Noun | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
amount; sum; sum of money; sum total; total amount
Adjective | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
astir; improving; upward
Adverb | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
upward; upwardly; upwards
Preposition | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
Other | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
from; of
from; of
at; from; of
Modifier | Traducciones relacionadas | Other Translations |
animated; up; vibrant
active; actively; amusing; animated; attentive; blatant; boisterous; bright; brisk; buoyant; busily; busily engaged; bustling; busy; cheerful; clamorous; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; dynamic; eager; eagre; enchanted; energetic; engaged; enthusiastic; festive; fidgety; full of joy; funny; gay; happy; hard-working; high-spirited; humming; impassioned; industrious; industriously; inspired; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; loud; merry; mystified; neat; noisy; occupied; operative; passionate; pleasant; reliable; restless; safe; spell bound; spirited; sprightly; sunny; tidy; tied up; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant; vigorous; working
at; in; on; onto; to; up; upon
after; after that; afterwards; behind; further; here after; later; later on; later than; next; over; passed; shortly after; subsequently; then
skyward; up; upward; upwards
by degree; gradual; progressive; rising up; upstairs; upward
at; in; on; to; up; upon
above; close; close by; close to; near; nearby; on top; over
avec animation
animated; up; vibrant
brisk; buoyant; busily engaged; bustling; busy; cheerful; engaged; full of joy; gay; happy; high-spirited; jolly; lively; merry; occupied; sprightly; tied up; upbeat
avec enjouement
animated; up; vibrant
brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; delighted; felicitous; full of joy; gay; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; high-spirited; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; lively; merry; pleased; satisfied; sprightly; upbeat
avec vivacité
animated; up; vibrant
active; brisk; buoyant; busily engaged; bustling; busy; cheerful; dynamic; energetic; engaged; full of joy; gay; happy; high-spirited; jolly; lively; merry; occupied; sprightly; tied up; upbeat
at; in; on; to; up; upon
at; at which time; during; in; in the course of; inside; within
at; in; on; onto; to; up; upon
ever since; from; in; of; off; on the side of; out
at; in; on; to; up; upon
above; on top; over
at; in; on; onto; to; up; upon
about that; at; from it; in; of it; of this; to; to that; towards
en haut
aloft; skyward; up; upward; upwards
above; above mentioned; aforementioned; aforesaid; as mentioned above; at the head; at the top; exemplary; first-class; first-rate; mentioned above; on top; over; perfect; rising up; top-class; tops; upstairs; upward
en montant
skyward; up; upward; upwards
at; in; on; to; up; upon
at that place; over there; that way; there
aloft; up; upwards
climbing; going up; increasing; mounting; on the increase; rising; rising up; uphill; upstairs; upward
qui parle en gesticulant
animated; up; vibrant
at; in; on; onto; to; up; upon
sourish; tasting sourishly
vers le haut
aloft; skyward; up; upward; upwards
rising up; upstairs; upward
at; in; on; to; up; upon
after it; at that place; in it; in there; on it; on that; there; to; to it; to that; towards; towards it
at; in; on; onto; to; up; upon
against; at; for; in; on it; on that; to; towards
à côté de
at; in; on; to; up; upon
adjacent to it; alongside; aside; beside; beside it; next to; next to it; sideways