

Traducciones detalladas de take upon oneself de inglés a francés

take upon oneself:

take upon oneself verbo

  1. take upon oneself (undertake; start)
    entreprendre; engager; commencer; prendre; entamer; démarrer; mettre en marche; débuter; toucher
    • entreprendre verbo (entreprends, entreprend, entreprenons, entreprenez, )
    • engager verbo (engage, engages, engageons, engagez, )
    • commencer verbo (commence, commences, commençons, commencez, )
    • prendre verbo (prends, prend, prenons, prenez, )
    • entamer verbo (entame, entames, entamons, entamez, )
    • démarrer verbo (démarre, démarres, démarrons, démarrez, )
    • débuter verbo (débute, débutes, débutons, débutez, )
    • toucher verbo (touche, touches, touchons, touchez, )

Translation Matrix for take upon oneself:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
toucher impact; sense of touch; sensory perception; tactile sense; touch
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
commencer start; take upon oneself; undertake arrange; be off; begin; break into; commence; enter into; get under way; herald; open; ring in; set in; set in motion; set up; start; start to; strike up; take off; take on; undertake
débuter start; take upon oneself; undertake be off; begin; break into; commence; enter into; get under way; make one's début; open; set in motion; set up; start; start to; strike up; take off; take on; undertake
démarrer start; take upon oneself; undertake accelerate; be off; begin; break into; bring up; broach; broach a subject; cast off; commence; cut into; enter into; get under way; go for a drive; herald; open; put forward; put on the table; ring in; set in; set in motion; set up; spurt; start; start to; strike up; take off; take on; undertake
engager start; take upon oneself; undertake accept; administer; adopt; appeal to; apply; appoint; avail oneself of; begin; call; call in; call over; collect; commence; draw new members; employ; enforce; engage; enlist; enter; enter into; hire; implement; initiate; invite; invoke; kick off; make use of; mobilise; mobilize; nominate; operationalize; pawn; practice; practise; receive; recruit; set in motion; set up; sign on; start; start to; strike up; take; take off; take on; tie on to; undertake; use; utilise; utilize
entamer start; take upon oneself; undertake accept; be off; begin; break into; bring in; bring up; broach; broach a subject; collect; commence; cut; cut into; enter into; get under way; initiate; introduce; open; postulate; prompt; put forward; put on the table; raise; reap; receive; set in motion; set up; start; start to; sting; strike up; suggest; take off; take on; throw up; toss in the air; toss up; undertake
entreprendre start; take upon oneself; undertake be off; begin; being hard on someone; break into; commence; deal strictly with; get under way; open; set in motion; set up; start; start to; strike up; take in one's hand; take off; take on; undertake
mettre en marche start; take upon oneself; undertake be off; begin; boot; break into; bring up; broach; broach a subject; commence; connect; crank up; cut into; drive; get under way; herald; light; open; operate; proceed; prompt; put forward; put on; put on the table; ring in; set in motion; set up; start; start to; start up; strike up; switch on; take off; take on; turn on; turn over; undertake; urge; work
prendre start; take upon oneself; undertake absorb; accept; accept a gift; annex; apprehend; arrest; bear a grudge; bear malice; begin; blame; blame someone of; cadge; captivate; capture; catch; caught; chain; choose; clamp; clasp; clutch; collar; collect; come round for; commence; conquer; deprive; detain; discredit; dive in; drag; employ; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; expropriate; fall to; fascinate; fetch; filch; gather; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; get something; glean; go thieving; grab; grasp; grip; handle; harbour a grudge; hold; imprison; intrigue; lap up; lay one's hands on; make inaccessible; make off with; make use of; nick; obtain; occupy; overcome by; pick; pick out; pick up; pilfer; pinch; practice; practise; prefer; purloin; rancor; rancour; reach; rebuke; receive; receive for one's portion; recruit; reprimand; reproach; rob; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; secure; seize; seize upon; select; serve oneself; set in motion; set up; shackle; single out; sip up; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snitch; snout; sort out; start; start to; steal; stick; strike up; swipe; take; take along; take away; take hold of; take in; take off; take on; take possession of; take up; toil and moil; trap; undertake; use; utilise; utilize; yearn
toucher start; take upon oneself; undertake acquire; affect; be adjacent to; bear; begin; border; border on; cash; cause emotions; collect money; come by; commence; concern; earn; earn wages; feel; gain; get over; glance; grope; hit; impress; influence; just touch; meet; move; obtain; procure; recover; regard; relate to; revive; set in motion; set up; start; start to; stir; strike; strike up; tag; take off; take on; tap; tick; touch; touch upon; undertake; verge on
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- undertake

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