

stopping forma de stop:

to stop verbo (stops, stopped, stopping)

  1. to stop (stem; bring to a halt; put to a stop; halt; bring to a standstill)
    arrêter; cesser; bloquer; stopper
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • cesser verbo (cesse, cesses, cessons, cessez, )
    • bloquer verbo (bloque, bloques, bloquons, bloquez, )
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
  2. to stop (slow down; brake; put a brake on)
    freiner; ralentir; donner un coup de frein
    • freiner verbo (freine, freines, freinons, freinez, )
    • ralentir verbo (ralentis, ralentit, ralentissons, ralentissez, )
  3. to stop (cease; abandon; give up)
    arrêter; cesser; abandonner; renoncer à; laisser
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • cesser verbo (cesse, cesses, cessons, cessez, )
    • abandonner verbo (abandonne, abandonnes, abandonnons, abandonnez, )
    • renoncer à verbo
    • laisser verbo (laisse, laisses, laissons, laissez, )
  4. to stop (decide; terminate; come to an end; )
    décider; conclure; finir; arrêter; terminer; mettre fin à; stopper; prendre fin
    • décider verbo (décide, décides, décidons, décidez, )
    • conclure verbo (conclus, conclut, concluons, concluez, )
    • finir verbo (finis, finit, finissons, finissez, )
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • terminer verbo (termine, termines, terminons, terminez, )
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • prendre fin verbo
  5. to stop (stand still; remain standing; stay put)
    se taire; retenir; se retenir; faire halte; se contenir; ne plus bouger; rester à sa place; rester immobile; se tenir tranquille; s'arrêter
  6. to stop (come to a stand-still; halt; stand still)
    stopper; faire halte; s'arrêter
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • faire halte verbo
    • s'arrêter verbo
  7. to stop (bring to a standstill; put out; halt; )
    arrêter; stopper
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
  8. to stop (stick; stagnate; falter; waver; stay put)
    être bloqué; hésiter; tomber à plat
    • hésiter verbo (hésite, hésites, hésitons, hésitez, )
  9. to stop (staunch)
    arrêter; étancher
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • étancher verbo (étanche, étanches, étanchons, étanchez, )
  10. to stop (hold back; restrain; prevent; )
    retenir; empêcher; arrêter; contrecarrer; stopper; dissuader
    • retenir verbo (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
    • empêcher verbo (empêchs, empêcht, empêchons, empêchez, )
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • contrecarrer verbo (contrecarre, contrecarres, contrecarrons, contrecarrez, )
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • dissuader verbo (dissuade, dissuades, dissuadons, dissuadez, )
  11. to stop (thwart; hinder; oppose; )
    contrarier; traverser les projets de; arrêter; contrecarrer; gêner; stopper; empêcher; barrer; frustrer; retenir
    • contrarier verbo (contrarie, contraries, contrarions, contrariez, )
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • contrecarrer verbo (contrecarre, contrecarres, contrecarrons, contrecarrez, )
    • gêner verbo (gêne, gênes, gênons, gênez, )
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • empêcher verbo (empêchs, empêcht, empêchons, empêchez, )
    • barrer verbo (barre, barres, barrons, barrez, )
    • frustrer verbo (frustre, frustres, frustrons, frustrez, )
    • retenir verbo (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
  12. to stop (fill gaps; stop holes)
    boucher; combler des trous
    • boucher verbo (bouche, bouches, bouchons, bouchez, )
  13. to stop (deter; delay; retard)
    retarder; ralentir; attarder; cesser; temporiser; arrêter
    • retarder verbo (retarde, retardes, retardons, retardez, )
    • ralentir verbo (ralentis, ralentit, ralentissons, ralentissez, )
    • attarder verbo
    • cesser verbo (cesse, cesses, cessons, cessez, )
    • temporiser verbo (temporise, temporises, temporisons, temporisez, )
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
  14. to stop (adjourn; end)
    stopper; faire halte
    • stopper verbo (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • faire halte verbo
  15. to stop
    – To halt a process or action, typically without restoring the prior state. 2
    • arrêter verbo (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )

Conjugaciones de stop:

