
Traducciones detalladas de heavier de inglés a sueco

heavier forma de heavy:

Translation Matrix for heavy:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
massiv massif; mountain massif
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- big; clayey; cloggy; dense; enceinte; expectant; fleshy; grave; gravid; great; grievous; hard; impenetrable; intemperate; labored; laboured; large; leaden; lowering; lumbering; overweight; ponderous; profound; sonorous; sound; sullen; threatening; wakeless; weighed down; weighty; with child
AdverbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- heavily
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
häftigt violently
kraftigt forcefully; powerfully
svårt seriously
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
besvärlig burdensome; galling; heavy; irksome; oppressing; oppressive aggravating; annoying; bothersome; inconvenient; troublesome; unruly
besvärligt burdensome; galling; heavy; irksome; oppressing; oppressive aggravating; annoying; bothersome; exasperating; inconvenient; irritating; tiresome; troublesome; unruly
betungande burdensome; galling; heavy; irksome; oppressing; oppressive
häftigt heavy; intense; massive; vehement; violent ardent; cool; excessive; exorbitant; fantastic; fervent; fierce; heated; intense; outrageous; passionate; powerful; punish; robust; severe; stiff; strapping; strong; super; vigorous; violent
innerlig fierce; heavy; intense; vehement; violent heart-felt; heartfelt
innerligt fierce; heavy; intense; vehement; violent ardent; confidential; deep; fervent; heart-felt; heartfelt; impassioned; intimate; keen; passionate; private; profound; profoundly
intensiv heavy; intense; massive; vehement; violent acute; ardent; fervent; impassioned; intense; keen; passionate
knubbigt chubby; heavy; plump; squat roly-poly; tubby
kraftigt heavy; intense; massive; vehement; violent big-boned; burly; detailed; drastic; effective; elaborate; emphatic; energetic; energetically; explicit; extensive; fierce; forceful; full of life; heavily built; heavily-built; heavyset; hefty; intense; large-limbed; massive; obese; potent; powerful; robust; severe; stocky; stout; strapping; strong; sturdy; tough; vigorous; violent; vital; voluminous; with emphasis
massiv heavy; intense; massive; vehement; violent bulk; massive; ponderous; wholesale
massivt heavy; intense; massive; vehement; violent bulk; burly; heavily built; massive; ponderous; robust; sturdy; wholesale
mättandet filling; heavy; rich
plump chubby; heavy; plump; squat coarse; commonplace; gross; plump; seedy; unsavory; unsavoury; vulgar
plumpt chubby; heavy; plump; squat coarse; commonplace; gross; plump; seedy; unsavory; unsavoury; vulgar
svår awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; tough critical; difficult; hard; inflexible; problematic; severe; stern; strict; trying
svårt awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; tough complex; complicated; critical; difficult; hard; inflexible; intricate; involved; problematic; punish; rough; severe; stern; stiff; strict; trying
tung burdensome; chubby; filling; galling; heavy; irksome; leaden; plump; ponderous; rich; squat; weighty dense; heavily built; heavyset; massive
tungt burdensome; chubby; filling; galling; heavy; irksome; leaden; plump; ponderous; rich; squat; weighty dense; heavily built; heavyset; massive; ponderous
våldsam heavy; intense; massive; vehement; violent assaulting; boisterousness; fierce; furious; tempestuous; violent
våldsamt heavy; intense; massive; vehement; violent agressive; assaulting; fierce; hard; hard-handed; harsh; intense; offensive; rough; severe; strong; violent

Palabras relacionadas con "heavy":

Sinónimos de "heavy":

Antónimos de "heavy":

Definiciones relacionadas de "heavy":

  1. in an advanced stage of pregnancy1
  2. darkened by clouds1
    • a heavy sky1
  3. (used of soil) compact and fine-grained1
    • the clayey soil was heavy and easily saturated1
  4. (of sleep) deep and complete1
    • a heavy sleep1
  5. lacking lightness or liveliness1
    • heavy humor1
  6. requiring or showing effort1
    • heavy breathing1
  7. usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it1
  8. full of; bearing great weight1
    • trees heavy with fruit1
  9. sharply inclined1
    • a heavy grade1
  10. dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal1
    • a heavy pudding1
  11. of comparatively great physical weight or density1
    • a heavy load1
    • lead is a heavy metal1
    • heavy mahogany furniture1
  12. large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work1
    • a heavy truck1
    • heavy machinery1
  13. marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness1
    • a heavy heart1
    • a heavy schedule1
    • heavy news1
    • a heavy silence1
    • heavy eyelids1
  14. unusually great in degree or quantity or number1
    • heavy taxes1
    • a heavy fine1
    • heavy casualties1
    • heavy losses1
    • heavy rain1
    • heavy traffic1
  15. (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight1
    • heavy hydrogen1
    • heavy water1
  16. of great intensity or power or force1
    • a heavy blow1
    • the fighting was heavy1
    • heavy seas1
  17. slow and laborious because of weight1
    • the heavy tread of tired troops1
  18. of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment1
    • heavy artillery1
    • heavy infantry1
    • a heavy cruiser1
    • heavy guns1
    • heavy industry involves large-scale production of basic products (such as steel) used by other industries1
  19. of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought1
    • heavy matters of state1
  20. given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors1
  21. full and loud and deep1
    • heavy sounds1
  22. prodigious1
    • heavy investor1
  23. made of fabric having considerable thickness1
    • a heavy coat1
  24. of relatively large extent and density1
    • a heavy line1
  25. permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter1
    • heavy fog1
  26. (of an actor or role) being or playing the villain1
    • Iago is the heavy role in `Othello'1
  27. slowly as if burdened by much weight1
    • time hung heavy on their hands1
  28. a serious (or tragic) role in a play1
  29. an actor who plays villainous roles1

Wiktionary: heavy

  1. having great weight

Cross Translation:
heavy tung looiig — van groot gewicht
heavy tung zwaar — van groot gewicht
heavy blytung bleischwer — sehr schwer, besonders schwer (in Anspielung auf das Schwermetall Blei)
heavy klumpig; grov klobig — in der Form eines Kloben, grob gestaltet
heavy tung schwer — ein hohes Gewicht besitzend
heavy arbetsam; mödosam; besvärlig laborieux — Qui travaille beaucoup, qui aime le travail.
heavy tung; viktig lourd — Dont le poids est élevé (sens général)
heavy pinsam; smärtsam pénible — Qui se fait avec peine, qui donne de la peine, de la fatigue.

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Traducciones relacionadas de heavier