
Traducciones detalladas de separation de inglés a neerlandés


separation [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the separation (segregation; divorce; division; partition)
    de segregatie; de scheiding; de verbreking
  2. the separation (secretion; insulation; isolation)
    de afscheiding; de isolering; de afzondering

Translation Matrix for separation:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
afscheiding insulation; isolation; secretion; separation dividing wall; fence; fencing; partition; religious conflict; rupture; schism; seperation; septum; splitting off
afzondering insulation; isolation; secretion; separation
isolering insulation; isolation; secretion; separation
scheiding division; divorce; partition; segregation; separation
segregatie division; divorce; partition; segregation; separation
verbreking division; divorce; partition; segregation; separation interference; interruption; intervention; meddling; severance
- breakup; detachment; interval; legal separation
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- distinction

Palabras relacionadas con "separation":

Sinónimos de "separation":

Antónimos de "separation":

Definiciones relacionadas de "separation":

  1. the act of dividing or disconnecting1
  2. the social act of separating or parting company1
    • the separation of church and state1
  3. (law) the cessation of cohabitation of man and wife (either by mutual agreement or under a court order)1
  4. sorting one thing from others1
    • the separation of wheat from chaff1
    • the separation of mail by postal zones1
  5. the distance between things1
    • fragile items require separation and cushioning1
  6. the termination of employment (by resignation or dismissal)1
  7. coming apart1
  8. the space where a division or parting occurs1
    • he hid in the separation between walls1
  9. the state of lacking unity1

Wiktionary: separation

  1. act of disuniting two or more things
  1. wat afgescheiden wordt, wat uiteen gaat
  2. het afzonderen
  3. het uiteenhalen van iets in zijn onderdelen
  4. de lijn aan weerszijden waarvan haar naar de ene of de andere kant valt

separation forma de separate:

to separate verbo (separates, separated, separating)

  1. to separate (split; differentiate; tear off)
    scheiden; afscheiden; splitsen; afzonderen; separeren; afsplitsen
    • scheiden verbo (scheid, scheidt, scheidde, scheidden, gescheiden)
    • afscheiden verbo (scheid af, scheidt af, scheidde af, scheidden af, afgescheiden)
    • splitsen verbo (splits, splitst, splitsde, splitsden, gesplitst)
    • afzonderen verbo (zonder af, zondert af, zonderde af, zonderden af, afgezonderd)
    • separeren verbo (separeer, separeert, separeerde, separeerden, gesepareerd)
    • afsplitsen verbo (splits af, splitst af, splitste af, splitsten af, afgesplitst)
  2. to separate (split up; break up; go separate ways; part)
    uit elkaar gaan; scheiden; uiteengaan; van elkaar gaan
    • uit elkaar gaan verbo (ga uit elkaar, gaat uit elkaar, ging uit elkaar, gingen uit elkaar, uit elkaar gegaan)
    • scheiden verbo (scheid, scheidt, scheidde, scheidden, gescheiden)
    • uiteengaan verbo (ga uiteen, gaat uiteen, ging uiteen, gingen uiteen, uiteengegaan)
    • van elkaar gaan verbo (ga van elkaar, gaat van elkaar, ging van elkaar, gingen van elkaar, gingen van elkaat)
  3. to separate (dissociate from; isolate; place apart)
    afscheiden; afzonderen; isoleren; afsplitsen
    • afscheiden verbo (scheid af, scheidt af, scheidde af, scheidden af, afgescheiden)
    • afzonderen verbo (zonder af, zondert af, zonderde af, zonderden af, afgezonderd)
    • isoleren verbo (isoleer, isoleert, isoleerde, isoleerden, geïsoleerd)
    • afsplitsen verbo (splits af, splitst af, splitste af, splitsten af, afgesplitst)
  4. to separate (cleave; divide; split; )
    splitsen; scheiden; uitsplitsen; uiteengaan; loskoppelen; uit elkaar halen
    • splitsen verbo (splits, splitst, splitsde, splitsden, gesplitst)
    • scheiden verbo (scheid, scheidt, scheidde, scheidden, gescheiden)
    • uitsplitsen verbo (splits uit, splitst uit, splitste uit, splitsten uit, uitgesplitst)
    • uiteengaan verbo (ga uiteen, gaat uiteen, ging uiteen, gingen uiteen, uiteengegaan)
    • loskoppelen verbo (koppel los, koppelt los, koppelde los, koppelden los, losgekoppeld)
    • uit elkaar halen verbo (haal uit elkaar, haalt uit elkaar, haalde uit elkaar, haalden uit elkaar, uit elkaar gehaald)
  5. to separate
    scheiden; splitsen; uit elkaar halen; uiteenhalen
    • scheiden verbo (scheid, scheidt, scheidde, scheidden, gescheiden)
    • splitsen verbo (splits, splitst, splitsde, splitsden, gesplitst)
    • uit elkaar halen verbo (haal uit elkaar, haalt uit elkaar, haalde uit elkaar, haalden uit elkaar, uit elkaar gehaald)
    • uiteenhalen verbo (haal uiteen, haalt uiteen, haalde uiteen, haalden uiteen, uiteengehaald)
  6. to separate (seclude; set apart)
    afzonderen; isoleren; apart zetten
    • afzonderen verbo (zonder af, zondert af, zonderde af, zonderden af, afgezonderd)
    • isoleren verbo (isoleer, isoleert, isoleerde, isoleerden, geïsoleerd)
    • apart zetten verbo
  7. to separate (cut up in pieces; split; divide; fritter away; cut up)
    hakken; in stukken hakken
    • hakken verbo (hak, hakt, hakte, hakten, gehakt)
    • in stukken hakken verbo (hak in stukken, hakt in stukken, hakte in stukken, hakten in stukken, in stukken gehakt)
  8. to separate (split up; itemize; itemise)
    – separate into parts or portions 1
    splitsen; delen; opsplitsen; opdelen
    • splitsen verbo (splits, splitst, splitsde, splitsden, gesplitst)
    • delen verbo (deel, deelt, deelde, deelden, gedeeld)
    • opsplitsen verbo (splits op, splitst op, splitste op, splitsten op, opgesplitst)
    • opdelen verbo (deel op, deelt op, deelde op, deelden op, opgedeeld)