  1. stop
  2. stop
  3. stops
  4. stop
  5. stop
  6. stop
simple past
  1. stopped
  2. stopped
  3. stopped
  4. stopped
  5. stopped
  6. stopped
present perfect
  1. have stopped
  2. have stopped
  3. has stopped
  4. have stopped
  5. have stopped
  6. have stopped
past continuous
  1. was stopping
  2. were stopping
  3. was stopping
  4. were stopping
  5. were stopping
  6. were stopping
  1. shall stop
  2. will stop
  3. will stop
  4. shall stop
  5. will stop
  6. will stop
continuous present
  1. am stopping
  2. are stopping
  3. is stopping
  4. are stopping
  5. are stopping
  6. are stopping
  1. be stopped
  2. be stopped
  3. be stopped
  4. be stopped
  5. be stopped
  6. be stopped
  1. stop!
  2. let's stop!
  3. stopped
  4. stopping
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

stop [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the stop (delay; postponement; suspension; stoppage)
    le délai; le retard
  2. the stop (halting-place; halt; stopping-place)
    l'arrêt; l'halte; la station
  3. the stop (wait)
    l'halte; le frein

Translation Matrix for stop:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
arrêt halt; halting-place; stop; stopping-place boarding area; confiscation; decision of the town council; decree; judgement; ordinance; plugging; seizure; shutdown; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill; stopping; taking up; termination
arrêter coming to a stop; halting; stopping
boucher butcher; slaughterer
délai delay; postponement; stop; stoppage; suspension closing date; deadline; delay; holdup; lead time; period; period of time; postponement; respite; space; space of time; suspension; term; time; time-limit
frein stop; wait brake; brake-block; braking mechanism
halte halt; halting-place; stop; stopping-place; wait stopping place
retard delay; postponement; stop; stoppage; suspension arrears; delay; holdup
s'arrêter come to a halt; come to a standstill
station halt; halting-place; stop; stopping-place depot; railroad station; railroad terminal; railway station; station; train depot; train station
- arrest; block; blockage; catch; check; closure; diaphragm; full point; full stop; halt; hitch; layover; occlusion; occlusive; period; plosive; plosive consonant; plosive speech sound; point; stay; stop consonant; stopover; stoppage
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
abandonner abandon; cease; give up; stop abandon; abort; annul; break up; cancel; depart; depart from; desert; discard; drop out; give up; go; go away; leave; pull out; quit; relinquish; render thanks; renunciate; rescind; retire; say thank you to; secede from; thank; throw in the towel; withdraw
arrêter abandon; bring to a close; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; cease; come to an end; cross; decide; delay; deter; discourage; dissuade; end; finish; give up; halt; hinder; hold back; obstruct; oppose; prevent; put out; put to a stop; restrain; retard; sabotage; set out; staunch; stem; stop; terminate; thwart; turn off; upset; wind up apprehend; arrest; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; capture; cease; come to a standstill; conclude; desist from; detain; disconnect; end; end a call; extinguish; finish; finish off; hold; imprison; make out; matter; pick up; put out; seize; set out; shut down; stand still; switch off; take in custody; take prisoner; turn off
attarder delay; deter; retard; stop
barrer cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset bar; barricade; beat against the wind; block; blot out; clearly define; conclude; confine; dam; define; demarcate; embank; encapsulate; enclose; end; envelope; fence; fence in; fence off; finish; jam; limit; map out; mark out; navigate; obstruct; outline; restrict; sail against the wind; tack; trace out
bloquer bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; halt; put to a stop; stem; stop bar; barricade; block; bother; force into the kerb; hamper; hinder; impede; jam; lay flat; obstruct; stonewall
boucher fill gaps; stop; stop holes caulk; conclude; cork; cork up; darn; end; fill up; finish; mend
cesser abandon; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; cease; delay; deter; give up; halt; put to a stop; retard; stem; stop bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; end; finish; finish off
combler des trous fill gaps; stop; stop holes
conclure bring to a close; come to an end; decide; end; finish; stop; terminate; wind up accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; complete; conclude; deduce; deduct; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready; round off; wind up
contrarier cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset badger; cause failure; chicane; counteract; frustrate; hamper; have something on one's mind; hinder; nag; obstruct; oppose; pester; resist; sabotage; thwart; withstand
contrecarrer cross; discourage; dissuade; hinder; hold back; obstruct; oppose; prevent; restrain; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset beat against the wind; block; confine; counteract; cross o.s.; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; hamper; hinder; limit; make impossible; make the sign of the cross; navigate; oppose; resist; restrict; sail against the wind; tack; thwart; withstand
dissuader discourage; dissuade; hold back; obstruct; prevent; restrain; stop advise against; bring around; convince; force an opinion; get around; persuade; talk off his feet
donner un coup de frein brake; put a brake on; slow down; stop
décider bring to a close; come to an end; decide; end; finish; stop; terminate; wind up
empêcher cross; discourage; dissuade; hinder; hold back; obstruct; oppose; prevent; restrain; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset block; bother; field; foil; hamper; hinder; impede; keep from; make impossible; obstruct; parry; prevent; stonewall; thwart; ward off
faire halte adjourn; come to a stand-still; end; halt; remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop
finir bring to a close; come to an end; decide; end; finish; stop; terminate; wind up accomplish; be broken off; better; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; burn up; clear; come to an end; complete; conclude; consume; draw to an end; drink; drink up; eat; eat up; elapse; empty; end; expire; finish; finish off; finish with; fix; fix it up; get done; get ready; get to the end of; go by; have ended; have finished; improve; make better; make empty; manage; pass; perfect; play out; pull it off; pull the trick; read to the end; remove what is inside; round off; use up; wind up
freiner brake; put a brake on; slow down; stop slow down
frustrer cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset be contrary; belie; counteract; counterfeit; cross; disappoint; disillusion; falsify; forge; frustrate; imitate; let down
gêner cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset anger; badger; be embarrassed; be shy; block; bother; disturb; enrage; feel ill at ease; hamper; harass; have something on one's mind; hinder; impede; incense; make impossible; nag; obstruct; pester; stonewall; thwart; trouble; upset; visit
hésiter falter; stagnate; stay put; stick; stop; waver be doubtful; be indecised; brood over; defer; delay; deter; doubt; hesitate; linger; procrastinate; put off; question; tarry; vacillate; waver
laisser abandon; cease; give up; stop admit; allow; authorise; authorize; bequeath; cede; concede; devise; dispose of by will; disregard; dump; give one's fiat to; grant; ignore; leave behind; let back; let go; let stand; liberate; neglect; omit; permit; release; set at liberty; set free; submit to; tolerate; yield
mettre fin à bring to a close; come to an end; decide; end; finish; stop; terminate; wind up accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; complete; conclude; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready
ne plus bouger remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop
prendre fin bring to a close; come to an end; decide; end; finish; stop; terminate; wind up accomplish; be broken off; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; come to an end; complete; conclude; draw to an end; elapse; end; expire; finish; finish off; get done; get ready; go by; pass
ralentir brake; delay; deter; put a brake on; retard; slow down; stop drag out; ease off; retard; slacken; slow down; take things easy; temporise; temporize; throttle back; throttle down
renoncer à abandon; cease; give up; stop abjure; disown; give up; relinquish; renounce; renunciate
rester immobile remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop come to a standstill; stand stiffly; stand still
rester à sa place remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop
retarder delay; deter; retard; stop drag out; drop back; fall back; fall behind; give ground; lose ground; retard; slacken; slow down; temporise; temporize
retenir cross; discourage; dissuade; hinder; hold back; obstruct; oppose; prevent; remain standing; restrain; sabotage; stand still; stay put; stem; stop; thwart; upset allocate; blur; charter; conceal; control; crush; deduct; detain; disguise; don't let go of; gloss over; grab; hang on; have got hold of; hide; hold; hush up; keep; keep back; keep in control; keep under control; lock up; maintain; mantle; moderate; preserve; pulverise; pulverize; put aside; put away; put in gaol; recant; record; remember; reserve; restrain; retain; retract; revoke; rub fine; set aside; stand by; stand firm; subdue; suppress; take back; uphold; veil; withhold
s'arrêter come to a stand-still; halt; remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop elapse; expire; fall silent; go by; linger; loiter; pass; sojourn; stay
se contenir remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop bear up; carry it off; control; crush; keep back; keep in control; keep under control; moderate; pulverise; pulverize; put a good face on it; recant; restrain; restrain oneself; retract; revoke; rub fine; subdue; suppress; swallow; take back; to stay calm; withhold
se retenir remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop control; crush; keep back; keep in control; keep under control; pulverise; pulverize; recant; restrain; restrain oneself; retract; revoke; rub fine; subdue; suppress; take back; withhold
se taire remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop be reticent; become silent; preserve silence
se tenir tranquille remain standing; stand still; stay put; stop
stopper adjourn; bring to a close; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; come to a stand-still; come to an end; cross; decide; discourage; dissuade; end; finish; halt; hinder; hold back; obstruct; oppose; prevent; put out; put to a stop; restrain; sabotage; set out; stand still; stem; stop; terminate; thwart; turn off; upset; wind up bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; conclude; elapse; end; expire; finish; finish off; go by; pass
temporiser delay; deter; retard; stop dawdle; delay; drag out; linger; postpone; procrastinate; put off; retard; saunter; slacken; slow down; tarry; temporise; temporize
terminer bring to a close; come to an end; decide; end; finish; stop; terminate; wind up accomplish; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; carry out; come to rest; complete; conclude; drink; drink up; elapse; empty; end; expire; finish; finish off; fix; get done; get ready; get to the end of; go by; have ended; have finished; land; pass; play out; read to the end; run down; terminate; turn out
tomber à plat falter; stagnate; stay put; stick; stop; waver
traverser les projets de cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset
étancher staunch; stop alleviate; darn; fill up; isolate; make cold-resistant; mend; quench
être bloqué falter; stagnate; stay put; stick; stop; waver stagnate; stay put; stick
- arrest; bar; barricade; block; block off; block up; blockade; break; break off; cease; check; contain; discontinue; end; finish; give up; halt; hold back; hold on; intercept; kibosh; lay off

