
Traducciones detalladas de opening de inglés a sueco


opening [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the opening (commencement; beginning; start; outset)
  2. the opening (cleft; gap; cavity; )
    hål; urringning; vrå; skreva; hålighet; klyvning; springe
  3. the opening (cranny; fissure; crevice; recess; space)
    springa; spricka; skreva; vrå
  4. the opening (disclosure; dilatation)
    avslöjande; yppande
  5. the opening
  6. the opening (hole in the ice)
  7. the opening (unlocking)
    låsa upp
  8. the opening (area of distribution; consuming market; market)

Translation Matrix for opening:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
avslöjande dilatation; disclosure; opening disclosure; discovery; exposure; revelation; surprising discovery; unmasking; unveiling
början beginning; commencement; opening; outset; start beginning; initial stage
distributionsområde area of distribution; consuming market; market; opening
hål cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving cavity; compartment; hole; hollow; leak; leakage; mine; niche; perforation; pit; punch-mark; puncture
hål i isen hole in the ice; opening
hålighet cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving cavity; compartment; emptyness; hole; hollow; hollowness; niche; socket
införande establishment; founding
klyvning cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving split
låsa upp opening; unlocking
skreva cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; recess; saving; space canyon; cleft; fissure; gorge; ravine
spricka cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space cleft; crack; cracking; crash; fissure; flaw; gap; rupture
springa cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space cleft; crack; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench
springe cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving
urringning cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving décolleté
vrå cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; recess; saving; space alcove; angle; corner; hook; niche; nook
yppande dilatation; disclosure; opening disclosure; discovery; surprising discovery
öppning opening cavity; headroom; headway; hole; hollow; porthole
- chess opening; curtain raising; first step; gap; hatchway; initiative; opening move; opening night; orifice; porta; possibility; possible action; scuttle
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
låsa upp open; open up; unbolt; unlock
spricka burst; chop; chop into small pieces; chop up; cleave; crack; cut open; shatter; split; split open
springa race; run; rush; scamper; sprint
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
inledande introductory; opening
upplåtande opening
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
införande introductory; opening; preceding; preliminary
införandet introductory; opening; preceding; preliminary

Palabras relacionadas con "opening":

Sinónimos de "opening":

Antónimos de "opening":

Definiciones relacionadas de "opening":

  1. first or beginning1
    • the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth1
    • the play's opening scene1
  2. the first of a series of actions1
  3. the act of opening something1
    • the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door1
  4. becoming open or being made open1
    • the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for1
  5. a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess1
  6. an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship1
  7. a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made1
    • they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door1
  8. an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity1
  9. a possible alternative1
  10. the initial part of the introduction1
    • the opening established the basic theme1
  11. the first performance (as of a theatrical production)1
    • the opening received good critical reviews1
  12. a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise1
  13. an open or empty space in or between things1
    • there was a small opening between the trees1
  14. opportunity especially for employment or promotion1
    • there is an opening in the sales department1

Wiktionary: opening

  1. first few moves in a game of chess

Cross Translation:
opening instoppning Einwurf — Einwerfen eines Gegenstandes in eine dafür vorgesehene Öffnung
opening öppning EröffnungSchach: die ersten sechs (bis 12 oder 15) Züge einer Schachpartie
opening intro Intro — kurze, thematisch angepasste Einleitung in ein Unterhaltungswerk oder -programm
opening öppning Öffnung — nicht verschlossener Bereich eines Gegenstandes
opening uppkorkande débouchage — Action de déboucher.

opening forma de open:

open adj.

  1. open
  2. open (approachable; accessible; amenable; frank)
  3. open (not closed)
  4. open (frank; sincere; straight; )
    öppen; rakt; rak; ärligt; öppet; frankt
  5. open (upright; honest; sincere; )
  6. open (straight ahead; frank; straight on)
  7. open (straightforward; straight; freely; frank)
  8. open (uncovered; outdoor)
  9. open (uncovered; bare)
    öppen; öppet
  10. open
    – Pertaining to the status assigned to records in the system that are in progress. 2

to open verbo (opens, opened, opening)

  1. to open (open up; unlock)
    • öppna verbo (öppnar, öppnade, öppnat)
  2. to open (introduce; start)
    introducera; presentera
    • introducera verbo (introducerar, introducerade, introducerat)
    • presentera verbo (presenterar, presenterade, presenterat)
  3. to open (turn on; open up; unscrew; unlock)
    öppna; sätta på; skruva på; vrida på
    • öppna verbo (öppnar, öppnade, öppnat)
    • sätta på verbo (sätter på, satte på, satt på)
    • skruva på verbo (skruvar på, skruvade på, skruvat på)
    • vrida på verbo (vrider på, vred på, vridit på)
  4. to open (herald; ring in; start; begin)
    proklamera; inleda; förebåda; förkunna
    • proklamera verbo (proklamerar, proklamerade, proklamerat)
    • inleda verbo (inledar, inledade, inledat)
    • förebåda verbo (förebådar, förebådade, förebådat)
    • förkunna verbo (förkunnar, förkunnade, förkunnat)
  5. to open (unbolt; unlock; open up)
    öppna; låsa upp
    • öppna verbo (öppnar, öppnade, öppnat)
    • låsa upp verbo (låser upp, låste upp, låst upp)
  6. to open (unfold)
    utveckla; breda ut; veckla ut
  7. to open (commence; begin; start; )
    börja; begynna
    • börja verbo (börjar, började, börjat)
    • begynna verbo (begynnar, begynnade, begynnat)
  8. to open (come open)
    öppnas; öppna sig
    • öppnas verbo (öppnar, öppnade, öppnat)
    • öppna sig verbo (öppnar sig, öppnade sig, öppnat sig)

Conjugaciones de open:

  1. open
  2. open
  3. opens
  4. open
  5. open
  6. open
simple past
  1. opened
  2. opened
  3. opened
  4. opened
  5. opened
  6. opened
present perfect
  1. have opened
  2. have opened
  3. has opened
  4. have opened
  5. have opened
  6. have opened
past continuous
  1. was opening
  2. were opening
  3. was opening
  4. were opening
  5. were opening
  6. were opening
  1. shall open
  2. will open
  3. will open
  4. shall open
  5. will open
  6. will open
continuous present
  1. am opening
  2. are opening
  3. is opening
  4. are opening
  5. are opening
  6. are opening
  1. be opened
  2. be opened
  3. be opened
  4. be opened
  5. be opened
  6. be opened
  1. open!
  2. let's open!
  3. opened
  4. opening
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

open [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the open

Translation Matrix for open:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
börja beginning; raising; starting; striking up
låsa upp opening; unlocking
spelrum open gambling-room; margin
- clear; open air; out-of-doors; outdoors; surface
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
begynna be off; begin; break into; commence; get under way; open; start; take off begin; commence; set in motion; set up; start; start to; strike up; take off; take on; undertake
breda ut open; unfold fold out; spread; spread out; unfold
börja be off; begin; break into; commence; get under way; open; start; take off be off; begin; commence; get started; get under way; set in; set in motion; set up; start; start to; start to work; strike up; take off; take on; undertake
förebåda begin; herald; open; ring in; start
förkunna begin; herald; open; ring in; start announce; declare; declare names; expound; inform; proclaim; state
inleda begin; herald; open; ring in; start lead in; show in; usher in
introducera introduce; open; start bring forward; bring in; initiate; introduce; nominate; prepare; present; propose; put in; raise
låsa upp open; open up; unbolt; unlock
presentera introduce; open; start bring forward; introduce; offer; present; show
proklamera begin; herald; open; ring in; start announce; call; declare; expound; give notice of; proclaim; state
skruva på open; open up; turn on; unlock; unscrew
sätta på open; open up; turn on; unlock; unscrew put on
utveckla open; unfold cultivate; develop; evolve; fabricate; grow; increase; make ready for construction; unfold
veckla ut open; unfold develop; unfold; unfurl; unroll; unwind
vrida på open; open up; turn on; unlock; unscrew
öppna get undone; open; open up; throw open; turn on; unbolt; undo; unlock; unscrew disconnect; get open; let open; loosen; screw off; screw open; unfold; unfurl; unroll; unscrew; unwind
öppna sig come open; open
öppnas come open; open
- afford; give; open up; spread; spread out; unfold
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
öppen bare; fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward; true; uncovered; upright blunt; crude; explicit; frank; honest; opened; opened up; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward; unlocked
- assailable; candid; capable; clear; exposed; heart-to-heart; loose; opened; overt; receptive; subject; undecided; undefendable; undefended; undetermined; unfastened; unresolved
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
upplåta open
uppsluppen open; ripped open
ärligt to be quite honest with you
öppet openly
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
frank frank; freely; open; straight; straightforward
frankt fair; frank; freely; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward
inte övertäckt open; outdoor; uncovered
rak fair; frank; freely; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward candid; class; direct; frank; frontal; honest; straight; unabashed; uninhibited
rakt fair; frank; freely; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward candid; class; direct; frank; frontal; honest; straight; unabashed; uninhibited
rättfram frank; freely; open; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward
rättframt frank; freely; open; straight; straightforward
uppriktig fair; frank; honest; open; sincere; straight ahead; straight on; true; upright blunt; clever; crude; explicit; frank; frankly; genuine; incorruptible; ingenious; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; resourceful; serious; sincere; square; straight; straightforward; unconcealed; undiscussed; upright
uppriktigt fair; frank; honest; open; sincere; true; upright blunt; crude; explicit; frank; frankly; heart-felt; incorruptible; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward; unconcealed; undiscussed; upright
ärligt fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward; true; upright candid; clean; decent; direct; earnest; fair; frank; frontal; genuine; good; grave; heartfelt; honest; reputable; respectable; right; serious; severe; sincere; sporting; straight; unabashed; uninhibited; upright; virtuous; well-behaved; worthy
åtkomlig accessible; amenable; approachable; frank; open
åtkomligt accessible; amenable; approachable; frank; open
öppent open
öppet bare; fair; frank; freely; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward; true; uncovered; upright explicit; frank; frankly; honest; opened; opened up; openly; outspoken; straight; straightforward; unconcealed; unlocked
öppnad not closed; open opened; opened up; unlocked
öppnat not closed; open opened; opened up; unlocked

