
Traducciones detalladas de clearing de inglés a sueco


clearing [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the clearing (clearance)
  2. the clearing (clarification; explanation; elucidation; )
  3. the clearing (evacuation)
    utrymning; evakuering
  4. the clearing (information; clarification; enlightenment; explanation)
  5. the clearing (clarification; enlightenment)
    klarna upp


  1. clearing
  2. clearing
  3. clearing
  4. clearing
  5. clearing (felling)
  6. clearing (glade)

Translation Matrix for clearing:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
evakuering clearing; evacuation
information clarification; clearing; enlightenment; explanation; information data; info; information; informing
inklarad clearance; clearing
klarna upp clarification; clearing; enlightenment
uppklarning clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice
utrymning clearing; evacuation
- clarification; glade
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
klarna upp brighten; clarify; clear up; discuss; enlighten; patch up a quarrel; talk out
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avduka clearing
clearing clearing
defekation clearing
hygge clearing; felling
ljusning clearing; glade
uthuggning clearing

Palabras relacionadas con "clearing":

Sinónimos de "clearing":

Definiciones relacionadas de "clearing":

  1. the act of removing solid particles from a liquid1
  2. the act of freeing from suspicion1
  3. a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area1

Wiktionary: clearing

  1. soccer: act of removing the ball from one's own goal area
  2. area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees

Cross Translation:
clearing glänta Lichtung — eine nicht mit Baum bewachsene Fläche in einem Wald
clearing kalhuggning Abholzung — das Fällen aller Bäume eines Waldes


clear adj.

  1. clear (unburdened)
  2. clear (clarifying; distinct)
  3. clear (comprehensible; understandable; intelligible)
  4. clear (understandable; obvious)
    klart; klar
  5. clear
  6. clear (evident; obvious; clarifying; )
  7. clear (cloudless; unclouded)
    molnfritt; klart; klar
  8. clear (unmistakable; recognizable; identifiable; )
  9. clear (distinct; bright; clear-cut; graphic)
    klar; klart; ljus; tydligt; ljust
  10. clear (transparent; translucent; see-through; )
  11. clear (blank; roguish; unmarked; sly)
    fritt; fri
  12. clear (directly)
    tydligt; klart
  13. clear (completed; over; finished; )
  14. clear (colourless; pale; colorless)
  15. clear (ringing; clear sounding)
  16. clear (cheerful; enthusiastic; happy; )

to clear verbo (clears, cleared, clearing)

  1. to clear (free; disengage)
    fria; frigöra; befria; göra fri
    • fria verbo (friar, friade, friat)
    • frigöra verbo (frigör, frigjorde, frigjort)
    • befria verbo (befriar, befriade, befriat)
    • göra fri verbo (gör fri, gjorde fri, gjort fri)
  2. to clear (found innocent)
  3. to clear (clear baggage; enter)
    förtulla bagage
    • förtulla bagage verbo (förtullar bagage, förtullade bagage, förtullat bagage)
  4. to clear (clean; give a good cleaning; wash; remove)
    • rengöra verbo (rengör, rengjorde, rengjort)
  5. to clear (clear the table; empty the table)
    duka av
    • duka av verbo (dukar av, dukade av, dukat av)
  6. to clear (make empty; empty; remove what is inside)
    • tömma verbo (tömmer, tömmde, tömmt)
  7. to clear (evacuate; empty)
    röja upp; röja undan
    • röja upp verbo (röjer upp, röjde upp, röjt upp)
    • röja undan verbo (röjer undan, röjde undan, röjt undan)
  8. to clear (clean out; clean up; tidy up; )
    städa ur
    • städa ur verbo (städar ur, städade ur, städat ur)
  9. to clear (clear out; take out; remove; )
    tömma; rensa ut
    • tömma verbo (tömmer, tömmde, tömmt)
    • rensa ut verbo (rensar ut, rensade ut, rensat ut)
  10. to clear (sell off; sell out)
    sälja ut; sälja av
    • sälja ut verbo (säljer ut, sålde ut, sålt ut)
    • sälja av verbo (säljer av, sålde av, sålt av)
  11. to clear (exonerate; exculpate)
    frikänna; fritaga; rentvå
    • frikänna verbo (frikänner, frikände, frikänt)
    • fritaga verbo (fritager, fritog, fritagit)
    • rentvå verbo (rentvår, rentvådde, rentvått)
  12. to clear
    – To turn a setting off or to remove a value. 2
  13. to clear
    – To collect the funds for a check and pay them to the check holder. When a check clears, the money has been withdrawn from the bank account and paid to the recipient. 2
    • rensa verbo (rensar, rensade, rensat)

Conjugaciones de clear:

  1. clear
  2. clear
  3. clears
  4. clear
  5. clear
  6. clear
simple past
  1. cleared
  2. cleared
  3. cleared
  4. cleared
  5. cleared
  6. cleared
present perfect
  1. have cleared
  2. have cleared
  3. has cleared
  4. have cleared
  5. have cleared
  6. have cleared
past continuous
  1. was clearing
  2. were clearing
  3. was clearing
  4. were clearing
  5. were clearing
  6. were clearing
  1. shall clear
  2. will clear
  3. will clear
  4. shall clear
  5. will clear
  6. will clear
continuous present
  1. am clearing
  2. are clearing
  3. is clearing
  4. are clearing
  5. are clearing
  6. are clearing
  1. be cleared
  2. be cleared
  3. be cleared
  4. be cleared
  5. be cleared
  6. be cleared
  1. clear!
  2. let's clear!
  3. cleared
  4. clearing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for clear:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bana avenue; career; course; distance; journey; path; reach; road; round; small circle; stretch; track; trail; way
klarhet brightness; clarity; clearness; intelligibility; limpidity; lucidity; luminosity; perspicuity
ljus candle; lights; wax candle
munter high spirits
rensa clean-up; clearing away
- open
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
befria clear; disengage; free grant an amnesty; let free; let go; liberate; loosen; release; relieve; rid of; set at liberty; set free; unlace; untie; work loose
duka av clear; clear the table; empty the table clear away
fria clear; disengage; free lay before; propose; propound
frigöra clear; disengage; free deallocate; grant an amnesty; let go; liberate; release; set at liberty; set free
frikänna clear; exculpate; exonerate
fritaga clear; exculpate; exonerate
förklarad oskylig clear; found innocent
förtulla bagage clear; clear baggage; enter
göra fri clear; disengage; free
rengöra clean; clear; give a good cleaning; remove; wash clean; clean up; clear away; put away; rinse; tidy up; wash
rensa clear chasten; clean; clear away; empty; ennoble; groom; gut; purify; put away; ransack; refine; strip bare; sweep; tidy up
rensa ut clean out; clear; clear out; drain; empty; finish; remove; take out clean out; fleece; strip; take someone to the cleaner's
rentvå clear; exculpate; exonerate
röja undan clear; empty; evacuate put away; stow away
röja upp clear; empty; evacuate put away; stow away
städa ur clean out; clean up; clear; clear out; empty; finish; tidy out; tidy up
sälja av clear; sell off; sell out
sälja ut clear; sell off; sell out
tömma clean out; clear; clear out; drain; empty; finish; make empty; remove; remove what is inside; take out clean out; clear out; discharge; disgorge; drain; dump out; effuse; empty; empty out; expel; fleece; gut; lift out; pour out; pull out; pump dry; pump out; ransack; remove; strip; strip bare; take out; take someone to the cleaner's
- acquit; assoil; authorise; authorize; brighten; bring in; clear up; discharge; earn; exculpate; exonerate; gain; light up; make; net; pass; pull in; realise; realize; sack; sack up; solve; take in; top; unclutter
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
genomskinlig clear; diaphanous; glass-like; glassiness; pellucid; see-through; translucent; transparent; vitreous transparent
- absolved; clean; clean-cut; clear-cut; cleared; decipherable; exculpated; exonerated; light; open; percipient; readable; unclouded; unmortgaged; vindicated; well-defined
AdverbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- all the way; clearly
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avmarkera clear
rensa Clean Up
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avklara clarify; clear
bana clear; make way
blek faint; pale
blekt faint; pale
cleara clear
förtulla clear; clear in the customs; declare; declare in the customs
given clear; given
givet clear; given
klarera arrange; clear
tullbehandla clear; clear in; clear through the Customs
åskådlig clear; lucid
överskådlig clear; lucid
överskådligt clear; lucid
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avbördad clear; unburdened
avbördat clear; unburdened
avlastat clear; unburdened
avslutat accomplished; achieved; clear; completed; concluded; evident; finished; out; over; prepared; ready; ready for use complete; completed; done; finished; off; round; topped off
blek clear; colorless; colourless; pale ashen; drained of colour; pale; white
blekt clear; colorless; colourless; pale ashen; bland; blank; dim; drained of colour; dull; faded; faint; lurid; matt; off colour; pale; pallid; plain; sallow; unmarked; washed out; white
fri blank; clear; roguish; sly; unmarked at liberty; at someone's disposal; available; eased; free; freely; independent; relaxed; released; slackened; unattached; unconstrained; undisciplined; unfettered; ungovernable; uninhibited; unmanageable; unrestrained; unruly; vacant
fritt blank; clear; roguish; sly; unmarked at liberty; at someone's disposal; available; free; freely; independent; unattached; unconstrained; undisciplined; undisturbed; unfettered; ungovernable; unhindered; uninhibited; uninterrupted; unmanageable; unrestrained; unruly; vacant
färdigt accomplished; achieved; clear; completed; concluded; evident; finished; out; over; prepared; ready; ready for use accomplished; achieved; complete; completed; done; finished; over; ready; settled
färglös clear; colorless; colourless; pale colorless; colourless; dull; matt
färglöst clear; colorless; colourless; pale ashen; blank; colorless; colourless; drained of colour; dull; matt; pale; pallid; plain; unmarked; washed out; white
förståeligt clear intelligible
genomlysande clear; diaphanous; glass-like; glassiness; pellucid; see-through; translucent; transparent; vitreous
genomskinligt clear; diaphanous; glass-like; glassiness; pellucid; see-through; translucent; transparent; vitreous
klar bright; clarifying; clear; clear-cut; cloudless; comprehensible; distinct; graphic; intelligible; obvious; unburdened; unclouded; understandable blunt; bright; cheerful; clear-headed; clear-thinking; colorful; colourful; crude; explicit; florid; frank; lucid; luminous; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; prepared; ready; ready for use; square; straight; straightforward
klargjord clarifying; clear; distinct clarified; enlightened
klargjort clarifying; clear; distinct clarified; enlightened
klarhet clear; clear sounding; ringing
klarnat clarifying; clear; distinct
klart bright; clarifying; clear; clear-cut; cloudless; directly; distinct; graphic; obvious; unburdened; unclouded; understandable blunt; bright; cheerful; clear-headed; clear-thinking; colorful; colourful; crude; explicit; florid; frank; lucid; luminous; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; prepared; ready; ready for use; square; straight; straightforward
ljus bright; clear; clear-cut; distinct; graphic light; not dark
ljust bright; clear; clear-cut; distinct; graphic light; not dark
lättad clear; unburdened relieved
lättat clear; unburdened
molnfritt clear; cloudless; unclouded
munter amusing; animated; attentive; bright; buoyant; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; funny; gay; happy; jolly; joyful; joyous; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; vibrant boy-like; boyish; cheerful; felicitous; gay; happy; in good spirits; joyful; mischievous; naughty; playful; rascally; waggish
muntert amusing; animated; attentive; bright; buoyant; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; funny; gay; happy; jolly; joyful; joyous; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; vibrant as pleased as punch; boy-like; boyish; cheerful; felicitous; gay; happy; in good spirits; in high spirits; joyful; mischievous; naughty; playful; rascally; waggish
ofelbart clear; discernible; identifiable; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; unambiguous; unequivocal; unmistakable blameless; correct; faultless; flawless; impeccable; infallible; perfect
ofärgat clear; colorless; colourless; pale
otvekbart clear; discernible; identifiable; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; unambiguous; unequivocal; unmistakable
otvetydig clear; discernible; identifiable; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; unambiguous; unequivocal; unmistakable
otvetydigt clear; discernible; identifiable; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; unambiguous; unequivocal; unmistakable
tydlig clear obviously
tydligt bright; clear; clear-cut; directly; distinct; graphic audible; blunt; crude; discernible; explicit; frank; identifiable; luminous; noticeable; openly; outspoken; overt; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; plain; recognisable; recognizable; square; straight; straightforward; tangible; visible
uppenbar as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; discernible; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; identifiable; luminous; manifest; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; transparent; unambiguous; unequivocal; unmistakable
uppenbart as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; discernible; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; identifiable; luminous; manifest; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; transparent; unambiguous; unburdened; unequivocal; unmistakable audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; obviously; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible

Palabras relacionadas con "clear":

Sinónimos de "clear":

Antónimos de "clear":

Definiciones relacionadas de "clear":

  1. readily apparent to the mind1
    • a clear and present danger1
    • a clear explanation1
    • a clear case of murder1
    • a clear indication that she was angry1
    • gave us a clear idea of human nature1
  2. allowing light to pass through1
    • clear water1
    • clear plastic bags1
    • clear glass1
    • the air is clear and clean1
  3. free from confusion or doubt1
    • a complex problem requiring a clear head1
    • not clear about what is expected of us1
  4. free from clouds or mist or haze1
    • on a clear day1
  5. accurately stated or described1
  6. characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving1
    • clear mind1
  7. clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible1
    • as clear as a whistle1
    • clear footprints in the snow1
    • the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather1
  8. (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law1
    • I have clear title to this property1
  9. free from contact or proximity or connection1
    • we were clear of the danger1
    • the ship was clear of the reef1
  10. freed from any question of guilt1
    • was now clear of the charge of cowardice1
  11. easily deciphered1
  12. clear of charges or deductions1
    • a clear profit1
  13. affording free passage or view1
    • a clear view1
    • a clear path to victory1
  14. free from flaw or blemish or impurity1
    • a clear perfect diamond1
    • the clear complexion of a healthy young woman1
  15. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims1
    • clear laughter like a waterfall1
    • clear reds and blues1
  16. free of restrictions or qualifications1
    • a clear winner1
  17. characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt)1
    • a clear conscience1
    • regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes1
  18. in an easily perceptible manner1
    • She cried loud and clear1
  19. completely1
    • read the book clear to the end1
    • slept clear through the night1
    • there were open fields clear to the horizon1
  20. a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water1
  21. the state of being free of suspicion1
    • investigation showed that he was in the clear1
  22. free (the throat) by making a rasping sound1
  23. rid of obstructions1
  24. remove1
    • clear the leaves from the lawn1
  25. make a way or path by removing objects1
  26. remove the occupants of1
  27. remove (people) from a building1
    • clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat1
  28. rid of instructions or data1
    • clear a memory buffer1
  29. make clear, bright, light, or translucent1
    • The water had to be cleared through filtering1
  30. settle, as of a debt1
    • clear a debt1
  31. grant authorization or clearance for1
  32. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges1
    • The suspect was cleared of the murder charges1
  33. pass an inspection or receive authorization1
    • clear customs1
  34. pass by, over, or under without making contact1
    • the balloon cleared the tree tops1
  35. go away or disappear1
    • The fog cleared in the afternoon1
  36. sell1
    • We cleared a lot of the old model cars1
  37. be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts1
    • The check will clear within 2 business days1
  38. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages1
    • He clears $5,000 each month1
  39. make as a net profit1
    • The company cleared $1 million1
  40. yield as a net profit1
  41. clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.1
    • clear the water before it can be drunk1
  42. free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment1
  43. go unchallenged; be approved1
    • The bill cleared the House1
  44. become clear1
  45. To turn a setting off or to remove a value.2
  46. To collect the funds for a check and pay them to the check holder. When a check clears, the money has been withdrawn from the bank account and paid to the recipient.2
  47. When Windows Disk Protection is enabled, to erase or empty the cache file on the hard disk when a user logs off or the computer is restarted.2

Wiktionary: clear

  1. sport: to defend by moving the ball away from the defending goal
  2. to go through as payment
  3. to become clear
  4. to remove from suspicion
  5. to eliminate ambiguity or doubt; to clarify
  1. without clouds
  2. bright, not obscured
  3. transparent in colour

Cross Translation:
clear åskådlig anschaulich — allgemein verständlich (z.B. bei Weitergabe von Informationen)
clear rensa upp aufklarenSeeleutesprache: (einen Raum, eine Werkstatt usw.) aufräumen, ordnen
clear tydlig; klar deutlich — wahrnehmbar durch die Sinne
clear evident; uppenbar evidentgehoben: überzeugend, offensichtlich oder klar ersichtlich
clear handgriplig handgreiflich — für die Augen sichtbar, offensichtlich
clear klar klaroffensichtlich
clear klar klarungetrübt
clear klarera klarieren — ein Schiff klar machen zum Auslaufen; etwas am Schiff in Ordnung bringen
clear klara upp; klara ut klärenSport: von drohenden Spielsituationen befreien
clear rena klären — von Schmutz befreien
clear gles licht — dünn bewachsen
clear inner-; inre licht — die innere Ausdehnung von Hohlräumen betreffend
clear befria; betala; infria; frikänna acquitterrendre quitte, libérer des dettes. Il se dit en parlant des personne et des choses.
clear bleka blanchirrendre blanc, couvrir d’une couche blanche.
clear klar; tydlig; ljus clair — Qui a l’éclat du jour, de la lumière.
clear skinna; upptäcka dépouiller — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
clear klar; tydlig limpide — Qui est clair, transparent.
clear öppna ouvrir — Faire que ce qui clore, fermer, ne le être plus.
clear genomskinlig translucide — physique|fr Qualifie un corps qui laisser passer une lumière diffuse, sans permettre de distinguer les objets à travers.
clear tydlig; uppenbar visible — qui est évident
clear påtaglig; uppenbar évident — Dont le sens s’impose naturellement à l’esprit, qui a le caractère de l’évidence.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de clearing