Palabras relacionadas con "stop":

Sinónimos de "stop":

Antónimos de "stop":

Definiciones relacionadas de "stop":

  1. a brief stay in the course of a journey1
  2. the act of stopping something1
    • the third baseman made some remarkable stops1
  3. an obstruction in a pipe or tube1
  4. a restraint that checks the motion of something1
    • he used a book as a stop to hold the door open1
  5. a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens1
  6. (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes1
    • the organist pulled out all the stops1
  7. a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations1
    • in England they call a period a stop1
  8. a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it1
  9. the event of something ending1
    • it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill1
  10. a spot where something halts or pauses1
    • his next stop is Atlanta1
  11. the state of inactivity following an interruption1
    • he spent the entire stop in his seat1
  12. prevent completion1
    • stop the project1
  13. stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments1
  14. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of1
  15. seize on its way1
  16. render unsuitable for passage1
    • stop the busy road1
  17. cause to stop1
    • stop a car1
    • stop the thief1
  18. come to a halt, stop moving1
    • the car stopped1
    • She stopped in front of a store window1
  19. interrupt a trip1
    • we stopped at Aunt Mary's house1
    • they stopped for three days in Florence1
  20. stop from happening or developing1
  21. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical1
    • Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other1
  22. put an end to a state or an activity1
  23. To halt a process or action, typically without restoring the prior state.2

Wiktionary: stop

  1. cease moving
  2. come to an end
  3. cause (something) to cease moving
  4. cause (something) to come to an end
  5. -
    • stop → s'arrêter; s'immobiliser
  1. place to get on and off line buses or trams
  2. interruption of travel
  3. consonant sound
  4. tennis: short shot
  1. châssis de fenêtre ou volet basculant sur un axe horizontal.
  2. obstacle artificiel placé sur une voie permettant l’arrêt d’un véhicule empruntant cette voie.
  3. dispositif servant à délimiter la course d’une pièce mobile.
  4. pause, station des gens de guerre dans leur marche.
  5. Lieux d'arrêt et de repos le long d'un trajet (2)
  1. (1) Empêcher quelqu’un ou quelque chose de continuer sa marche en avant
  2. S’arrêter
  3. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  4. Discontinuer, arrêter, finir, interrompre, terminer.
  5. continuer d’être à un endroit ou dans un état.
  6. arrêter, en parlant d’un navire à moteur, d’un train, d’une machine.
  7. borner, limiter.

Cross Translation:
stop empêcher tegenhouden — verhinderen
stop retenir; arrêter tegenhouden — iets of iemand stoppen
stop halte HaltAufhören oder Unterbrechung einer Bewegung, einer Aktivität
stop halte HaltStation eines Verkehrsmittels, an der dieses anhalten
stop occlusive; consonne occlusive PlosivLinguistik, speziell Phonetik: Laut, der durch das explosive Ausströmen des Phonationsstromes, der zuvor gestoppt wurde, entsteht. Zu den Plosiven gehören: P, T, K (fortis); B, D, G (lenis) und der Glottisstop [ʔ] (glottaler Plosiv, im Deutschen oft vor anlautenden Vo
stop casser; arrêter; rompre; interrompre abbrechen — (transitiv) etwas beenden, unterbrechen
stop couper abschneiden — etwas abtrennen
stop arrêter; retenir; endiguer aufhalten — jemanden/etwas nicht weitergehen/weiterfortschreiten lassen
stop finir; cesser; arreter aufhören — mit einer Handlung oder Handlungsweise nicht weitermachen
stop cesser einstellen — etwas (eine Tätigkeit) nicht mehr ausüben
stop stopper; arrêter stoppen — zum Stehen bringen
stop arrêter stoppen — aufhören etwas zu tun
stop faire cesser unterbinden — eine Handlung stoppen, verhindern
stop → s'abstenir unterlassen — (meist bewusst) etwas nicht tun (oder nicht mehr tun)

Traducciones relacionadas de stopping