Palabras relacionadas con "open":

Sinónimos de "open":

Antónimos de "open":

Definiciones relacionadas de "open":

  1. ready for business1
    • the stores are open1
  2. not having been filled1
    • the job is still open1
  3. openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness1
    • an open and trusting nature1
  4. without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition1
    • the clarity and resonance of an open tone1
    • her natural and open response1
  5. affording free passage or view1
    • open waters1
    • the open countryside1
  6. affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed1
    • an open door1
    • they left the door open1
  7. affording free passage or access1
    • open drains1
    • the road is open to traffic1
    • open ranks1
  8. used of mouth or eyes1
    • keep your eyes open1
  9. having no protecting cover or enclosure1
    • an open boat1
    • an open fire1
    • open sports cars1
  10. (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints1
  11. open and observable; not secret or hidden1
    • open ballots1
  12. open to or in view of all1
    • an open protest1
    • an open letter to the editor1
  13. with no protection or shield1
    • open to the weather1
    • an open wound1
  14. ready or willing to receive favorably1
  15. accessible to all1
    • open season1
    • an open economy1
  16. not sealed or having been unsealed1
    • the letter was already open1
  17. not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought1
    • an open question1
  18. (of textures) full of small openings or gaps1
    • an open texture1
  19. possibly accepting or permitting1
    • open to interpretation1
    • an issue open to question1
  20. not requiring union membership1
    • an open shop employs nonunion workers1
  21. not defended or capable of being defended1
    • an open city1
    • open to attack1
  22. information that has become public1
    • all the reports were out in the open1
  23. a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play1
  24. where the air is unconfined1
    • camping in the open1
  25. a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water1
    • finally broke out of the forest into the open1
  26. make available1
    • This opens up new possibilities1
  27. become available1
    • an opportunity opened up1
  28. make the opening move1
    • Kasparov opened with a standard opening1
  29. cause to open or to become open1
    • Mary opened the car door1
  30. become open1
    • The door opened1
  31. spread out or open from a closed or folded state1
    • open the map1
  32. display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer1
  33. afford access to1
    • the door opens to the patio1
  34. begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.1
    • He opened the meeting with a long speech1
  35. start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning1
    • open a business1
  36. have an opening or passage or outlet1
    • The bedrooms open into the hall1
  37. Pertaining to the status assigned to records in the system that are in progress.2

Wiktionary: open

  1. to become open
  2. to start (a campaign)
  3. to make accessible to customers
  4. to make something accessible
  5. to bring up (a topic)
  6. to begin conducting business
  1. public
  2. receptive
  3. prepared to conduct business
  4. not closed

Cross Translation:
open stängd aufundeklinierbar: umgangssprachlich für „offen“
open bryta upp aufbrechen — (transitiv) metaphorisch: lockern, lösen, etwas loswerden, alte Strukturen aufbrechen
open bryta upp aufbrechen — (transitiv) öffnen, aufmachen, analysieren; auch trennen, teilen, zerteilen (oftmals im destruktiven Sinne)
open gå upp aufbrechen — (intransitiv) bersten
open skruva upp aufdrehentransitiv: mit einem Regler nach oben schalten
open gå upp aufgehen — sich öffnen
open öppna aufmachenöffnen
open öppna eröffnen — etwas öffentlich zugänglich machen, für Publikum aufmachen
open öppen offen — nicht geschlossen
open öppna öffnen — etwas aufmachen; offen machen
open rymlig; vid; omfångsrik ample — Qui dépasser en largeur et en longueur la mesure ordinaire.
open rymlig; vid; omfångsrik large — Qualifie un corps considérer dans l’extension qu’il a d’un de ses côtés à l’autre, lorsqu'on parle de sa plus petite longueur, par opposition à long.
open öppen ouvert — Qui n’est pas fermé.
open öppna; slå upp ouvrir — Faire que ce qui était clos ne le soit plus.
open rymlig; vid; omfångsrik étendugrand, large, vaste.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de opening