
Traducciones detalladas de gladness de inglés a neerlandés



  1. gladness

gladness [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the gladness (happiness; pleasure; joyfulness; )
    het plezier; de vreugde; de jolijt; de pret

Translation Matrix for gladness:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
blijdschap banter; cheerfulness; revelry; waggery
jolijt gladness; glee; happiness; joy; joyfulness; merriment; mirth; pleasure carousing; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; revelry; roistering; silliness
plezier gladness; glee; happiness; joy; joyfulness; merriment; mirth; pleasure amusement; banter; carousing; cheerfulness; delight; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; lust; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; passion; pleasure; revelry; roistering; silliness; waggery
pret gladness; glee; happiness; joy; joyfulness; merriment; mirth; pleasure amusement; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; lust; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; passion; pleasure; silliness
vreugde gladness; glee; happiness; joy; joyfulness; merriment; mirth; pleasure banter; cheerfulness; revelry; waggery
- gladfulness; gladsomeness
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
blijdschap gladness

Palabras relacionadas con "gladness":

Sinónimos de "gladness":

Definiciones relacionadas de "gladness":

  1. experiencing joy and pleasure1

Wiktionary: gladness

Cross Translation:
gladness vreugde Freudepositives Gefühl
gladness blijdschap; blijheid; verheugenis; verheuging; vreugde allégressejoie qui se manifester au dehors.
gladness vrolijkheid; geluk; blijdschap; blijheid; verheugenis; verheuging; vreugde joiesentiment de bonheur, de satisfaction vive et intense qui vient du plaisir que l'on a à agir, à accomplir non pas une tâche répétitif, mais de contribuer à un certain progrès qui est empreint d'un caractère spirituel philosophique, scientifique, religieux ou esthétique.


Translation Matrix for glad:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- gladiola; gladiolus; sword lily
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
verheugd brighten; charm; cheer; delight; enchant; fascinate; gladden; make happy; ravish
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
blij delighted; gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied amusing; animated; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; full of joy; funny; gay; happy; high-spirited; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant
blijmoedig gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied amusing; animated; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; felicitous; festive; full of joy; funny; gay; happy; high-spirited; in good spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant
opgetogen gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied amusing; animated; as pleased as punch; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; full of joy; funny; gay; happy; high-spirited; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant
opgewekt gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied amusing; animated; as pleased as punch; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; felicitous; festive; full of joy; funny; gay; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; high-spirited; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant
verblijd delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
verheugd delighted; glad; happy; pleased; satisfied
vrolijk gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied amusing; animated; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; full of joy; funny; gay; happy; high-spirited; jolly; joyful; joyous; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant
- beaming; happy
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
blijgestemd gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied

Palabras relacionadas con "glad":

Sinónimos de "glad":

Antónimos de "glad":

Definiciones relacionadas de "glad":

  1. cheerful and bright1
    • a glad May morning1
  2. feeling happy appreciation1
    • glad of the fire's warmth1
  3. showing or causing joy and pleasure; especially made happy1
    • glad you are here1
    • glad that they succeeded1
    • gave a glad shout1
    • a glad smile1
    • heard the glad news1
    • a glad occasion1
  4. eagerly disposed to act or to be of service1
    • glad to help1
  5. any of numerous plants of the genus Gladiolus native chiefly to tropical and South Africa having sword-shaped leaves and one-sided spikes of brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers; widely cultivated1

Wiktionary: glad

  1. pleased, happy, satisfied
  1. vrolijk van stemming
  2. eng: glad, pleased, happy, satisfied

Cross Translation:
glad blij; verblijd; verheugd; blijgeestig; joviaal; lustig; monter; vrolijk joyeux — Qui a de la joie, qui remplir de joie.

Traducciones automáticas externas: