
Traducciones detalladas de unimpaired de inglés a francés


Translation Matrix for unimpaired:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
calme calm; calmness; composure; conciseness; equability; equanimity; evenness of temper; imperturbability; inner calm; inner peace; matter of factness; objectivity; peace; peace of mind; peace-time; quiet; quietness; regularity; serenity; silence; state of peace; tranquility; tranquillity; tranquillity of mind
complet costume; suit; tailor-made suit
froid air of distance; chilliness; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; detachment
naturel native; simplicity; unaffectedness; unconstraint
objectif aim; dedication; design; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; idea; intention; mark; object; objective; scheme; target
vierge Virgo; maiden; virgin
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
complet intact; undamaged; unimpaired actually; booked up; certainly; complete; completely; definitely; entire; factually; flawless; full; fully; fully booked; fully-qualified; genuinely; indeed; integral; integrant; perfect; plenary; proficient; really; sold out; surely; thorough; total; truthfully; utter; utterly; whole
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
entier integer
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
calme unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched calm; calmly; collected; composed; cool; equanimous; freely; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; resigned; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; undisturbed; unemotional; uneventful; unhindered; uninterrupted
calmement unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched calm; collected; composed; cool; equanimous; freely; leisurely; placid; quietly; undisturbed; unhindered; uninterrupted
dans toute sa force unimpaired; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin
en bon état intact; undamaged; unimpaired
en entier unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched fresh; in full; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused
en paix unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched freely; undisturbed; unhindered; uninterrupted
entier intact; undamaged; unimpaired; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin actually; all; all of it; certainly; complete; completely; crackfree; definitely; entire; entirely; everything; factually; fresh; fully; genuinely; indeed; integral; really; surely; total; truthfully; unbroached; unharmed; unopened; untouched; unused; utter; utterly; whole
frigide unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched frigid
froid unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched abrasive; aloof; as hard as a nails; as hard as nails; as hard as rock; bleak; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; cool; coolly; dispassionate; distant; emotionless; fearless; fresh; groundless; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; in an unresponsive way; indifferent; insensitive; intrepid; iron-hard; little fresh; rock-hard; somewhat cold; soulless; stone-hard; unbroached; uncaring; unfeeling; unfounded; unopened; untouched; unused
froidement unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched aloof; bleak; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; coldly; cool; coolly; distant; fearless; in an unresponsive way; intrepid; somewhat cold
impassible unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin against the grain; calm; cantankerous; carefree; careless; collected; composed; cool; crabbed; crusty; dispassionate; dry-eyed; easy; emotionless; equanimous; fearless; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; freely; fresh; gruff; grumpy; hard-hearted; heartless; immovable; impassive; indifferent; inflexible; insensitive; intrepid; light-spirited; lighthearted; nagging; obstinate; petrified; placid; recalcitrant; rigid; set; soulless; star; stern; stiff; stolid; straight-backed; stubborn; sullen; super cooled; surly; unaffected; unbending; unbroached; uncaring; unconcerned; undisturbed; unemotional; unfeeling; unhindered; uninterrupted; unmoved; unopened; untouched; unused
inaltéré intact; unaffected; undamaged; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin fresh; maidenly; pure; unbroached; unharmed; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused; virginal
insensible unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched abrasive; as hard as a nails; callous; dispassionate; emotionless; fresh; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; imperceptible; indifferent; insensible; insensitive; iron-hard; numb; soulless; stone-hard; unbroached; uncaring; unfeeling; unnoticeable; unopened; untouched; unused
intact intact; unaffected; undamaged; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin chaste; fresh; immaculate; impeccable; maidenly; pristine; pure; spotless; unabbreviated; unabridged; unbroached; uncut; undamaged; unharmed; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused; virginal
intacte undamaged; unimpaired fresh; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused
intégral unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched all; all of it; complete; entire; entirely; everything; flawless; fresh; integral; integrant; perfect; unabbreviated; unabridged; unbroached; uncut; unopened; untouched; unused
naturel unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched apparently; autochthonal; domestic; easily; easy; effortless; free; freely; fresh; inborn; indeed; indigenous; innate; native; natural; naturally; not difficult; not hard; obviously; of course; simple; to be sure; unaffected; unbroached; uncomplicated; unopened; untouched; unused; without doubt
non corrodé unimpaired; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin
non endommagé intact; undamaged; unimpaired
non entamé intact; undamaged; unimpaired fresh; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused
objectif unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched impartial; neutral; objective; unbiased; undenominational
objectivement unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched impartial; neutral; objective; unbiased
pur unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin absolute; chaste; clean as a whistle; clear; downright; fresh; genuine; immaculate; impeccable; maidenly; natural; pristine; pure; real; spotless; straight; unadulterated; unbroached; unmixed; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused; virginal
rationnel unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched annotated; businesslike; cool; rational; sensible; well-reasoned
rationnellement unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched businesslike; cool; rational
sans être dérangé unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched freely; undisturbed; unhindered; uninterrupted
spontané unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched fresh; natural; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused
tranquille unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched calm; calmly; carefree; careless; collected; composed; cool; easy; equanimous; freely; in peace; in silence; light-spirited; lighthearted; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; soundless; still; tacit; toneless; tranquil; unconcerned; undisturbed; unemotional; uneventful; unhindered; uninterrupted
vierge unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; unspoiled; untouched; unweakened; virgin blanc; blank; empty; fresh; maidenly; pristine; pure; unbroached; uncultivated; undeveloped; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused; unwritten; virgin; virginal
virginal unaffected; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched fresh; maidenly; pristine; pure; unbroached; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused; virginal

Sinónimos de "unimpaired":

Antónimos de "unimpaired":

  • impaired

Definiciones relacionadas de "unimpaired":

  1. not damaged or diminished in any respect1
    • his speech remained unimpaired1

Traducciones automáticas externas: