
Traducciones detalladas de followers de inglés a neerlandés


followers [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the followers (supporters; fans)
    de fans; de aanhang; de volgers; de supporters
  2. the followers (disciples)
    de volgelingen; de discipelen

Translation Matrix for followers:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aanhang fans; followers; supporters
discipelen disciples; followers
fans fans; followers; supporters
supporters fans; followers; supporters
volgelingen disciples; followers
volgers fans; followers; supporters
- following

Palabras relacionadas con "followers":

Sinónimos de "followers":

Definiciones relacionadas de "followers":

  1. a group of followers or enthusiasts1

Wiktionary: followers

  1. een groep die volgt, die er achteraan of later komt


follower [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the follower (disciple; shadower; imitator; pupil)
    de aanhanger; de volgeling; de discipel; de navolger; de volger
  2. the follower (apprentice; pupil; trainee; )
    het maatje; jongmaat; leerknecht; de pupil
  3. the follower (disciple)
    de volgelinge
  4. the follower (hanger-on)
  5. the follower (imitator; forger; copycat)
    nabootser; de imitator; de namaker; de vervalser
  6. the follower (imitator)
    de navolger; de imitator; nabootser

Translation Matrix for follower:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aanhanger disciple; follower; imitator; pupil; shadower fan; four wheel trailer; rooter; second carriage; supporter; trailer wagon
discipel disciple; follower; imitator; pupil; shadower
imitator copycat; follower; forger; imitator
jongmaat apprentice; disciple; follower; pupil; student; teacher-trainee; trainee; trainee-teacher
leerknecht apprentice; disciple; follower; pupil; student; teacher-trainee; trainee; trainee-teacher
maatje apprentice; disciple; follower; pupil; student; teacher-trainee; trainee; trainee-teacher best friend; bosom friend; buddy; business associate; chum; close friend; companion; comrade; confidante; fellow; friend; mate; matie; matties herring; pal; partner; young herring
meeloopster follower; hanger-on
nabootser copycat; follower; forger; imitator
namaker copycat; follower; forger; imitator
navolger disciple; follower; imitator; pupil; shadower
pupil apprentice; disciple; follower; pupil; student; teacher-trainee; trainee; trainee-teacher pupil; ward
vervalser copycat; follower; forger; imitator
volgeling disciple; follower; imitator; pupil; shadower
volgelinge disciple; follower
volger disciple; follower; imitator; pupil; shadower

Palabras relacionadas con "follower":

Sinónimos de "follower":

Antónimos de "follower":

Definiciones relacionadas de "follower":

  1. a person who accepts the leadership of another1
  2. someone who travels behind or pursues another1

Wiktionary: follower

  1. imitator
  2. one who adheres to the opinions, ideas or teachings of another
  3. one who is a part of a masther's physical group, such as a servant or retainer
  4. thing that comes after another thing
  5. one who follows
  1. iemand die een -vaak godsdienstig- leider volgt

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