Conjugaciones de separate:

  1. separate
  2. separate
  3. separates
  4. separate
  5. separate
  6. separate
simple past
  1. separated
  2. separated
  3. separated
  4. separated
  5. separated
  6. separated
present perfect
  1. have separated
  2. have separated
  3. has separated
  4. have separated
  5. have separated
  6. have separated
past continuous
  1. was separating
  2. were separating
  3. was separating
  4. were separating
  5. were separating
  6. were separating
  1. shall separate
  2. will separate
  3. will separate
  4. shall separate
  5. will separate
  6. will separate
continuous present
  1. am separating
  2. are separating
  3. is separating
  4. are separating
  5. are separating
  6. are separating
  1. be separated
  2. be separated
  3. be separated
  4. be separated
  5. be separated
  6. be separated
  1. separate!
  2. let's separate!
  3. separated
  4. separating
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for separate:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
afsplitsen split
delen parts; pieces; portions; segments; shares
hakken heels
loskoppelen disconnect
uiteengaan dispersing; separating
- offprint; reprint
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
afscheiden differentiate; dissociate from; isolate; place apart; separate; split; tear off discharge; disgorge; drain; empty; expel; remove
afsplitsen differentiate; dissociate from; isolate; place apart; separate; split; tear off split off; strip off
afzonderen differentiate; dissociate from; isolate; place apart; seclude; separate; set apart; split; tear off remove; secluding
apart zetten seclude; separate; set apart
delen itemise; itemize; separate; split up share
hakken cut up; cut up in pieces; divide; fritter away; separate; split chip; chop; chop down; cut down; cut fine; fell; mince
in stukken hakken cut up; cut up in pieces; divide; fritter away; separate; split
isoleren dissociate from; isolate; place apart; seclude; separate; set apart detain; isolate; make cold-resistant
loskoppelen cleave; crack; divide; divorce; part; separate; sever; split detach; undock
opdelen itemise; itemize; separate; split up
opsplitsen itemise; itemize; separate; split up
scheiden break up; cleave; crack; differentiate; divide; divorce; go separate ways; part; separate; sever; split; split up; tear off divorce; loosen; release; set free; unlace; untie; work loose
separeren differentiate; separate; split; tear off
splitsen cleave; crack; differentiate; divide; divorce; itemise; itemize; part; separate; sever; split; split up; tear off chop; chop into small pieces; chop up; cleave; crack; split; split open; splitting
uit elkaar gaan break up; go separate ways; part; separate; split up break up; divorce
uit elkaar halen cleave; crack; divide; divorce; part; separate; sever; split break down; break up; clear away; clear up; demolish; destroy; disentangle; dismantle; drag down; get down; pull down; remove; solve; strip down; take apart a machine; take down; tear down; tear loose; unbutton; unharness; unravel; unriddle; unrig; untie; wreck
uiteengaan break up; cleave; crack; divide; divorce; go separate ways; part; separate; sever; split; split up
uiteenhalen separate
uitsplitsen cleave; crack; divide; divorce; part; separate; sever; split
van elkaar gaan break up; go separate ways; part; separate; split up
- assort; branch; break; break up; carve up; class; classify; come apart; differentiate; discriminate; dissever; distinguish; disunite; divide; fall apart; fork; furcate; part; ramify; secern; secernate; severalise; severalize; single out; sort; sort out; split; split up; tell; tell apart
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
afzonderlijk apart; aside; distinctive; free-standing; isolated; on its own; particular; separate; solo discrete; distinct
alleenstaand apart; free-standing; isolated; on its own; separate; solo bachelor; single; spinster; unattached
apart apart; aside; distinctive; exclusive; exquisite; free-standing; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; particular; separate; sole; solo; special; the one and only; unique; unparalleled apart; bizarre; curious; different; discrete; distinct; eccentric; exceptional; exotic; foreign; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; outlandish; peculiar; unusual
besloten personal; private; separate
bijzonder exclusive; exquisite; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; separate; sole; special; the one and only; unique; unparalleled bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceedingly; exceptional; exceptionally; extraordinarily; extremely; freak; greatly; highly; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; particular; peculiar; special; ultra; unusual
enig exclusive; exquisite; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; separate; sole; special; the one and only; unique; unparalleled a few; a little; adorable; cute; dear; enchanting; exclusively; fabulous; fantastic; great; lovely; marvellous; marvelous; some; sweet; wild; wonderful
gescheiden apart; free-standing; isolated; on its own; separate; solo
geïsoleerd free-standing; isolated; on its own; separate
onvergelijkbaar exclusive; exquisite; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; separate; sole; special; the one and only; unique; unparalleled
onvergelijkelijk exclusive; exquisite; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; separate; sole; special; the one and only; unique; unparalleled matchless; peerless; unequaled; unequalled; unheard; unmatched; unparalleled; unprecedented; unrivaled; unrivalled; unsurpassed
privé personal; private; separate
separaat apart; free-standing; isolated; on its own; particular; separate; solo
uniek exclusive; exquisite; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; separate; sole; special; the one and only; unique; unparalleled extraordinary; funny; hardly ever; little; odd; once in a life time; once only; phenomenal; prodigious; rare; rarely; seldom; sole; strange; uncommon; unique
vrijstaand apart; free-standing; isolated; on its own; separate; solo
- disjoined; freestanding
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- detach; keep separate; part; pick; sort out
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
enig in zijn soort exclusive; exquisite; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; separate; sole; special; the one and only; unique; unparalleled
los van elkaar apart; separate
losstaand apart; free-standing; isolated; on its own; separate; solo
op zich apart; free-standing; isolated; on its own; separate; solo
op zichzelf staand apart; free-standing; isolated; on its own; separate; solo

Palabras relacionadas con "separate":

Sinónimos de "separate":

Antónimos de "separate":

Definiciones relacionadas de "separate":

  1. standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything1
    • a house with a separate garage1
  2. have the connection undone; having become separate1
  3. separated according to race, sex, class, or religion1
    • separate but equal1
    • girls and boys in separate classes1
  4. independent; not united or joint1
    • a problem consisting of two separate issues1
    • they went their separate ways1
    • formed a separate church1
  5. a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments1
  6. a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication1
  7. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork1
  8. become separated into pieces or fragments1
  9. mark as different1
  10. arrange or order by classes or categories1
  11. divide into components or constituents1
  12. force, take, or pull apart1
    • He separated the fighting children1
  13. come apart1
    • The two pieces that we had glued separated1
  14. go one's own way; move apart1
    • The friends separated after the party1
  15. make a division or separation1
  16. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways1
    • The couple separated after 25 years of marriage1
  17. separate into parts or portions1
  18. treat differently on the basis of sex or race1
  19. act as a barrier between; stand between1

Wiktionary: separate

  1. apart from; not connected to
  1. disunite something from one thing
  2. cause (things or people) to be separate
  3. divide itself into separate pieces or substances
  1. op zichzelf staand
  1. met een centrifuge scheiden, zuiveren of drogen

Cross Translation:
separate apart separat — getrennt voneinander, getrennt von etwas
separate indelen; verdelen; opsplitsen; delen; afbreken; splitsen diviserséparer en parties, morceler, fractionner.
separate afbreken; delen; splitsen; opsplitsen; verdelen; omzetten; verkopen; debiteren débitervendre d’une façon continue, répéter, surtout au détail.
separate afbreken; delen; splitsen; opsplitsen; verdelen partagerdiviser une chose en plusieurs parties séparer, pour en faire la distribution.
separate afzonderen; scheiden; afscheiden; schiften séparerdésunir des parties d’un même tout qui étaient joindre.
separate sorteren; selecteren; afzonderen; scheiden; afscheiden; schiften trierséparer ce que l'on souhaite garder et ce que l'on souhaite jeter.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de separation