
Traducciones detalladas de totally de inglés a neerlandés


Translation Matrix for totally:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
vierkant quadrangle; quadrilateral
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
faliekant absolutely; awfully; completely; fully; outright; terribly; totally; utter; utterly
finaal absolutely; awfully; completely; fully; outright; terribly; totally; utter; utterly closing; final; hindmost; last
vierkant absolutely; awfully; completely; fully; outright; terribly; totally; utter; utterly
volstrekt absolutely; awfully; completely; fully; outright; terribly; totally; utter; utterly absolute; absolutely; certain; certainly; definitely; final; indisputable; positive; sure; unconditional; undoubted
AdverbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
hartstikke absolutely; awfully; completely; fully; outright; terribly; totally; utter; utterly
helemaal absolutely; awfully; completely; fully; outright; terribly; totally; utter; utterly complete; completely; consummate; deep; fully; in depth; integral; penetrating; perfect; profound; thorough; total; utter; utterly
- all; altogether; completely; entirely; whole; wholly
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- clean

Palabras relacionadas con "totally":

Sinónimos de "totally":

Antónimos de "totally":

Definiciones relacionadas de "totally":

  1. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')1
    • a totally new situation1

Wiktionary: totally

  1. In a total manner; completely
  1. alles bij elkaar

totally forma de total:

total verbo

  1. total (to make complete; replenish; add; fill up; count up)
    toevoegen; aanvullen; completeren; voltallig maken
    • toevoegen verbo (voeg toe, voegt toe, voegde toe, voegden toe, toegevoegd)
    • aanvullen verbo (vul aan, vult aan, vulde aan, vulden aan, aangevuld)
    • completeren verbo (completeer, completeert, completeerde, completeerden, gecompleteerd)
  2. total (add; count up; tally up)
    optellen; bijtellen; erbij tellen; bijrekenen
    • optellen verbo (tel op, telt op, telde op, telden op, opgeteld)
    • bijtellen verbo (tel bij, telt bij, telde bij, telden bij, bijgeteld)
    • erbij tellen verbo (tel erbij, telt erbij, telde erbij, telden erbij, erbij geteld)
    • bijrekenen verbo (reken bij, rekent bij, rekende bij, rekenden bij, bijgerekend)

Translation Matrix for total:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aanvullen filling up; stuffing
toevoegen adding up; joining up
totaal completeness; fullness
- aggregate; amount; sum; totality
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
aanvullen add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total
bijrekenen add; count up; tally up; total
bijtellen add; count up; tally up; total
completeren add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total accomplish; better; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; finnish; get done; get ready; improve; make better; perfect; round off; wind up
erbij tellen add; count up; tally up; total add up; count in; include
optellen add; count up; tally up; total foot
toevoegen add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total add; add to; add up; append; attach; besiege; besieged; besieges; count in; cover; encapsulate; enclose; evnvelope; include; join; surround; wrap up
voltallig maken add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total
- add up; amount; come; number
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
compleet complete; completely; fully; integral; total; utter; utterly complete; entire
totaal complete; completely; fully; integral; total; utter; utterly consummate; deep; in depth; penetrating; perfect; profound; thorough
volledig complete; completely; fully; integral; total; utter; utterly complete; entire; full time; integral; integrant
- entire; full
AdverbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
helemaal complete; completely; fully; integral; total; utter; utterly absolutely; awfully; completely; consummate; deep; fully; in depth; outright; penetrating; perfect; profound; terribly; thorough; totally; utter; utterly
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- entire

Palabras relacionadas con "total":

Sinónimos de "total":

Definiciones relacionadas de "total":

  1. constituting the full quantity or extent; complete1
    • a total failure1
  2. complete in extent or degree and in every particular1
    • a total eclipse1
    • a total disaster1
  3. the whole amount1
  4. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers1
  5. damage beyond the point of repair1
    • My son totaled our new car1
    • the rock star totals his guitar at every concert1
  6. add up in number or quantity1

Wiktionary: total

  1. amount
  2. sum
  1. entire
  2. complete
  1. to add up
  2. to equal after calculation
  3. to demolish
  4. (intransitive) to amount to
  1. alle onderdelen tezamen

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totally in totaal 4

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